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Buying a Home when Rates go Up
Many people fret the rising tide of interest rates. You'll hear things like, "Did I miss the boat? Is it too expensive now to buy a home? How can I afford the house of my dreams? Maybe I should wait! Maybe I should just rent for a while! Maybe the rates will go down in a few weeks. " Stop! Nonsense, I say! I bought my first home at close to 9%. Buyers from the 80's told me I was getting in at a bargain, and anyway, who cares? I don't. I refinanced long, long, long ago. 9% is just a part of history now. So, here's 5 important points you need to keep in mind, when the ebb and flow of interest rates, ebbs up, more than it flows down? 1. There's no better time, then NOW! 2. Long Term Investing 3. Creative Financing 4. Uncreative Financing 5. Buying a Home when Rates go Down 1. There's no better time, then NOW!: I know it sounds cliché, but it's true. There's no better time to buy, then now. Why? a) Because if rates are going up, then the law of supply and demand insists that the rising price of homes will likely slow down. b) Since appreciation slows down when rates go up, this is an opportunity to buy at a perceived discount c) Remember, rates fluctuate, and nothings forever. So, it's more important to get your darned foot in the door, right now. You can always refinance later, as rates ebb and flow back down. You'll still have the benefit of having gotten into the house, at a lower, discounted price, and you can then enjoy both a low rate when you refinance, alongside knowing that you got the house when prices slowed down, maximizing the gain when appreciation revs back up again. See what I mean? Don't wait. It only gets more expensive. There's always, no better time, then NOW! 2. Long Term Investing: If this is your first home, then you have to think beyond the next year or so, and move your frame of reference into a longer futuristic point of view. a) Are you going to live in the same house, for at least 5 years? b) Most of us would answer yes, therefore, you need to be more concerned with real estate in the long term, let's say beyond 5 years, and you need to be less concerned with the short term rise and fall of rates. You'll drive yourself nuts otherwise. c) 5 years is a pretty solid range of time, for rates to go both up, and down. In other words, history proves that for the most part, you'll live through the ebb and flow of rising and falling rates, as a homeowner, and you know what? You'll survive; in fact, you'll thrive, because you'll enjoy a net gain in appreciation over the long term. So rates go up and down in the short term, but in the long term, real estate always appreciates, and that means that homeowners always win. 3. Creative Financing: This is the good stuff. When rates go up, opportunities abound. You see, many homeowners, builders, and developers, find themselves in more negotiable positions because of the laws of supply and demand. Surplus rises, and buyers slow down. a) If financing is an issue, then you may be able to negotiate with the owner to carry the note, and completely bypass more conventional lending institutions. b) If affordability is an issue, then perhaps you'll find many more re-sales out there, perhaps fixer-uppers, ready to negotiate for a lower price (Can you say, built in equity?) c) If discounts and incentives are your game, then perhaps you'll locate some developers anxious to move inventory, with a flare for adding a rebate, or doing you're landscaping, or building that retaining wall you wanted. The key here (and this is very important), is to find an excellent real estate agent. I can't stress enough, how important it is to have someone on your side, who understands the lay of the land. Don't go at it alone. Just go find someone knowledgeable, who you can trust, and who is ready and willing to roll up their sleeves, and go to work for you. 4. Uncreative Financing: As of the writing of this article, rates are still very, very low. Anything below 7%, for a fixed rate, in my opinion, is totally workable. a) Between 1979 and 1990, fixed interest rates ranged from 11% to 16% on average. This is highly unusual historically, of course, but it is an excellent benchmark, when you evaluate how good, or bad, things are right now. b) So as you're exploring your choices, don't lose sight of the big picture. Getting your foot in the door is more valuable, then being left out in the cold. c) One other important point. For all those homeowners that purchased in the 80s, do you think they're terribly concerned now about the ebb and flow of rates? Do you think they kept their 11% fixed rate loan, or do you think they refinanced when it dropped down to 6% (or paid the house off by now). I'd venture a guess, that virtually all of them; have a nice, hefty, bulky, attractive pot of equity sitting on their front porch step today. 5. Buying a Home when Rates Go Down: When rates go down, of course, it's obvious that getting a loan and buying a house is extremely attractive. a) But when rates go down, there is a lack of homes on inventory. b) Can you say, "Non-negotiable", or "bidding war", or "oops, sorry?Already sold!" c) When rates go down, the seller is in the driver's seat, and the buyer is running around with checkbook in hand, yelling "Where do I sign?" Keep that in mind. Which would you prefer? Personally, I dislike high rates, but I LOVE being in the drivers' seat. I guess in the end, you've just got to work with whatever environment exists today. Any way you look at it, you can't stop and wait until the cards stack up in your favor. You just have to dive in, and get started. If you like to be creative, if you like opportunities, and if you like to be in the drivers seat then rising rates shouldn't bother you in the slightest. Renting is more of a crime to your finances, in the long run. We've enjoyed providing this information to you, and we wish you the best of luck in your pursuits. Remember to always seek out good advice from those you trust, and never turn your back on your own common sense. Publisher's Directions: This article may be freely distributed so long as the copyright, author's information, disclaimer, and an active link (where possible) are included. Disclaimer: Statements and opinions expressed in the articles, reviews and other materials herein are those of the authors. While every care has been taken in the compilation of this information and every attempt made to present up-to-date and accurate information, we cannot guarantee that inaccuracies will not occur. The author will not be held responsible for any claim, loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of any information within these pages or any information accessed through this site. Copyright 2005, by http://www.Loans-Directory.Org, This article is available in full format at: When Rates Go Up, Tom Levine provides a solid, common sense approach to solving problems and answering questions relating to consumer loan products. His website seeks to provide free online resources for the consumer, including rate-watch, tips and articles, financial communication, news, and links to products and services.
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Mortgages - Which Loan is Right For You When buying a home, you need to take a home mortgage loan, either because as a debtor, you end up paying less tax, or because in a market where property prices rise faster than salary levels, the money you have saved falls short of the amount required. When searching for a home mortgage loan, you can select from a wide variety. Study the types of mortgage loans available in the market and note the interest rates for each before you sign any documents. You can select from the following: Applying for a Home Mortgage Loan Online - The Pros and Cons If you have considered applying for a home loan mortgage online, there are a few pros and cons to think about with getting a home mortgage loan online: Mortgage Refinancing - Does Size Matter After All? Hopefully your ego has never had to experience the words, "It's okay honey. Size doesn't matter." After all, what's important is the quality right? In a perfect world, perhaps this is true, but in the realm of mortgage refinancing, what is best is usually based on length. Let me explain. Why Refinance Back into a 30-Year Loan? One of the biggest reasons homeowners refinance their mortgage is to obtain a lower interest rate and lower monthly payments. By refinancing, the borrower pays off their existing mortgage and replaces it with a new one. This can often be accomplished with a no-points no-fees loan program, which essentially means at "no cost" to the borrower. Some of the Available Loan Types There are many mortgage products available on the market today. We can help you find out which one is right for you. Here are the most common options. Mortgage Loan Most Bankers Wont Give May Be Exactly What You Need to Buy or Refinance Your Home A few years ago, a loan officer who worked for me was having a problem helping a customer. He was new to the business and had very little patience for problems (as you might have already guessed, he didn't last very long). He told me the customer was a doctor, who had left a hospital job to open his own practice. He was trying to refinance a $300,000 home, but he could not show any current income. After the loan officer and I discussed the options, he walked away from the loan, completely frustrated. So, I asked him if I could work on it. He agreed, saying he didn't wanted to be bothered with it any longer. So, I did what all good mortgage professionals do, and I picked up the telephone and began calling lenders and telling them the problems with the customer. Know Your Mortgage Options While trying to find the lowest rates, many homeowners fail to examine the type of mortgage, and which type of mortgage is best suited to their needs. Whether you are buying a new home or refinancing, it is important to understand the different mortgage types, and evaluate which one best meets your needs. Flexible Mortgage Guide Here is a useful flexible mortgage guide. Flexible mortgages are loans which allow you to increase or decrease the size of your repayments within certain limits. This type of mortgage is relatively new. Fixed-To-Adjustable-Rate-Mortgage What is a Fixed-To-Adjustable Rate Mortgage? A Guide to Finding the Cheapest Home Improvement Loan To find the cheapest home improvement loan that you can, you need to realize that there are a lot of factors that can affect the amount that you pay. What is a Fixed Rate Mortgage? As the term implies, with a fixed rate mortgage the mortgage rate is fixed for a set period of time, so no matter what movements occur in the lender's standard variable mortgage rate, the borrower's arrangement is fixed and, therefore, so are the monthly fixed rate mortgage payments. Choosing a Mortgage Lender Just as there are many types of mortgages and mortgage deals to choose from, there are also many sources where you can go to get a mortgage. Your key choices are to use a mortgage broker, a more general financial adviser, or shop around yourself and go direct to the mortgage lender. For many people, choosing a lender means finding a mortgage company offering the lowest APR rate. How to Find the Lowest Rate Possible! The quest is on! You're in the market for a new home loan, a refinance, or a consolidation and you absolutely insist on finding the lowest rate possible! So what better place to do your research, then here on the internet, late at night, with your coffee in hand, and your family fast to sleep! Buying a Home After a Foreclosure Buying a home after a foreclosure is not an impossible task. With some careful planning and some savvy shopping, you can secure a mortgage loan even with a foreclosure in your credit history. Keep Your Eye Focused on Treasury Bond Rates To Adjust Your Current Mortgage Rates Mortgage rates typically are based off the current rates of treasury bonds. Most lenders set their long term mortgage rates in line with 10 and 30-year treasury rates. The reason that they do this is quite simple. Treasury rates are the rates that are used as an index to represent what the future value of money will be by the secondary market and investors. The Federal Reserve Bank will issue these bonds along with an interest rate that it will pay to holder of the bond once it matures. The market, in reflecting economic and inflationary predictions, adjusts the yields. Mortgage rates are then set according to the yields. If the market expects that thing in the future are going to be good with low inflation then the mortgage rates will be lower. If the market forecasts higher inflation then the mortgage interest rates will also rise. Home Equity Loans: A Useful Financial Tool The investment need of an individual varies with time. Thus the need to buy a car or invest in a new house, which may have seemed "beyond means" a few years ago, may be a relevant and wise decision today. However, taking a consumer loan at existing rates may add to the existing debt burden of the individual. This is where home equity loans can be of help. A Guide to Getting a Bad Credit Remortgage There are several reasons why you might be in the market for a bad credit remortgage. You might be wanting to try to lock in a lower interest rate, or perhaps you simply need to use the bad credit remortgage as a way to consolidate some of your debts. A Guide to Getting a Home Improvement Loan If you've got a few things around the house that you'd like to spruce up but don't have the money for, you might want to consider getting a home improvement loan. As the name implies, a home improvement loan is designed to pay for improvements to a house or other form of real estate. Stated Income Mortgage Loan - Get Approved Online A stated income or no doc mortgage loan allows individuals with difficult to document income to buy a home. With a documented credit score and reasonably stated income, you can qualify for a mortgage at a slightly higher rate. Online mortgage lenders allow you to easily compare rates on stated income mortgage loans, guaranteeing that you get the best rate. For Mortgage-Refinance Help, Get the Best Mortgage Professional, Not a Bank Loan Officer When you need a mortgage -- either because you are buying, refinancing, taking out equity or getting into investment real estate, you need a good mortgage professional. Now, you may be tempted to go to your local savings and loan, as they may promise lower fees or zero costs. Meanwhile, in virtually every case, banks can't compete with mortgage professionals on the two most important things -- interest rates and service. ![]() |
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