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Find the Best Mortgage Company
If you do not wish to commit to living in one place for at least a few years, then owning a house is probably not for you, at least not yet. With the transaction costs of buying and selling a home, you may end up losing money if you sell any sooner. But if you think you are ready, you probably need to find a mortgage loan. Finding a mortgage companies or lenders can be an arduous task. This is a serious decision and you should be ready to invest some time to research mortgage loan options and understand the mortgage loan process. There are many lenders and you should contact several potential lenders to search the best mortgage companies and lenders. The easiest way to contact several lenders or brokers is online. Let them compete for your loan. Today, most mortgage companies and lenders provide simple online forms or questionnaires. This way, lenders or mortgage companies can directly contact you to promote or discuss your mortgage loan and determine how they can best serve your needs. Once you have spoken with a loan officer then you can usually move forward with an application process for credit. As you receive offers from various lenders and brokers you need to compare apples to apples to make sure the pricing is comparable. Ask each potential lender for a "no/no" which means a "no points and no origination fees" rate quote. Also ask for detailed closing costs and a total cost to close. Closing costs should not vary too much because the costs associated with closing have standard fees in many states and county taxes, credit report fees and appraisal fees. Also keep in mind that closing costs on a Good Faith Estimate (GFE) are only estimates and may change at closing. Some lenders or brokers will even guarantee that their closing costs will not exceed the total closing costs on the GFE. Once you have the no discount fee and no origination point rate and closing costs you can better compare your mortgage offers. It is clearly a big mistake to just ask for a mortgage rate or to call about a low rate you may have heard on TV or radio. Rates are determined by risk and each mortgage loan will carry a different level of risk and thus a different rate. Risk factors that determine rates can include the borrower's credit history, the price of the home, loan to value (LTV) which is determined by the down payment and many other factors. Eric Newman is an author for Teanobi.com. All articles may be used and reprinted as long as they have an active link at the bottom pointing to http://www.teanobi.com with the anchored text: Teanobi - Green Tea
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Adjustable Rate Mortgage - How They Work? How does an ARM work. Home Mortgages: Does a No-closing-cost Loan Make Sense for You? I have heard a number of radio ads and have seen many newspaper ads offering "no closing cost" home mortgages. These ads will tell you that you can get a new mortgage or refinance your existing mortgage at absolutely with absolutely no closing costs.. There are no points, no charges for an appraisal, no charge for title insurance, no costs, period. Understanding a UK Commercial Mortgage In many ways a commercial mortgage is just like a residential mortgage in that you pledge real property as collateral against a loan to either buy or refinance that property. You can also receive a commercial re-mortgage and use it as a line of credit for any business purpose. Bad Credit Mortgage Loans - Are You Killing Your Chances of Getting Approved? When you have poor credit, your list of lenders that will approve you for a home loan can shrink down very small. You want to make sure that you are doing everything in your power to keep your credit rating as high as you can. Home Loans -- Federal Regulators Warn Lenders to Be More Careful Federal banking regulators have recently expressed some concern over the housing market as home prices in the United States have risen to record levels. While homes are more unaffordable than ever for many people, the lending market remains strong, mostly because of the introduction of new, ever-more-flexible types of loans. While these newer loan types, such as the interest-only loan, make buying a home easier for some borrowers, they also propose a greater risk to the lender. Reverse Mortgages ? A Tax Free Income For Senior Citizens I fully realize if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is and There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch (TANSTAAFL) immediately jumped into your head when you read the title of this article. However, if you are 62 or over, you may have just found the goose that laid the golden egg. How To Turn Disadvantages Of A Reverse Mortgage To Your Advantage When it comes to a reverse mortgage, wise consumers weigh the advantages and disadvantages prior to signing on the dotted line. Private Mortgage Insurance Basics Will you be asked to pay Private Mortgage Insurance, or PMI? Most lenders will require you to carry PMI if you cannot put 20% or more of your loan amount forward as a down payment. PMI protects the LENDER in case you default on your payments. PMI does not protect you, the borrower. The lender will secure the PMI policy for you, and you will pay for it. Most people choose to have PMI added to their monthly mortgage payments, but other payment arrangements are possible. The monthly cost of PMI is based on your loan amount. An approximate cost of PMI for a $100,000.00 loan is about $50.00 a month. Homebuyers Loan Guide If you are a homebuyer, there are a few points on a homebuyer's loan that you should keep in mind. These pointers simply ensure that you don't burden yourself with a loan or repayment and that you can get a justified return on your investment. Home Equity Loan ? Still a Better Idea Than a 401(K) Loan Anyone who borrows money is always looking for the cheapest source of funding. That makes sense; no one wants to pay more in interest than is absolutely necessary. And anyone with a sizeable amount of debt, such as credit card debt or a student loan, would be wise to consolidate their debt with a lower interest loan. One source of such a loan is a 401(K) account, which many consumers may have through their employer. Since the interest rate on Federal student loans rose on July 1, many students who missed that deadline may be wondering if consolidating through a 401(K) loan is a good alternative. Is it? Financial Rebirth Through Remortgage Seldom in ones life do we get a chance to alter the mistakes we made in the past. Remortgage offers a once in a life time opportunity to change from a mortgage to another that is more desirable. Choosing a Mortgage Lender Just as there are many types of mortgages and mortgage deals to choose from, there are also many sources where you can go to get a mortgage. Your key choices are to use a mortgage broker, a more general financial adviser, or shop around yourself and go direct to the mortgage lender. For many people, choosing a lender means finding a mortgage company offering the lowest APR rate. Remortgage Debt Consolidation - The New Recourse For Credit Crunch Shakespeare once said about human nature 'with nothing shall be pleased, till he be eased with being nothing'. It is human nature to not be satisfied with anything for long. With the expansion of technology, so many multi-utility items are available which everybody wants to accumulate. The real issue is that our relationship with these modern gadgets is short and we need to make purchases frequently. But little do we realize that there is a limit to our credit cards. Resort to debt consolidation when your credit card payments become unmanageable. A very common process by which one can procure debt consolidation is remortgage. Securing a US Commercial Mortgage What's the most efficient way to secure a US Commercial Mortgage? Work with a mortgage broker who specializes in this area. If you've ever applied for a loan, you're familiar with the mountain of paperwork you are required to complete during the process. The lender takes the applicant's information, runs it thought their guidelines and formulas and after waiting many weeks, a decision is made to either approve or deny the loan. If approved, the transaction can proceed. If denied, the applicant has to begin the process all over again. Mortgage Elimination- A Horrible and Sure Way to Lose Your Home to Foreclosure "Own your home free and clear in 3 to 4 months. Note paid in full!" Mortgage Loans For People With Adverse Credit - How Much Should You Borrow "How much should you borrow?" is a question people with adverse credit wrestle with. The answer is simply as much as you can afford. This is probably less than what you will qualify to borrow from a mortgage lender. To determine what you can afford, factor the mortgage payment and other home costs into your budget. Home Equity Loan ? Home Theater Adds Fun and Value In days gone by, the family typically spent their evenings watching television in the den or living room, crowded around a black and white television set that may have measured no more than nineteen inches in diagonal size. For decades, this scenario was pretty much the same in most American homes, with the only change being the replacement of black and white televisions with color models. This worked fine for many years, when most cities only had two or three stations, and most homes didn't have cable television. With the introduction of high definition television (HDTV), DVD movies, high performance surround sound systems, and affordable video projectors and flat-screen plasma displays, many homeowners would like to have a dedicated room, or home theater, for audio-video use. In today's housing climate, adding a home theater to your home is a smart move. Reverse Mortgages Learn The Facts First! Reverse Mortgages, Most Common Features: Mortgage Calculator ? How to Calculate Your Monthly Mortgage Payment Just starting to shop for a new home? Do you want to know how to figure what your monthly payment would be based on a certain priced home? No problem, there are plenty of mortgage calculators on the web you can use free of charge (click here for an example of one). All you need to know is the mortgage amount, sale price less the down payment, interest rate (also easy to access on the web), and the number of years you wish to finance your new home, usually 30 years (360 months) is the maximum term. Simply input those numbers into the mortgage calculator and voila you have your monthly payment calculated for you. Can you see the advantage of knowing what your approximate monthly payment is going to be while your home shopping? Mortgage Terminology for the First Time Home Buyer Buying a Home for the first time can be a little "nerve racking". Mortgage terminology that brokers use everyday can leave you scratching your head or shaking your head pretending that you know what they're talking about. Here are some mortgage terms and definitions that you"ll be hearing when shopping for a first time home buyer loan: ![]() |
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