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Mortgage Refinance Information |
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Home Equity Loan Information - How to Use One Wisely
Using a home equity loan to get out of debt or make improvements to your home is usually a smart move. You have earned the equity, so it only makes sense that you put it to good use. Usually this type of loan offers a lower interest rate than credit cards or traditional loans, so it is a wise move for many circumstances. Perhaps one of the smartest uses of a home equity loan is for home improvements. You can take a $10,000 dollar loan, put it towards a new kitchen, and then turn around and sell your home for a profit. There are a few tips to getting the most out of your home equity loan. Use your head and ask questions, and you should have no trouble making the right decision. First, you need to do your homework. We cannot stress this enough! The more you know about the process and your lender, the better prepared you will be come closing time. Get quotes from several lenders, which will give you a bargaining chip when it comes time to secure a loan. If you have found other lenders that can offer you a better deal, use that to your advantage. Always get it in writing. Second, understand what the market is doing at the moment. Research the current interest rates available as well as the government prime rate. This will help give you a picture of where the economy is headed. Understanding the value of your neighborhood will also come into play during the process. For instance, if a golf course or park is in the process of being built, you may find that the value of your home will skyrocket once the feature is in place. Consider waiting until the construction is complete, to get top dollar for your home. Lastly, know where you are going in the next 10 years. Sure, you may be able to swing the second mortgage now, but where will you be in 10 years. While nothing is ever certain, there are a few life altering events that could drastically change your finances. These include: 1. A spouse changing jobs or deciding to quit working to stay home with children 2. A spouse or child attending college 3. The birth or adoption of a child 4. Illness or death in the family So make sure to discuss your current situation with your friends and loved ones. If you plan on having another child or moving to one income, you may be better off waiting for a while. On the same note, if you or your spouse will graduate college or receive a promotion, you can probably go ahead with the loan. When the time comes to decide on a loan product, do not get pressured into signing something that you don't understand. Even if the lender says that the document is "standard" read through it cover to cover before signing. The final piece of advice for you would be to not take more than you need. Let's say that you have about $5,000 in home repairs that need to be done. Even if the lender says that you can borrow $30,000 dollars, you shouldn't do it. Borrow only what you need. That way, you can be sure to repay the loan in a timely fashion. Put any excess money into a savings or money market, so that you have a cushion should another emergency arise. John Ross is a freelance author, providing tips and ideas relating to home equity loans. You can find more of his articles at: home equity loan company, online home equity loans, and fixed rate home equity loan. The Loanchbox is a user friendly website designed to teach the basics behind home equity loans.
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Home Equity Loan ? A Reverse Mortgage Could Provide a Comfortable Retirement! While only comprising about 1% of all mortgages, the reverse mortgage has gained in popularity in recent years. Federally insured since the late 1980's, the reverse mortgage allows owners of paid-off homes to borrow against the equity in their homes in the form of a lump sum, a line of credit, or in the form of monthly payments. The loan is repaid when the owners die or when the home is sold or no longer occupied. In the early years of its existence, the reverse mortgage was regarded as a "last resort" step to avoid foreclosure, pay medical expenses or keep the home from disrepair. More recently, however, retirees have been finding creative ways to use the equity in their homes to allow their retirement years to be more enjoyable. The huge growth of the housing market during the last five years has left millions of homeowners with large amounts of equity in their homes. Californians who bought homes in the early 1960's at modest prices are now retiring; many of them have home equity in the mid-six figures. With that sort of equity, homeowners are using their equity to buy recreational vehicles, boats, luxury vacations, and even second homes. The structure of a reverse mortgage makes it possible for some homeowners to pay cash for a vacation home, while continuing to live in their primary residence for as long as they like, or are able. Once they die, the primary residence would be sold to pay pack the loan, while the second home would become part of their estate.This has provided a rare opportunity for many couples, who struggled to raise families and pay mortgages during the working years, to enjoy a few luxuries in their retirement years. Couples who could never afford to travel can now dip into their home equity and see Europe or take that cruise that always eluded them.While this may seem like a win-win situation for all involved, those in the lending industry express caution. For most people, the equity in their home is their single largest asset, and borrowing against it should done only after careful consideration. What if a lengthy hospital stay became necessary? Would the homeowner have sufficient funds to pay for that after buying a second home through a reverse mortgage? What if a husband or wife became incapacitated and required permanent housing in a nursing home? These are things that must be considered before using home equity for a houseboat or RV, and those considering such a move should consider discussing their plans with a financial advisor.Despite the potential drawbacks, the use of the reverse mortgage to fund a fun and adventurous retirement seems to be growing. With interest rates still near all-time lows, the trend will almost certainly continue in the near future. Home Mortgages: Does It Ever Make Sense to Pay Points? Interest rates on home mortgages are often quoted with and without points. A point equals one percent of the amount you are financing. This means that on a $150,000 mortgage, one point is $1500.00 and two points would be $3,000. These points are in addition to whatever other closing costs you might have. What is a Remortgage? A remortgage is changing your mortgage without moving your home. Remortgaging is the process of switching your mortgage to another lender that is offering a better deal than your current lender thereby saving money. A remortgage can also be used to raise additional finances by releasing equity in your property. High Risk Mortgage Lenders - Using a Sub Prime Lender Online Sub prime lenders handle high risk mortgage loans that traditional lenders refuse to touch. Through slightly higher interest rates, sub prime lenders protect themselves from the higher rates of foreclosures. With sub prime lenders online, you can easily compare rates to find reasonable financing for your mortgage. Home Buying ? What Can You Afford? Okay, you've decided to buy a home and are trying to figure out what you can afford. Before you go home buying, you need to carefully consider what you can afford as far as a mortgage payment. Refinance Your Property Online By refinancing your property online you can take advantage of competitive rates in the convenience of your home. You should consider refinancing your property if interest rates are lower, your financial situation has improved, or your credit rating has improved. Once you are ready to refinance, search for lenders' rates online for easy comparison shopping. Mortgage Loans Explained In Plain English With the many different kinds of mortgage loans out there, choosing the right one for your needs can be a difficult task. The following points will help you understand the pros and cons of the different types of mortgage loans available to you. The Truth behind Pension Mortgages A pension mortgage may seem lucrative at the first sight. However, they seldom are, if the customers who took pension mortgage are to be believed. Do Your Homework - Find the Mortgage That Fits Your Lifestyle and Your Budget You've been looking at houses for months, and finally you've found it--the house that's just right. So now, all you have to do is to purchase your new home, move in, and get settled, right? Not quite. There's one more big step to go-getting a mortgage loan. You're going to want to decide on the type of mortgage and payment terms that fit within your budget. And you're going to have to prepare yourself by doing some research. What follows is valuable information that will be crucial in helping you make loan decisions that will fit your budget and circumstance. Are You A Victim Of A Predatory Mortgage Foreclosure? Help is available to borrowers who have claims against their lenders for violating the Truth in Lending Act and other laws regulating credit transactions. Such violations may be a defense to a mortgage foreclosure. If there is a violation, you may be able to void the mortgage and apply 100% of your payments to principal. You may also be able to recover money damages. Jumbo Home Mortgage Loans - What They Are and Where To Get Jumbo Loan Financing A jumbo mortgage is different than a conforming loan. A jumbo loan amount exceeds that limit set by FNMA. That limit can change every year, but is around $300,000. With a jumbo mortgage, the interest rate is a little higher than other similar mortgage loans that are for smaller amounts. The reason the rate is higher is because the loan has a perceived higher risk by lenders. When Not To Agree To A Home Equity Loan Before you borrow money on your home's equity, think twice so you don't end up paying more than you expected. Remortgage Debt Consolidation - The New Recourse For Credit Crunch Shakespeare once said about human nature 'with nothing shall be pleased, till he be eased with being nothing'. It is human nature to not be satisfied with anything for long. With the expansion of technology, so many multi-utility items are available which everybody wants to accumulate. The real issue is that our relationship with these modern gadgets is short and we need to make purchases frequently. But little do we realize that there is a limit to our credit cards. Resort to debt consolidation when your credit card payments become unmanageable. A very common process by which one can procure debt consolidation is remortgage. Home Equity Loan ? Beware of Equity Stripping Scam The market for mortgage refinancing has been brisk during the last few years. The boom in business can be attributed to interest rates that have been at or near historic lows, and to lenders who have more money to lend now that they aren't investing in risky tech stocks anymore. Low rates and agreeable lenders are certainly good for consumers who might be interested in refinancing their home or taking out a home equity loan. Those considering such loans should be aware that the booming market for refinancing has led to increased competition among lenders. And when the competition increases, so does the number of lending scams. Home Equity Loan or Home Equity Line of Credit ? Which is right for you? The most common type of home equity loan is the term loan. This loan is set for a fixed amount of time, anywhere from five to fifteen years. Such loans are typically granted for up to 80% of the value of the home, but some lenders will lend up to 125% of the home's value.Is this type of loan right for you? The term loan works best for those who need to borrow a fixed amount of money for a specific purpose ? paying for a wedding, a home remodeling project, a fixed educational expense, or debt consolidation. This would give the borrower a fixed repayment schedule, where he or she would pay a set amount of money each month for a specific period of time. An increasingly popular alternative to the home equity loan is a line of credit. This type of loan works like a credit card, and has a revolving line of credit, in which the borrower may borrow against the principal more than once over the life of the loan. The borrower is usually given special checks that he or she may use to write checks against the loan amount. The borrower may borrow a little at a time, or borrow all of the loan amount at once. Unlike the term loan, the interest rate on lines of credit tends to be variable. This type of loan works best for recurring expenses ? a complicated remodeling project accomplished in several stages, or a recurring educational expense such as annual tuition. Each type of loan has its advantages and disadvantages; you simply need to decide if you want a fixed interest rate and fixed payments, or more flexibility in terms of when and how you pay. Your needs will determine which type of loan is best for you. Either way, under current Federal law, the interest on a second mortgage is deductible from your income taxes up to $100,000. Carolina Mortgage Loans You're selling your home and are looking to relocate to the Carolinas. While researching homes in your new community you discover that you do not know of any mortgage lenders in the area. Your realtor is pressuring you for some answers. The solution? You turn to the internet and discover Carolina mortgage loans are available right online. Kingsland Saint Marys & Kings Bay Real Estate - VA Mortgage Information For Home Buyers A VA guaranteed mortgage is the usually the best way for active or inactive veterans to purchase a home. The VA mortgage allows the buyer to purchase a home with absolutley no out of pocket expenses! A Mortgage Loan For Homes Everybody wants to own a house because it is something that portrays your success in life. Some people make some ways on how to own one by considering a lot of things including borrowing money from banks, lending offices and finance institutions. A great option for people who really wants to have an investment is to engage in mortgage. Mortgage is an important thing in having loans. It is essential if you are planning to build a business and have some investments but your budget can't reach the exact amount you need. Who Else is Ready to have Their Money Work Harder for Them? What does it mean to refinance? Why would anyone want to consider it? There are numerous situations when someone would refinance. When we use the word refinance, we are basically referring to a loan: for example a car or house loan. It may also be a business loan. In this article, we are going to explain the home loan and some of the common terms of refinancing and how they apply to other types of loans as well. Refinancing Online - Get The Best Refinance Home Loan You Can Get When going to refinance or get a mortgage loan quote, the internet can be a useful tool to shop around for the best interest rate. The reason the internet is a good place to start applying, is because most mortgage applications online do not typically pull your credit with the first application. Most of the time, the application will ask you to describe your credit. Once you have received an initial offer, then, the mortgage loan consultant who contacts you will ask you if they can pull your credit. ![]() |
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