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Parapsychology: Harnessing Your Etheric Energy
It is an unfortunate reality that society has inadvertently categorized the natural abilities associated with bio-etheric energy as a form of entertainment. Classifying skills such as precognitive event recognition alongside amusement attractions such as stage illusion have undermined the acknowledgement of etheric energy itself, impeding the acceptance of a wide spectrum of very natural, very real capabilities. Why, then, are etheric-related abilities seemingly so rare? The answer is multidimensional. Identifying Your Etheric Energy All human beings have the ability to recognize, embrace, and utilize their bio-etheric energy, or the energy produced and emitted by all living organisms. Once harnessed, bio-etheric energy can allow a being to: * Gain a broader, deeper perception of physical and/or emotional surroundings * Achieve greater use of the brain's traditional and extra-sensory functions * Increase knowledge absorption by participating in conscious bio-etheric energy exchange * Attain a working knowledge of etheric-related capabilities such as precognitive event recognition The easiest analogy to recognizing etheric energy is that of electricity. Had mankind never harnessed the natural phenomena of electrical current, entire civilizations would have evolved in the absence of telephones, computers, televisions, and an array of other technologies that now seem second nature in our daily lives. Though a closely integrated element of both individual and collective existence, bio-etheric energy and its uses have only begun to be identified and embraced by society. As we seek to become fully acquainted with this energy type, a new, yet common understanding of etheric energy and its properties has presented itself: the energy exists, and the ultimate question is how to make complete use of it. Harnessing the Intangible In seeking to gain a working comprehension of bio-etheric energy, one must be willing to adapt a new dimension of faith, both in self and in the Universe. Faith is a plain transition between the physical, and the etheric; the tangible, and intangible. In bridging the gap between science and the unexplained, faith allows for confident progression into new endeavors to gain additional understanding of the mind and body. Because mastering the properties of bio-etheric energy includes the development of abilities or metaphysical advantages often regarded by society as paranormal, spontaneous occurrences of precognitive event recognition, remote viewing, telepathy, or other etheric-related abilities are commonly dismissed as subconscious "noise." This misnomer can be attributed to the school of psychology, whereas the science of bio-etheric energy and its related properties are based in the field of physics. From a physics perspective, bio-etheric energy can participate in the transfer or exchange of particle energy with other bio-etheric bearing life forms through an exchange of nanophotons, or energy particles smaller than that of ordinary photons. In theory, nanophotons have the capacity to pass through solid matter and travel at speeds significantly greater than the speed of light, and are capable of transportation between predefined destinations through the fabric of space-time. The smallest building blocks of existence, nanophotons allow for the exchange of "information" between beings capable of utilizing the neural receptors responsible for decoding bio-etheric energy. Brain Training Harnessing bio-etheric energy and related abilities requires a focused effort to flex and exercise the frontal lobes, or the region of the brain associated with bio-etheric activity and interpretation. This "training" is similar to the efforts necessary to acquire control over equilibrium and motor functions when learning to walk. Later in life, frontal lobe development is analogous to learning to write with the opposite hand. Although a challenging task requiring determined effort, exercising the frontal lobes is necessary to stimulate the neural receptors responsible for interpreting bio-etheric energy. There are a number of exercises designed for frontal lobe development, both basic and advanced, many of which are available on the Internet or in related texts. While most of these activities can be performed anywhere with little preparation, a quiet, comfortable atmosphere will provide the maximum result from each training session. Frontal lobe exercises, such as meditation and memory retention activities, and even simplistic biochemical enhancements such as brainwave stimulators or incense will effectively stimulate the synaptic pathways and neural regions associated with etheric energy interpretation. What to Expect Increased stimulation of the frontal lobes will promote spontaneous etheric response. Contrary to preconceived opinion held by some individuals who have yet to achieve a strong working knowledge of the energy, increased etheric control will compliment, rather than complicate, traditional thought processes and mental activities, both voluntarily and involuntarily. A few results of increased etheric control include: * Knowledge is retrieved with greater accuracy and speed, with less effort * Increased empathic ability, allowing for more precise interpretation of others' emotions, intentions and honesty * Advanced sense of self (right and wrong, patience, will power) * Expanded problem-solving abilities, creativity, and cognitive comprehension skills Recognizing the emotional and physical responses associated with controlled etheric activity will allow for increased control of bio-etheric abilities, long-term. Interpretation of etheric information has a distinct, unique flavor as compared to internal dialogue or imagination. Differentiation between these independent streams of neurological feedback will improve as focus on etheric activity improves. It is important to note that abilities and skills associated of increased etheric control are not limited to more commonly discussed processes such as precognitive event recognition, remote viewing, or even telepathy. Just as advances in modern technology resulted from an increased understanding of the application of electricity, advanced etheric control will present new applications of the control to existing functions. As you begin a program for increasing bio-etheric control, write down your etheric-related experiences as they become evident to you. Your abilities and their accuracy will notably increase over time. Recording your progress will provide tangible benchmarks for charting progressive development. Advanced Techniques Those with an existing or advanced comprehension of etheric energy will benefit most from direct employment of related abilities to maximize and increase identified potential. Recommended exercises for individuals with developed or expanded bio-etheric control include: * Target- or beacon-based Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) sessions * Precognitive forecasting activities, such as previewing playing card colors, suits, and numbers * Precognitive event recognition * Telepathy between parties with equal or greater skill Both independently and as a collective, as we begin to explore and cultivate a complete understanding of bio-etheric energy, the potential for application of this energy to civilization is virtually limitless. Like any skill, development of etheric energy control requires a disciplined, focused effort to achieve notable results. Accomplishment of a thorough familiarity with bio-etheric energy and its purposes may enrich mankind in ways yet to be considered. Jim D. Ray is a parapsychologist with a diverse background in multiple subject concentrations, including business, psychology and parapsychology, physics, criminal justice, philosophy, education, internet technology, and vocal performance arts. Jim can be reached by e-mail at: jray@web-presence.net
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Meditating - Staying Awake Why is staying awake while meditating important? Falling asleep is certainly relaxing, and can be good for you, but to get the full range of benefits from your meditation you need to have your brainwaves in the alpha and theta ranges. When you are asleep, your brainwaves range from theta to delta. Meditation should be a state of relaxed alertness (primarily alpha brainwaves). Try the following tips to stay awake. Cultivate a Positive Mind-Set Through Meditation You have the ability to create your own mind-set. Whether your attitude is positive or negative, is up to you. The ability to change your environment, circle of friends, and attitude, is within your control. Meditate with Mindful Breathing Breathing in, I calm my body. Breathing out, I smile. Dwelling in the present moment, I know this is a wonderful moment! A Look at Meditation I've counseled many people from every background and led workshops and lectures about self-empowering topics for about 25 years. Over that time, I saw a need. Everyone was searching. What they were looking for was unclear, many times. But the search was on. While I could meet many of their immediate needs, through counseling, they still needed a source, or connection with who they really were. Meditation - What is It Good for Anyway? Meditation is an age old healing and stress relieving modality practiced throughout the world, in virtually all cultures and all religions, although it may go by different names - prayer, visualization, relaxation techniques, and hypnosis; they are all forms of the same practice. Scientific Research on Transcendental Meditation (TM) Scientific research has shown that the most beneficial meditation technique is Transcendental Meditation (TM). The striking reduction of stress and anxiety caused by TM are 3 times greater than the effect caused by most meditation and relaxation techniques. Meditation Is Not Just for Men with White Beards What kind of picture comes to mind when someone mention the word "meditation?" Meditation also Gave Me Something else Some of the greatest benefits for me have been my ability to tap into 'my well of inner peace' whenever I need to, my connection with, and to, spirit, achievement of greater clarity and balance at the end of each session, and overall wellbeing. Meditation also gave me something else. A Forty-Five-Second Meditation Is Meditation Too Much Time And Trouble? What Does Meditation Music Do To You? Personally I belief that it is possible for anyone to live a life of happiness,inner peace, and outward success, no matter what their present or past circumstances. Meditation: Time to Stop & Listen As a co-active coach, one of the underlying principles that I subscribe to is that everyone has their own answers within. Most of what I do as a coach is to give people the time, space and permission to find these answers (and sometimes I provide a question or two to get things going). Stress: Guilty As Charged How To Defend Yourself Body Talk ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Mastery Through Meditation Are you still looking? For Love? Self-Worth? To know, truly KNOW, that you are of value to others and the Universe as a whole? A One Minute Meditation Maybe learning to meditate intimidates you, and in any case it's tough to find the time for daily meditation. The solution to both problems is an easy meditation you can learn right now, that will only take a minute to do each day. A Hypnosis Cd - Getting the Most from Them You should treat the use of a hypnosis cd just like you use a tool. In other words, any tool has the potential to do a great job as long as it is used for its intended purpose. The message here is that a tool is only useful if it is used. Meditate to Unlock Your Hidden Potential ? Part 1 Meditation is often misunderstood by those who do not practice it. Very often, I hear meditation referred to as, "altered states of consciousness." That sounds more like intoxicants, rather than bringing clarity to a cluttered mind. Without going too deep into what meditation is, or is not, let's focus on one of the many things a daily meditation practice can do for you. Enlightenment through Meditation Helping the broadest range of people attain enlightenment through meditation is my lifelong preoccupation. I have more than 20 years of daily interaction with people helping them meditate and encouraging them to set high goals and use meditation as a tool for attaining inspiration, precious insights, enlightenment and other benefits that come along with it. In order to practice meditation, you need a pleasant quiet place where nobody is going to disturb you. Once you are comfortably seated, you can start with pranayama (rhythmic breathing exercise), followed by pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses from the outer world), thorough relaxation of the mind and senses, and finally relaxation of the physical body. By breathing rhythmically ? inhaling, holding the breath, and exhaling while following a simple pattern (4-16-8, for instance) ? you will accumulate prana, revitalize your life force, and new spiritual strength will come to you. During the pratyahara you will play the role of a neutral observer of your thoughts, with the ultimate aim of achieving a state of consciousness without any thoughts. In this way, the objective possibility of reaching the most inner part of your Being ? God in you ? is realized. This means that you can now start feeling the warmth in your heart, see the light which is present there, and experience the subtle energy of Divine love. Furthermore, you can become aware of the harmony of mind, heart, and will. Your devotion and relaxation can lead you into deeper levels of consciousness, into deeper meditation. You can turn your senses inward to further increase you awareness. Your meditation will start realizing its goals. This is the level of devotion where you can actually contact the source of inspiration, gain countless insights, and approach the possibility of enlightening your Being. It is the harmony of your mind, heart, and will, that brings you into Unity with the One. When you learn to be quiescent, when there are no thoughts and aspirations of any kind, you will find yourself out of your mental body, out of limitations, free in the consciousness of Unity. Only when your intentions diminish, when your mind becomes unoccupied, the enlightenment will start to show its magnificence. The sustained flow of attention will connect you to the endless reservoir of power, the source of knowledge and inspiration. When meditation occurs, love is its flavor. This love is your true nature. When the consciousness starts perceiving itself, it becomes pure consciousness. What resides is only the voiceless spirit of awareness whose meaning is I AM, I EXIST, I ENDURE. You should meditate every single day, if necessary two times a day. If some day you find yourself distressed, a simple exercise can help you. Light a candle and put it some 30 cm away, at the level of your eyes. Simply by gazing at the blue part of the candle's flame for 5 minutes, you can relax yourself. Your positive attitude, faith, calmness, and serenity can help. You should consciously develop love toward your meditation and meditativeness. The results will be in accord with your efforts, persistence and fortitude. There is not a single individual who can not succeed. There are only different kinds of obstacles with different people. Don't forget to consult your spiritual teacher, who is there to help you overcome your obstacles. The Mind is Like a Frisky Monkey People are often so discouraged about the results of their meditative efforts. Eenie, Meenie, Minie, Moe, With Which Meditation Should I Go? There are many different styles of meditation, so which one is right for you? ![]() |
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