Merchant Account Information

How To Find the Best Merchant Account For Your Business

What a great idea! Start accepting credit cards and watch your profits soar. Nothing could be simpler. Or so you thought until you began researching merchant accounts. It can all get extremely confusing. There is an easy way to find the best deal that suits your business. Youll be able to compare apples to apples and have a clear picture of what the merchant account will cost you.

Focus and Fear of Success - The Biggest Monkey on Your Back

If you have been on the internet for awhile, you know that there are millions of people trying anything and everything to get your attention. They want in your wallet. Its a great big money grab out there folks, and the net has become the biggest marketing arena on the planet, driving whole industries and generating Billions of dollars in sales.

Take Advantage of the Internet Power

The Internet has become a huge market place, and the recent explosion in online retailing and e-commerce prove it. Merchants now have access to a world wide consumer base no longer limited by their geographical location. People have become comfortable buying on the Internet and are looking for products from all over the world 24 hours a day -- think of the different time zones. The total number of Internet users now stands at about 500 million and it is estimated that by the year 2005, this number will triple. Imagine this number of people in the world as your prospect customers or e-customers to be precise. This is a very powerful concept!

Creating A Network That Works

Do you ever stand in awe of those people who seem to know everybody and everything I know I do! Regardless of what youre looking for, these people have their finger on the pulse of the Net and know where to find it. Their network of resources and people is incredible! Yours can be, too. Its actually very simple to create a network that works to bring you business, offers feedback and provides those resources that we all need to have.

How To Create and Market Your own E-Book

The Internet presents an amazing opportunity for anyone who knows how to research and write.

Affiliate Marketing – My Best Decision

When I decided to quit my job and start an internet business, I was clueless. I researched and found several viable opportunities however the more I read, the more I realized how difficult this was going to be. I did not have a product and was in no position to create one. I had it in my head I wanted to sell something so I started out in the drop shipping business.

The Story of a Downsized Manager and His Ebook Business

If youve been following the business and economic news around the globe, you should know about how unemployment rates have hit year lows. The recent economic downturn was one of the worse in history and has affected loads of people. In fact, companies were cutting cost for any small reason and retrenched numbers hit more than 1 million worldwide.

Do You Need A Merchant Account

Deciding when to get your own merchant account for internet sales can be a confusing and expensive venture. If you have a small to medium sized business and only sell a small amount of products then having your own merchant account may not be the answer for you. Some of the costs involved include.

My Rich Mums Ebook Secrets

As usual, I walked into the Starbucks for my morning coffee.

Choosing the Right Online Shopping Cart

Are you a website owner or a web designer/developer  If either applies, I would venture to say that eventually youll need an online shopping cart for one of your websites. In fact, almost all new websites today need some sort of ecommerce built-in, for the purpose of selling goods and services in the online marketplace.

ClickBank Refunds - Hope for the Best but Prepare for the Worst

When we launch a new product, we all hope its going to be a runaway bestseller. More than that, most of us aim to produce a product so remarkable that it generates rave reviews and achieves cult popularity. You may very well achieve all of these objectives with your product launches.

Sell Multiple Products Through a Single ClickBank Account

A ClickBank merchant account allows you to define and sell up to 50 separate products. If you have more than one product in your range, it makes sense to sell them from a shared ClickBank account. Here are three good reasons why: Every active ClickBank account incurs a setup fee of $49.95. Why pay this more than once Managing multiple ClickBank accounts adds unnecessarily to your administrative effort The combined sales of multiple products through one account will significantly boost your Marketplace ranking

5 Things About Offshore Asset Protection Every Internet Marketer Should Know

Offshore instruments of asset protection no longer belong in the realm of the wealthiest individuals with high paid financial advisors. Thanks to the internet and globalization of financial markets, there are plenty of firms that can help just about anyone "go offshore". What follows is a brief introduction to some of the most popular tools of offshore asset protection and how they can be used by online business people and internet marketers like yourself to protect and grow your business.

Internet Marketing for Small Businesses - A Guide in Plain English

Have you ever been intimidated at the convoluted, jargon-ridden information about Internet marketing available on the Net What exactly is search engine optimization anyway, and can I do it myself

Why You Need A Web Site

"I have a small business with just a couple of employees and I don’t think my product can really be sold online. Do I need a web site"

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