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Mortgage Refinance Information |
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Top 10 Things to Consider on Home Loans
Here are our Top 10 most important things to consider when shopping for a Home Loan, Equity Line of Credit, or Refinance, courtesy of Loans-Directory.Org: 1. Down-Payment - As a general rule of thumb, lenders will be seeking contribution from you of around 3% to 6% of the total loan value. This can be negotiable, and there are many loan packages available. 2. Fixed versus Adjustable ? The two most common loan products available for home mortgages are fixed rate versus adjustable rate. Fixed rate means that you agree on an APR (annual percentage rate) that does not change through the life of the loan, whereas, an Adjustable Rate Mortgage, better known as an ARM, means that rates and monthly payments can change, often tied to the U.S. Government Treasury Bills or some other form of "index", with the frequency of change dependent upon the terms of the loan. Deciding on which way to go involves many variables. We suggest that you start by examining the fixed rate products available on the market. They are by far the most popular, and arguably with the least amount of risk. After evaluating several preliminary loan offers (quotes) for fixed rate mortgages, you can then venture into the world of ARM's to see if one of these products may be right for you. But, proceed with caution, and understand all the risks, alongside any potential benefits. 3. APR ? APR, better known as the annual percentage rate, aka: "rate", is arguably the most important consideration you must examine when looking for a loan. The APR includes principle, interest, "points", fees, PMI (Mortgage insurance), and other costs associated with the loan. While all costs and terms are significant and affect the bottom line, we suggest that shopping rate is a very good starting point. 4. Loan Types: There are several standard loan products to look for, including 30 year fixed, 15 year fixed, bi-weekly mortgages, 1 month ARM's, 5 year fixed ARM's, 2nd Fixed, ARM's with a provision to convert after 5 years, lender buydowns, and discounted mortgages. We think the best place to start, is to obtain quotes for a 30 year fixed rate loan, and then go from there. 30 year fixed rate loans generally produce the lowest monthly payments for fixed rate products, and they are relatively safe. Once you know where you stand with a 30 year fixed, after obtaining quotes from several lending institutions, then you can consider the possibility of exploring more exotic loan products. At this juncture, you will want to consult with those you trust, for good, solid advice and feedback on risk versus reward. 5. Loan Amount Qualification, Income: This can vary widely depending on you, your lender, and many other variables. However, as a rule of thumb, look at 2 to 2 ½ times your current household income, as a baseline to determine how much you can afford to borrow. 6. Loan Amount Qualification, Expenses: This is another broad category that varies from one lending institution to the next. However, there are two general factors to look at, and they are Housing Expenses (such as mortgage, property taxes, and insurance), and long-term debt (which can include credit cards, auto loans, etc.). First, add all your expenses together. As a rule of thumb, you will want your expenses to not exceed 33% to 36% of your gross household income. Second, examine your housing expenses only. As a rule of thumb, you'll want these expenses to not exceed 25% to 28% of your gross household income. 7. Employment and Credit History: Lenders generally want to take a look at your employment history so that they can see a pattern of stability and income. Lenders generally also want to take a look at your credit history, so that they can see a pattern of borrowing and repayment in your past. Lenders cannot discriminate and must use this information solely for the purpose of considering your ability to repay a loan. Also, many loan products are available for all kinds of customers, with varied financial backgrounds and histories. 8. Points: Points are one of the primary fees charged on the loan, and they represent the profit earned by the lending institution. One point represents one percent of the total loan amount, and points are usually tax-deductible (along with the interest paid on the loan). They are broken down into two basic types: Origination Points ? Origination Points are the fees charged by the lender, and represents their gross profit. Discount Points ? Discount Points are most often charged in association with a lowered interest rate. In other words, the Discount Points represents a dollar amount, as a fee for giving the borrower a lowered APR (lower than what the lender might otherwise charge). 9. Sub-Prime Loans: Sub-Prime Loans consist of loan products designed for customers with challenging credit and financial backgrounds, or, customers that are looking to re-establish credit. They can be significantly higher then the prime lending rate, with less favorable terms (Often times, the loans are for the short-term, such as 2 to 3 years). However, they do offer a venue for certain individuals, and they can allow customers to re-establish credit, or buy new homes prior to cleaning up a credit history, etc. For some of you, this avenue may offer exactly what you're looking for. It's important to know that lenders who specialize in sub-prime loans are out there and want to earn your business. However, we advise that you proceed with caution. Be sure to gather sound advice from trusted friends and professionals, and understand all the risks versus rewards, prior to signing on the dotted line. 10. Short-Forms: The most important thing you can do as a consumer of loan products is to shop around and get several preliminary loan quotes for your consideration. These are no risk, no obligation, preliminary loan offers. They take 30 seconds to 2 minutes to complete, they require no personal or confidential disclosure on your part, and they require no commitment from you. We suggest that you obtain 3 or 4 offers. You can then examine and compare the terms, rate, fees, and all other pertinent information about the loan product, and the lender, at your leisure and in the comfort of your own home. Loans-Directory.Org has categorized hundreds of online services that you can explore. You can also go to any search engine and find them from there. Look for a "privacy policy" on their website, as well as short, simple application forms that make sense and are relatively easy and quick for you to complete. Also, take a quick look at the current interest rate for 30 year fixed loans, as well as the 6 month trend graph. We have set up a free webpage with this information, or you can find many graphs and charts via your favorite search engine. We've enjoyed providing this information to you, and we wish you the best of luck in your pursuits. Remember to always seek out good advice from those you trust, but never turn your back on your own common sense. Publishers: This article may be freely distributed so long as the copyright, author's information and an active link (where possible) are included. Disclaimer: Disclaimer: Statements and opinions expressed in the articles, reviews and other materials herein are those of the authors. While every care has been taken in the compilation of this information and every attempt made to present up-to-date and accurate information, we cannot guarantee that inaccuracies will not occur. The author will not be held responsible for any claim, loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of any information within these pages or any information accessed through this site. About The Author Copyright 2005, by Loans-Directory.Org , This article is available in full format at: Home Loans , Tom Levine provides a solid, common sense approach to solving problems and answering questions relating to consumer loan products. His website seeks to provide free online resources for the consumer, including rate-watch, tips and articles, financial communication, news, and links to products and services.
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Mortgage Info You Can Actually Understand! This is a great time to Refinance Your Home or Buy a New Home -- the Mortgage Rates are so low, these days! It's always worth a shot to find out what the costs of switching over to a new mortgage would be, to see if that's the right move for you. Home Mortgage Loan Refinancing Online - 3 Tips on Refinancing Your Home When refinancing your home, it's helpful to know a few things about refinancing. When you refinance, you usually pay off the old loan and sign for a new loan, whether you are refinancing your 1st mortgage, second mortgage or home equity loan. The expense that comes in to play when refinancing are the new closing costs and points charge for getting a new loan. Home Equity Line of Credit - Finding The Best Home Equity Lender Borrowing against the value of your home using a revolving credit account is known as a home equity line of credit. Lenders offer home equity lines of credit in several ways with either fixed or variable interest rates. Information on obtaining a home equity line of credit is available to you from many sources, including online lenders. Make sure you compare loan products and lenders, and review the terms of your loan contract carefully before signing. Doing a California Refinance Online Californians are passionate people. I know. I have lived in California my whole life: From the smoggy basins of Los Angeles, to, well, the smoggy basins of Sacramento. I've traveled highway 101, I've smelled the glory of the Redwoods, and I've experienced the confusion of the Terminator becoming governor. Without turning into a pop-song, I've done it all California-style, and that even includes, moving through the exciting process of doing a California Refinance Online! Helpful Mortgage Advice Mortgage advice overwhelming you? Many people get advice from everyone on the planet when they talk about purchasing a home. People tell them their version of advice on most important factors and expect the potential home buyer to do as they have instructed. Zero Down Mortgage Loans - Is 100% Financing a Good Idea and Can You Get Approved? Are you wondering if you can get approved for a home loan with 100% financing? Are you also wondering if its a good idea to get a mortgage loan with no money down? Here are some points to keep in mind as you apply and consider your different mortgage loan options. Home Loan Applications Made Easy You have finally found the home of your dreams. You have searched all over and are ready to purchase it. Before you even make your offer you should seek out the financing first. In some cases, it is easier to have a pre-approval in hand before making any financial commitment through a contract. Why get your hopes up after you purchase the home when you can buy with assurance and wait by the settlement table. Before you can buy anything, you will need to get accepted by a reputable lender. There is much you will need to know, as this will be the largest purchase you will ever make. You will need to fill out a mortgage application first. Home Loan Confusion Continues Unfortunately, most Americans still do not understand how home loans work and how to take advantage of the wide array of programs available. The way I see it, people are still confused about mortgages in general and real estate finance, in particular. Applying Online For A Home Loan Can Give You an Instant Approval "Instant Approval For Home Loans" is a common refrain for online mortgage lenders, but sometimes instant is longer than you think. During regular business hours with a typical application, you can expect the databases to approve your application almost immediately. However, any glitch in the system will require the intervention of a person, which adds a time delay. Bridging Finance Basics Bridging finance is a short-term loan that is used as a way to provide funding for the purchase of a new property while the borrower awaits the sale of an existing property. Unless all the stars are in perfect alignment, it's tricky to coordinate the sale of one property and the purchase of another property so that the transactions occur simultaneously. Mortgage Loans Explained In Plain English With the many different kinds of mortgage loans out there, choosing the right one for your needs can be a difficult task. The following points will help you understand the pros and cons of the different types of mortgage loans available to you. Mortgage Refinance - Tips to Help You Cut Fees and Costs Saving money through a mortgage refi is more than just finding the lowest interest rates. You can further cut fees and costs through the structure of your loan, avoiding PMI, and buying lower interest rates. Seller Financing Although any loan used for buying real estate is strictly called a purchase money mortgage, the term is often employed for seller financing, those transactions in which you "take back" a mortgage as part of the purchase price. These arrangements are suitable, of course, only when you do not need your proceeds immediately toward the purchase of another home. Bad Credit Mortgage Loans ? How To Get Approved Persistence is the key working toward getting approved for a bad credit mortgage loan. There are many factors that you, as a borrower have control over that can help you get approved faster and easier. There are guidelines that most sub-prime lenders go by that, if you know them, can help you move through the process without getting stuck, unable to get financing. Subprime Mortgage Lenders - Helpful Tips When Getting a Subprime Mortgage Loan If you have bad credit history, no down payment or difficult to prove income and are looking to get approved for a home mortgage loan, you will probably need to look at subprime mortgage lenders to help you. To see a list of our recommended subprime mortgage lenders you can click on the link below. Secured Loans ? Making the Most of Your Home as Collateral My visit to the lender was interrupted with my wife demanding a reason for my preference for secured loans. Though I hushed up the matter then, it kept on ringing in my mind hours later. Actually, I didn't know of options other than the secured loans that are available. The various instances of people that have lost their homes to lenders that she used to supplement her contention refused to leave my thoughts. Think You Cant Get a Mortgage? You've finally found that dream home that you have always been searching for, but you are afraid to apply for a mortgage because you have bad credit or less than perfect credit. What is a Tracker Mortgage? A tracker mortgage 'tracks' the Bank of England base rate, meaning your mortgage stays in line with interest rates and the market in general. The result on your monthly mortgage interest payments is that they go up when the base rate goes up and go down when the base rate goes down. 10 Questions To Ask Your Mortgage Rep or Banke This post is a must read for anyone considering purchasing a home be it today, tomorrow or next year. It is sound advice. New York Refinance - Refinancing in New York If you are looking to refinance in New York, it helps to get the facts before you begin the refinancing process. If you have an existing high interest mortgage, refinancing now could be the best choice for you. You can choose to refinance with cash out to make home improvements or to consolidate bills, or to simply refinance your existing mortgage to a lower interest rate that will save you a lot of money over time. New York real estate is always a booming business. Mortgage lenders in New York and throughout the country are competing for your business. You can get quotes from several lenders with one quick online application. Online lenders are offering the same great terms as traditional lenders and will give you the professional service and attention that you expect. ![]() |
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