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Family Notification in Seven Quick and Easy Steps
The Seven Steps to Successful Notification is an easy-to-use system based on time-tested tools successfully used by hospitals nationwide. It provides your hospital staff with all of the steps necessary to: ? Identify and locate your unconscious patient's next of kin or surrogate decision maker. ? Improve patient care by locating your patient's medical history, personal physician, and insurance information. ? Provide the facility with a documentation of the steps taken to find the patient's next of kin, to make the notification, and identify the staff members responsible for making it, thereby releasing you from subsequent liability. ? In states with Next of Kin Statutes, provides proof that the facility has met its statutory responsibility. Let's see the seven steps in action, through the eyes of the nurse manager of Care Central's Trauma Unit, Carolee Cummins. Carolee comes on duty this morning just as a hit and run is pulling up at the emergency bay. She meets the gurney and runs along side, paying rapt attention to the paramedic's bullet, while she and her staff do their own evaluation. The paramedic's last comment stops her cold. This pretty thirtysomething, woman who is in grave danger of bleeding out, has no identification with her. Carolee starts a John Doe chart for her patient and turns her attention back to the trauma. 1) Patient Status Confirmed When a patient like this comes in, Carolee is glad that she and her team use the Seven Steps System. She looks down at her chart page and begins the notification process right in the trauma room, by answering the first question. Is the patient unconscious or physically unable to give informed consent? Had her patient been alert and oriented, she would simply have checked the box marked no, skipped the notification section on the chart and proceeded as usual. After the team confirms that the patient is unresponsive to everything but deep pain, Carolee checks "yes" and asks one of the aides to check the waiting room to see if any family members came in with their patient. "No", the aide confirms, "she came in alone". And so the notification and documentation procedure begins. 2) Examine Personal Effects For Emergency Contact Numbers When Care Central began to use the Seven Steps, they appointed the nurse manager on duty, as the point person for NOK notifications. So as point person, Carolee begins to look for the young woman's emergency contact numbers or clues to those numbers, by examining her personal effects. Most of the time, Carolee finds the emergency information quite easily, right in her patient's wallet, on a driver's license, emergency contact cards, insurance cards or personal phone books. When she finds what she's looking for, Carolee documents on the chart that the contact has been found, and skips down to Step 5. In this case her search only takes a moment ? the only thing the woman had with her were her house keys. If she had a wallet or a purse, it was destroyed in the accident. Carolee goes through the pockets of her patient's jogging shorts and finds one small clue to her identity ? a few message blanks from work that she must have stuffed in her pocket to take care of later. They're all made out to Katherine McCauley. Progress. If Step 2 had turned up nothing and her patient had still been a Jane Doe, Carolee would have skipped down to Step 7, involving Social Service in her search. But since Carolee's patient now has a name, she goes directly to Step 3. 3) Retrieve Patient's Home Number Now she'll have to get a bit more creative. As Katherine found out the hard way, life can present major challenges for patients, not to mention an emergency department staff. A quick run to the store without taking your ID, interrupted by a sudden heart attack, can put even the most conscientious person into jeopardy. In upcoming sections of this Kit, you'll find details on traditional and untraditional ways of find that contact information quickly and easily. But for now Carolee, goes through her mental checklist of ways she's found contact information in the past: checking the speed dial of a patient's cell phone for numbers labeled "home" or "work"; the contact pages of a Filofax, or the address book of a PDA. Even a briefcase can contain a patient's business card, or a company letterhead on documents. If Carolee had found a home number or an emergency contact on any of these items, she would have gone right to Step 5. Since Katherine has none of these things with her, Carolee documents that fact and proceeds to Step 4. 4) Seek Other Sources For Contact Information Carolee almost never gets to this section, but when she does, she knows it's time to crank her investigative skills into high gear! Since she knows her patient's name, her next step will take her to the hospital's medical records department. Chances are, if Katherine lives in the area, this probably isn't her first visit to Care Central. Even if the old records don't include the patient's next of kin or surrogate decision maker, Carolee will be able to get it, by phoning Katherine's home number, physician or insurer. If Carolee still hadn't been able to find information on her patient, she would have gone directly to Step 7 and turned the investigation over to Social Service or to the police (depending on her facility's policy). But Carolee quickly locates Katherine's name on a year old chart, when she was admitted for the birth of her son. Success! Now on to Step 5. 5) Oversee Or Make The Notification Call Normally, Carolee would turn the actual notification phone call over to one of her RNs. But she's so invested in Katherine at this point, that she places the notification call to Katherine's home herself. Since her first priority is notifying the patient's next of kin or surrogate decision maker, her aim is to get a hold of the right person as soon as possible. She is disappointed to hear the answering machine pick up. Carolee hates doing a notification this way. She leaves a message for Katherine's husband, hoping that he'll pick it up quickly. Many times the only person Carolee has been able to reach is a relative or friend, so she is always careful to document the name and relationship of any person she talks to. Occasionally the only information she finds is the patient's family physician or insurance company. In that case she makes sure they know that she needs to speak with the family ASAP and then follows up within an hour or so. Carolee has learned the hard way, never to assume that a third party is going to take care of a notification. Since Care Central is the facility treating the patient and is the one in need of medical history to give Katherine the best care possible, it's Care Central's responsibility to make sure the notification takes place. Even though Care Central's responsibility is technically met the moment Carolee left the message for Katherine's husband, she feels that it's a good practice to follow up with another phone call if Katherine's husband doesn't arrive or return the hospital's phone call within the next two hours. She documents the results, initials that the section is complete and notes the time that the call occurred. The entire process has taken Carolee less than ten minutes, and by using Care Central's special chart page, Carolee's hospital now has a documented account of her efforts. If her patient or her patient's family were ever to question that notification was attempted, the hospital will be able to prove that their regulations were properly followed. 6) Need To Follow Up? Recall Main Contact Or Second Number Answering machines and voice mail are wonderful and no one can imagine life without them ? unless it's an emergency and you can't get a hold of the person you need to speak with! Two hours later, the husband still hasn't arrived and Katherine's condition is worsening. Doctors are wondering if she has an undetermined, underlying condition that is keeping her BP from stabilizing despite their efforts. Carolee quickly proceeds to Step 6. Carolee found Katherine's work number on the old chart, but before she tries it, she redials the home number. A breathless Scott answers. Only minutes before, he'd forgotten an important brief and ran back home to get it, allowing him to pick up Carolee's message. A short while later, he arrives at the hospital and fills the trauma team in on his wife's medical history. Changes in her treatment are immediately made and hours later, Katherine, now alert and stable, is on her way to a full recovery. Had Carolee not been able to reach anyone at Katherine's home, she would have called the second number, then documented the results on the chart, with the time and her initials. If she still hadn't been able to reach anyone in person or if the relative hadn't shown up at the facility, she would have noted that on the chart and proceeded to Step 7. 7) Shift To Social Service Or Police Every once in a while, despite Carolee's best efforts, she has to shift her notification efforts to social service. Even so, she has met the hospital's legal responsibility by making reasonable efforts to notify her patient's next of kin. The bad news is that her patient still needs intervention. By shifting the notification process over to her social service department or to the police, Carolee is confident that everything possible will be done to find her patient's family. In upcoming sections, you'll find tips and tools to help you deal with identifying Jane/John Does and handling the effort quickly and easily. For a free copy of the complete Seven Steps to Successful Notification System, in PDF download format, visit the Next of Kin Education Project web site. A sample version of the form is also available on our web site, along with forms you can purchase to use in your own facility. Along with the Information Kit, we've created patient chart pages and notification worksheets using the Seven Steps, that you can purchase and customize to use as part of your own charting system. You'll find them on the NOKEP web site along with reminder products like mouse pads, posters and coffee mugs, to keep the Seven Steps at your staff's fingertips. Laura Greenwald, CEO/The Next of Kin Education Project nokepinfokit@juno.com The Seven Steps Information Kit can be downloaded free of charge at http://clik.to/7steps The Reminder Products can be purchased at our NOKEP store http://www.cafeshops.com/7steps
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Utah Drug Rehab: Searching For A Therapist Finding the right treatment for any person suffering with a drug abuse problem can be a difficult task - where do you start, how do you know what to look for, how do I find a good therapist or treatment center in my area? Thankfully, there are many resources to help you find the help that you or a loved one need - here are some tips to help you locate Utah drug rehab help. Questions to Your Physician or Psychotherapist According to ongoing research about the needs of patients with emotional problems misinformation or shame to speak about the problem with the doctor or psychotherapist is a major limitation to treatment success. However, transparency, good information and participation in the course of the therapy is the most important factor for a lasting positive result. Maybe the following list of the most relevant questions might help you to get good information about your personal somatic or psychological problems, diagnosis and treatment options. Emotional Effects of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Irritable bowel syndrome sufferers often find that they have to deal with two sets of symptoms. The physical symptoms of diarrhea, constipation and pain form the main part of IBS, but sufferers may also develop emotional problems such as mild or moderate depression and anxiety because of the strain that IBS places on their lives. The Arthritis Pain Reliever... A New Program That Just Might Make You Younger! For years, it's been known that regular daily exercise is one of the most important activities that people can engage in to promote good health. How to Find a Drug Rehab in Florida? When you're in need, the quickest way is the best: if you put "drug rehab in Florida" in your search engine, the first page it finds will be the right one. There you'll find all the information you need, including addresses, contact information as well as some number and explanations to how they are going to help drug addicts. Finding the Medical Supplies you need! It's now possible to locate and purchase a wide variety of Medical Supplies on the internet. Whether you're looking for Medical Supplies for your medical practice or your looking for home health care needs, just about anything can be found through searching online. Are Drug Companies Destroying The U.S. Health Care System? The U.S. government's annual bill for healthcare spending ? $3,925 per person ? significantly exceeds that of all other nations. Despite this, our current health care system is increasingly failing both patients and medical practitioners. Of 13 nations, the U.S. is last for neonatal and infant mortality, last for years of potential life lost, 10th for age-adjusted mortality, 11th and 12th for female and male life expectancy respectively. Chronic degenerative diseases ? heart disease, cancer, arthritis, obesity, etc. ? are at epidemic levels and create the ideal long-term customers to grow the medical industry. Chicago Drug Rehab: Long Term Help For a Real Recovery The central location of the city of Chicago has made it a hub for the distribution of drugs in the Midwest, though much of the problem remains upon the city's streets. The use of crack cocaine is the city's biggest drug problem - since 1990, admissions to Chicago drug rehab for the treatment of this drug have more than doubled. The use of heroin has also increased in recent years, meaning that the drug rehab system now has to work harder than ever before. UltraCET: The Dynamic Duo Of Prescription Pain Control Medications Remember the last time you stubbed your toe? OUCH! It's painful. But a stubbed toe usually doesn't send us running to the medicine cabinet, since we know that the pain will pass within a few minutes. Watch Out for Misleading Pharmaceutical Advertising In 1997, the Food and Drug Administration relaxed the rules for drug advertising on television and radio. Since that time, the airwaves have been flooded with commercials for all sorts of drugs. Some of them are vague, with a simple "Ask your doctor if drug x is right for you"; others spell out what the drug is used for and devote the commercial to telling you how much you will appreciate your product. Most consumers will probably assume that these commercials are honest, that the drugs will do what the ads say they will do, and that there are no side effects other than those mentioned in the ad. That may not be true, and consumers should be aware that the ads may not tell the whole story, and that they may be misleading.The pharmaceutical industry spends $9 billion per year advertising their products, and the money they spend on television and radio ads is probably the most effective. Doctors may be skeptical of a product touted by a salesman, but consumers are easily swayed by television ads that show people living happy, productive lives while being treated for an ailment using the advertised product. Unfortunately, these ads may not be completely honest. In 2004, the FDA investigated thirty-six ads for drugs that the agency found to be misleading or incomplete in their descriptions of side effects. Consumers might think that the commercials must be honest, since the FDA wouldn't allow dishonest commercials to air. Unfortunately, that's not the case. The FDA does not require pharmaceutical companies to provide screening copies of their advertisements prior to airing. The FDA doesn't actually see the ads until the consumers do. Several months may pass before the FDA takes action. In the case of misleading advertising, the most the FDA can usually do is ask the companies to either stop running the ads or to change them. These requests aren't always timely, however. In the last five years, the FDA has asked the drug companies to stop running several ads that had already stopped running!What this means for consumers is that some doubt should be exercised while viewing a commercial for a new drug. If you think an advertised product may be useful to you, discuss it with your physician, but ask if they know of any problems associated with the product. Research the product on the Internet. When your health is at stake, a little caution may be a good idea. Resperate or RESPeRATE - this device controls blood pressure however you spell it! Resperate is natural and powerful and it puts you in control of your blood pressure. Exposing the Miracle Cure It was Saturday morning and while I was making breakfast, letting the cats outside, and watering my half-dead plants, I had the TV on. Saturday morning TV is usually composed of nothing but infomercials and today was no different. Oral Chelation ? Is It Better Than Intravenous Chelation? Intravenous Chelation was the most common practice until a few years back; however, with the introduction of oral chelation it became the preferred choice of most patients and doctors. There were a number of contributing factors to this shift of choice, the prime aspect being the cost factor. Though intravenous chelation would not cost you a fortune, still the cost will be way above the price of Oral Chelation. This initiated the use of oral chelation among the customers who were using intravenous chelation. Once they started using it on a regular basis the other benefits of oral chelation became more evident. Why Modern Medicine is the Greatest Threat to Health There is the underlying assumption that modernity translates into better health. A corollary of this logic is that we can live our lives pretty much as we want because we can always buy a repair. You know, the car won't start, the TV is broken, the telephone is dead ? no problem. Just call in an expert, spend some money and all is well. Treatment for High Blood Pressure The treatment of high blood pressure is one of the most important areas of modern medicine. Good quality care and blood pressure treatment can reduce the risk of death, the risk of stroke and the risk of heart attack or coronary disease. The British Hypertension Society produced guidelines in 2004. This is what they recommend. Treating Neuromas - Ten Tips A neuroma is an inflamed nerve. In the foot, the most common place for a neuroma is between the third and fourth toes. The main nerve to your foot originates in the spine and travels down the back of the leg to the bottom of the foot and out to the toes. When the nerve becomes irritated, electrical or burning pain shoots out to the toes when walking. The second, third and fourth toes can become numb. There can be a sensation of walking on a lamp cord or a lump. Removing the shoe and massaging the ball of the foot can bring relief. Increase Your Risk of Heart Disease With Lipitor and Pravachol Results of a new study comparing the effectiveness of Pfizer Inc.,'s Lipitor with Pravachol, made by Bristol-Myers Squibb, was recently published in the New York Times. The study details the clinical observation that Lipitor was significantly more effective than Pravachol in lowering patient's LDL cholesterol levels. However, the study did not comment on the overall effect that Statin drugs have on patient health, or the research that indicates Statins may actually increase your risk of heart disease and heart attack. Curing Lou Gehrigs Disease ALS is the disease that took the life of the famed baseball player. The disease benched Lou Gehrig from the game that he loved and later took his life. Now, ALS is referred to as the Lou Gehrig's disease. Today more than fifty years later there still is no cure for ALS. ALS is a motor neuron disease. ALS stands for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. The disease attacks nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. It attacks a persons muscles one at a time. Not unlike being tortured. Sadly there is no cure and no viable treatment. Emollients and Lubricant Drugstore Laxatives Stool Softener Laxatives - Emollients Defective Heart Defibrillators Recalled by Guidant Corporation On June17, 2005 Guidant Corporation recalled close to 50,000 heart defibrillators worldwide because of potential malfunctions that could cause injury or death. This recall comes in the wake of two recent deaths among patients who were implanted with Guidant defibrillators. It is believed that Guidant Corporation failed to inform doctors and patients that the defibrillators contained a defect that could cause them to short-circuit. ![]() |
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