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How To Meditate?
We are surrounded by negative forces like jealousy, hatred, fear, doubt, worry, despair, guilt, resentment, anger, pride hatred and anxiety. These are the dominating forces of the universe.We are constantly attacked by these negative forces day in and day out.The only medicine to fight this deadly disease is Meditation. Through Meditation we can get everlasting peace, that is what we know the "Divine Peace". To grow in light and to fulfill ourselves in light and purity we need to practice meditation regularly. What is actual Meditation? Meditation doesnot mean just sitting quietly for 15 to 20 minutes. It requires concentration. You have to calm and quieten your mind.It requires conscious effort. You have to free yourself from repetitive and unwanted thoughts that distract your attention. As you learn to calm your mind you feel a new creation is dawning inside of you. When your mind is vacant and tranquil your whole existence becomes an empty vessel. You will attract infinite peace, joy peace happiness. This is actual meditation. How many ways are their to Meditate? 1. Silence your mind. Once you do that you are in a position to please and Fulfill God. 2. The Second way to meditate is to empty your heart.Human heart is full of chaos and turmoil. As you empty your heart there is a Divine peace and harmony which will fill your heart. 3. The third thing is through prayer.Prayer is nothing but a communion between Spirit and Form.If you pray from your heart all your fears, doubts, sorrow, resentment and anxiety will be eliminated and joy, peace and tranquility will fill your heart. How to Meditate 1. First find a quiet place away from people and telephone. 2. Early morning is undoubtely the most powerful time to meditate. 3. Before you start meditating say to yourself 'I will be focused and calm'. 4. Have light music at the back ground if you like. 5. Using candles during meditation can improve your concentration. 6. Take shower or atleast wash you face before you meditate. 7. Meditate with the empty stomach.But if you feel hungry have a glass of juice or milk. 8. Aromas have been proven to be an effective means of entering a state of relaxation. 9. When you meditate keep your eyes half open. 10. When negative thoughts enter, donot force them out but simply let them pass away. Breathing Techniques 1. Keep your spine erect while you meditate 2. You can sit on the floor or you can sit comfortably on the chair. 3. Sit very relaxed. 4. Proper breathing is very important so make yourself comfortable. 5. Take a deep breathe and hold for a few seconds and then breathe out. 6. Feel the breath is coming directly from God, so that your breathe can be easily purified. 7. Each time you breathe feel that you are bringing infinite peace and happiness into your body. 8. When you breathe out feel that all the negative thoughts anger, hatted, fear, doubt, resentment, guilt, and anxiety are being expelled. 9. Repeat this morning and evening 20 minutes every day. 10. When bad thought comes to your mind say 'Today I am at peace'. I will not allow bad thoughts to enter into me. 11. When you breathe in hold for 6 seconds and breathe out. If you are on medication please consult your doctor before you start. The aim of meditation is to free yourself from all worries and unhappiness.All the negative thoughts attack your mind. The heart is much purer than the mind. Love, grace, mercy, peace, tranquility, affection are already there in the heart. Before you start Meditation 'Repeat Supreme'or Heavenly Father 400 times. By doing that your concentration will improve.It is almost a waste of time if you want to purify your mind because negative thoughts are always floating on the surface. So concentrate your attention towards your heart. It is already illuminated. It has all the good qualities you desire.So everytime when you are not able to control you mind please donot feel unhappy. But focus your attention towards your heart and within few seconds you will be able to meditate without any disturbance.Heart is like a fountain full of peace, joy and love. You can sit at the base of the fountain and enjoy it. So it is better to meditate in the heart than in the mind.From your mind you get inspiration and from your heart you get aspiration. How to Concentrate 1. Find a quiet place 2. Make a Black dot on the wall 3. Stand 20 inches away from it. 4. Concentrate on the dot. 5. Then Breathe in deep and breath out. 6. Feel that when you are breathing you breathe is actually coming from the dot and that the dot is also breathing in, getting its breathe from you. 7. Feel there are two persons. You and the dot. 8. Do it for 15 to 20 minutes every day before you start to meditate. 9. If you dont want to concentrate on the dot you can concentrate on counting your heart beat mentally. As you practice doing it for few weeks you can concentrate better. Also when you meditate negative thoughts will slow down and you will have full control over your mind. Winston Saga is one of the world's leading sales legends. He is also the CEO of Sales and Motivation International. Winston has been acknowledged as a unique and distinctive authority in the field of sales and personal development. Last year International Biography Centre selected him ''International Man of the Year'' for his outstanding contribution to sales and Service. He has written 100's of articles to magazine, journals and websites. Visit http://www.telesalestips.com to know more about the Author.
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Bhagavad Gita Commentary Most of us have heard the story of the centipede who, when asked how he managed to walk with so many legs, could no longer do so, but tangled his legs hopelessly in the attempt to intellectually figure it out and ended up on his back, helpless. This is not unlike the person who attempts to plumb the depths of oriental scriptures. Right away it becomes evident that they consist of incalculable layers, nearly all symbolic in nature. Furthermore, the meanings of the symbols are not consistent, changing according to the levels on which they occur. For example, on one level water symbolizes the mind, on another level the constant flux of samsara, and on another the subtle life-currents known as prana. This being the case, our Western linear mode of thought becomes as entangled and disabled as the fabled centipede. Knowing this to be so, I have decided to avoid the Lorelei of subtle symbolism and concentrate instead on the obviously practical side of Krishna teachings in the Bhagavad Gita. Having stated this, in complete consistency with oriental thought, I shall contradict myself and consider the symbolism encountered in the first chapter of the Gita. How To Meditate Without Even Trying I remember when I started trying to meditate. I would sit down, close my eyes, and try to be really calm (my definition of meditation at the time). That was hard: my head would burst with ideas, thoughts, solutions, problems? I would become agitated, and stopped generally after ten long minutes, if not less. It's during my short "meditations" that I felt less? meditative. The Relationship Between Meditation and Self-Analysis These are two very powerful tools for self-improvement, but how can you use them in harmony? For example: Self-analysis and meditation cannot be performed at the same time. After all, multi-tasking runs contrary to what meditation is all about. Quieting the Mind Opening the Heart To put it simply, the act of meditation involves quieting the mind so you can open the heart. That's it in a nutshell. The Art Of Meditation: How Easy Is It? Meditation is a form of relaxing and a method to spiritual enlightenment that has been around for centuries. Yet with all the different types of meditation as well as the varied methods, how do you know you are truly meditating? Which one is right for you? Tips for Better Meditation Meditation students often come to me and ask what they can do to improve their meditation. Success in meditation is not the result of any one single factor but depends on sustained and systematic effort over a period of time. However, there are a few tips for meditation, that will help you to improve your performance, regardless of the meditation method that you follow. Cultivate a Positive Mind-Set Through Meditation You have the ability to create your own mind-set. Whether your attitude is positive or negative, is up to you. The ability to change your environment, circle of friends, and attitude, is within your control. An Algorithm to Remove ?Hurt? from Pain The behavior of pain was enigmatic. Its responses were strange. It was only a pin prick, but the surrounding skin reddened and the child cried out in pain. Yet, the caress of a gentle finger around the injury subdued that pain. A person suffering from the agony of chronic pain reported no pain at all, while focused on painting a canvas. Again, hypnosis caused a patient to report that his pain did not hurt. How could just a touch, or a change in the focus of attention reduce or remove pain? How could there be a pain, which did not hurt? Could such phenomena be explained as clear algorithmic behaviors of the brain? Could such knowledge be used to subdue the distress of pain? What Does Meditation Music Do To You? Personally I belief that it is possible for anyone to live a life of happiness,inner peace, and outward success, no matter what their present or past circumstances. Meditating - Staying Awake Why is staying awake while meditating important? Falling asleep is certainly relaxing, and can be good for you, but to get the full range of benefits from your meditation you need to have your brainwaves in the alpha and theta ranges. When you are asleep, your brainwaves range from theta to delta. Meditation should be a state of relaxed alertness (primarily alpha brainwaves). Try the following tips to stay awake. Meditation - What is It Good for Anyway? Meditation is an age old healing and stress relieving modality practiced throughout the world, in virtually all cultures and all religions, although it may go by different names - prayer, visualization, relaxation techniques, and hypnosis; they are all forms of the same practice. Mindfulness and Eating: Divine Desk Dining Are you stuck eating lunch at your desk again? Understanding Meditation Meditation has been around for many thousands of years. It is a technique geared towards inner discovery and enlightenment. Its' also used for deep relaxation, freedom from thoughts and inner peace. There are many forms and techniques of meditating, varying from silent motionless techniques to very vigorous physical ones. Body Talk ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Meditate with Mindful Breathing Breathing in, I calm my body. Breathing out, I smile. Dwelling in the present moment, I know this is a wonderful moment! Meditation Is Not Just for Men with White Beards What kind of picture comes to mind when someone mention the word "meditation?" Why Should You Meditate? Everyone's mind needs a little downtime. We all need time to focus on one task, instead of multi-tasking all day and night. In fact, your mind doesn't take a complete rest when you sleep. Your mind moves from dream to dream for about two hours per night. Past Life Regression - Without Trance or Hypnosis! Instant Past Life Regression - No Trance Required How to Record Meditation Scripts to Audio Equipment If you're someone who loves to meditate (or wants to start) and has loads of meditation CD's why not try something novel? Record your voice using meditation scripts. Imagine this, each visually guided session personalised through using your voice. You now have the power to adjust your rhythm, volume, tone, and pitch to exactly how you like! When you want to change the way your meditation sounds, you can easily do this by re-recording the script! All the more power to you! A Look at Meditation I've counseled many people from every background and led workshops and lectures about self-empowering topics for about 25 years. Over that time, I saw a need. Everyone was searching. What they were looking for was unclear, many times. But the search was on. While I could meet many of their immediate needs, through counseling, they still needed a source, or connection with who they really were. ![]() |
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