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Start doing online business using B2B Portals in Six StepsNowshade Kabir I registered with a B2B site but what’s next This is a question many first time users of B2B marketplaces ask themselves. A few expect that the registration itself will bring them a number of new customers. In some cases this might by true! Especially, if you are a seller of some much coveted items. But for rest of us, things are a little trickier! A large B2B marketplace has a lot of suppliers of similar products, who are vying for the attention of potential customers. To establish your company as a favored one among them is not an easy task! However, a little planning and thorough follow up of some basic guidelines improve your chance of getting noticed by buyers significantly. Below, I outlined some of the basic steps that you should take once you seriously decide to market your products using B2B marketplaces. 1 Write a nice profile When a prospective client sees your trade lead ad or your product on the marketplace and feels interested, the first thing he does is - checks your company profile out. That’s where the buyer gets his initial information about your company. If you have a virtually blank profile with a very little information on your company, doubtful that the potential client will even bother to make a request for quote. That’s why you should spend a little time on writing a nice company profile. Here are some aspects that you should emphasize on while writing your company profile. Start your profile with something noteworthy about your company. This could be the distinct quality that sets your business apart from your competition. Describe your present customer base, target market and any new products or projects that you are planning to come up with. Write a bit about your company history. When the company was incorporated What is the business form If you have something to boast about, do it! If you feel that your sales figures are impressive, why not mention them. Be brief! The profile should not be more than five paragraphs. You don’t want your buyers to get bored! 2 Include your logo on your Storefront page If you would like to separate your company from many other similar vendors, you have to think seriously about creating a brand for your company. Brand is the distinctive pattern of your business operation. It portrays the nature of your service or product, your uniqueness in comparison to others etc. A nice looking logo is a key to branding your company. Customers will remember your company name better if you have a great logo to go with. 3 Add products to your storefront It is important to have your main products, products that are your primary sale generators, added to your storefront. Products with nice picture and well descriptions capture buyers attention more than any thing else. After all the reason that the buyers are on your page is to look for the products that they need. New Great Storefront Services Whether you are a small enterprise, which sells goods and services locally, or you are a medium to large company with global reach, Rusbiz is planning to introduce great storefront services with complete corporate site to match your every business need. Features include: Basic Single page storefront 10 products in E-catalog Sales through e-marketplace RFQ and Quotation Negotiations Internal Messaging Service Many other features Available now and its free! Enterprise 10 different templates to build multiple-page storefront 100 products in E-catalog Sales through e-marketplace RFQ and Quotation Negotiations Purchase Orders Invoices Tax Calculation Shipment tracking Internal Messaging Service Merchant Account Many other features Coming soon! Corporate 10 different templates to build multiple-page storefront 1000 products in E-catalog Sales through e-marketplace RFQ and Quotation Negotiation Purchase Orders Invoices Tax Calculation Shipment tracking Internal Messaging Service Merchant Account Many other features Coming soon! 4 Make nice pictures of your products Nothing can turn off a prospective buyer than a hazy or blur picture of the product that he intends to buy from you. If your competitor’s product with exactly same features has nicer picture, guess who has a better chance to get the business Spend some money and take professional pictures of your products. Make sure that you followed all the instructions of the Portal before uploading the pictures. 5 Post your products for sale on the marketplace Product visibility is the name of the game! Don’t confine yourself just by adding products to E-catalog and your Storefront. Post products for sale on the E-marketplace. There are numbers of great advantages of posting products on E-marketplaces: Frequent browsers of marketplace can see your products Buyers can compare your products with others on marketplace Buyers can take an immediate buying decision and make an instant Purchase Order. 6 Post trade leads For many not-so-savvy users of B2B sites its a bit complicated to make buys and sales through marketplaces. They prefer to get trade leads from the site and make contacts with buyers or sellers by fax, phone or just emails. Posting trade leads is a great marketing method to tap new territories. Don’t be disappointed if you do not get immediate feedbacks. Repeat trade leads at least once in a month. Since normally a portal constantly acquires new members, in order to expose the leads to bigger audience, it is worthwhile to post trade leads frequently.
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5 Simple Steps to Protect your Digital Downloads A couple of days ago, I was searching for a popular eBook online. Increase Sales with Payment Solutions Take a second and imagine your shopping on a website, find the product youve been looking for, and as you go to the order form to purchase it, you find out that the company doesnt accept payment online. Instead, you must mail a check. If you were like me, you would probably click off the site and search for another company that offers the same products and *does* accept payment online, whether it is by credit card or online check. It doesnt take a super, intelligent person to realize that it is inconvenient, time consuming, and adds on lag time till you get your purchase when you must sit down, write out a check, and mail it. Website Development: Become Your Own Expert Starting and maintaining a business is challenging enough without the additional financial burden of hiring a web site expert to put your vision on paper. If you are starting your business on a “shoe string budget,” hiring someone to take your written materials to type in a basic format, add a few pictures and edit what you tell them periodically may not be sound money management. Your E-Business Strategy: Is It Love ... Or Fear I read recently that every human thought originates from either love or fear. The more I thought about it, the more true it became. I began to apply it to business - after all, every business success or failure originates ultimately from human thought. This article examines the effects that love or fear can have on your e-business - is it love, or is it fear, that dominates the way you do business online Beneath the surface of Internet Marketing To most people Internet Marketing looks like a good way to make money from home, which is possibly the main reason while people start. The shame is that people like this dont realize that they are only scratching the surface. How To Write Your Own Profitable eBook With so many info products covering all kinds of topics available online today, you might be thinking is it really possible to write your own unique eBook at all. It is possible and real trick is to find new problems and turn them into solutions - your own unique info products. Take Advantage of the Internet Power The Internet has become a huge market place, and the recent explosion in online retailing and e-commerce prove it. Merchants now have access to a world wide consumer base no longer limited by their geographical location. People have become comfortable buying on the Internet and are looking for products from all over the world 24 hours a day -- think of the different time zones. The total number of Internet users now stands at about 500 million and it is estimated that by the year 2005, this number will triple. Imagine this number of people in the world as your prospect customers or e-customers to be precise. This is a very powerful concept! Do You And Your Website Have Credibility I recently received an unsolicited e-mail from some company offering me their search engine optimization services for $199. Even though I had absolutely no interest in the offer, just out of curiosity, I decided to check out this company with the various search engines. Internet Marketing for Small Businesses - A Guide in Plain English Have you ever been intimidated at the convoluted, jargon-ridden information about Internet marketing available on the Net What exactly is search engine optimization anyway, and can I do it myself Selling With Your Own Web Site Many people have their own product, a book, a CD, a craft, or other product that they would like to sell with their own Web site, but they cant find simple instructions on how to get started. In this article, Im going to explain how to sell your product with your own Web site. It boils down to four steps. Paypal Primer To conduct business on the Internet, whether informal, one-time only transactions between two friends, or a full-fledged business selling products or services, payment arrangements have to be made. Before 1998, this often meant either checks sent through snail-mail, or very expensive, and often hard-to-obtain, merchant accounts for online credit card processing. In 1998, PayPal was introduced to fill the payment processing gap. Credit Education Secured Credit Card is similar to a prepaid credit card since the funds you are using are actually yours and not the issuer of the credit card. Generally people who apply for secured credit card or prepaid credit card are people with poor credit or unemployed. Prepaid Credit Card spending limit is the amount of money you loaded to the card. There are no interest or finance charges on a prepaid card. With secured credit card, your credit line could be from 50% to 100% of your deposit depending on the institution giving you the secured credit. Therefore the company giving you the secured credit card has zero risk. Affiliate Marketing – My Best Decision When I decided to quit my job and start an internet business, I was clueless. I researched and found several viable opportunities however the more I read, the more I realized how difficult this was going to be. I did not have a product and was in no position to create one. I had it in my head I wanted to sell something so I started out in the drop shipping business. Merchant Accounts - How to save money Your business is successful, but now your ready to take it to the next level and begin accepting credit card transactions, or you have already taken this step but your feeling that your merchant account provider has high fees and your not sure what to do, or what other providers are out there How to Boost Conversion Rates, While Lowering Merchant Account Fees! Using an Address Verification System AVS when processing your online credit card transactions can help to reduce the number of fraudulent transactions you receive. However, most online merchants don’t know that using AVS can also reduce your number of legitimate orders. What is a Business Opportunity People throw the term business opportunity around pretty loosely these days. Before the internet took off, a business opportunity was a franchise like McDonalds or Wendys. Or maybe a vending machine route or insurance sales position in your local area. Affiliate Programs : Golden Opportunity or Waste of Time Now that the idea of doing business over the internet has been firmly established, many potential internet businessmen are searching for the best way to do business. Usually the choice comes down to whether you want to set up your own business and online store, or sign up for an affiliate program. Why You Need A Web Site "I have a small business with just a couple of employees and I don’t think my product can really be sold online. Do I need a web site" Remove These Objections and Watch Your eBay Auctions Fly "Objection" is a term taken directly from sales and marketing training, and it is important you understand the significance of objections to your sales process. The 13 Hidden Treasures of Internet Marketing Most people get into internet marketing because it looks like a good way to make money from home. These people usually dont realize that initial sales are only a small piece of the pie. Dont be like them and miss out on all the hidden treasures! ![]() |
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