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Home Mortgage Rate Shopping - Why Some Shoppers Give Up And Others Dont
About 29% of current homeowners and a much larger percent of consumers with income levels above $50,000 feel it best to stay as far away from offers to finance or refinancing their home as possible. And this seemly for good reason. Trying to get a great deal on a mortgage loan or shopping for low rate refinancing can be a pain in the neck and a complete and total hassle for most of us. What's worse, when we think we've found a great offer we're made to feel like a heel when we start asking questions about rates, points and fees. But of course their making us feel like a heel is all a part of the game, right? The fact is many large transactions make it to the closing table under duress, an urgent need to relocate or the pressure to relieve oneself of heavy debt obligations. Aside from these factors most of us just aren't motivated to make changes on a financial basis even if means risking sustaining our present way of life. Ignorance Is Bliss Until... Often the real reason behind not being motivated to make major home improvements or lower ones mortgage rates to something more reasonable may very well be the bliss of ignorance. That is to say the bliss of simply not knowing how. Not knowing how to finding the right loan. Not knowing how to find the right lender. Not knowing how to lower ones rates or how to eliminate all the unnecessary red tape. Not knowing how to tell a predatory lender from a lender who actually has your best interest reflected in his closing documents. Not knowing how to accelerate the loan process. It's no wonder we don't know how to approach these issues, most of the news articles and periodical we read don't address these needs and issues with enough depth to achieve the desired results. The sad thing is when we finally decided to look into doing something about it all we get fed is a bunch of hot air from folks who can't wait to get their grimy hands on our money or worse hour home. So we sit and we wait until the pretence that we are protecting our assets runs thin. While we wait and do nothing we are confronted with the fact that while everyone else's home is appreciating ours may actually be depreciating not to mention the need to address all the mounting credit card debt and those bills that seem to be piling up daily. Yes ignorance is bliss until the roof caves in or the termites take a bite out of that untreated deck. Knowing Is The Best Motivator We must admit at some point in time that protecting our assets can be better accomplished when we know exactly who and what we're protecting them from in the first place. And that would be our creditors, the termites and above all ignorance itself. Getting to know our financial situation better as well as our options for improvement may actually help us protect and maintain what we value most ? our way of life. From Borrower To Investor According to The Mortgage Loan Search Network, an online informational resource at www.bcpl.net/~ibcnet the key to protecting our assets is allowing their value to reach it's full potential. That is to say, when our money and other assets increase in value and start to make money we are in a better position to maintain what we've worked so hard to acquire. That said, when one must opt for a home equity loan or cash out refinance loan in order to make necessary improvements in the home or invest in a business or pay college tuition costs the borrower in fact becomes an investor. The money borrowed is being used to bring in a greater return. With that in mind a site called LowMortgageRates at www.lowmortgagerates.cc. lists a number of ways to borrow cash, reduce mortgage rates while lowering mortgage payments, increasing ones home value and creating an income stream to offset debt and eventually eliminate most if not all debt over a shorter period of time. Getting To The Bargaining Table Still the questions looms, how do you find the right loan, the right lender, lower your mortgage rates, eliminate unnecessary red tape, avert predatory lending schemes and accelerate the loan process? According to one mortgage rate shopping site much of this can be handled in the following ways: 1. Work with your current lender. All your loan documents are already on file accelerating the loan process. 2. Get recommendations of good, reputable, credible lenders from respected trusted sources such as family members, friends and co-workers. 3. Ask recommended lender for references from satisfied customers. 4. Get several low mortgage rate quotes using online tools. The low mortgage rates network at www.lowmortgagerates.cc presents foolproof methods of screening lenders and getting the rates you want quickly and painlessly. For example, the site suggests that when you're ready to step over to your current lenders bargaining table bring along low mortgage rate offers from other lenders such as those found online. This will motivate your current lender to meet or beat your best offer. Ignorance is only bliss until the unforeseen overtakes us. After that we either kick ourselves for not knowing or we smile warmly and proudly for having taken the time to learn how to protect our valued assets and way of life. Mark Askew is the founder of the LowMortgageRates Network, a mortgage and home refinancing information resource for low mortgage rate shoppers located on the web at http://www.lowmortgagerates.cc
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Reverse Mortgages: When Is One Right For You? How do you know if a reverse mortgage is right for you? The answer depends on your current financial situation of course. Home Loans ? Lenders Continue to Offer High-Risk Loans Home prices in the Untied States continue to soar, and the remarkable run of real estate as the "must have" investment continues. The median price of a new home, which only recently crossed the $200,000 barrier, is now $215,000. The high prices of homes haven't deterred buyers; sales in June reached a record number of units. There is some concern in Washington about the explosive real estate market, and Federal banking regulators issued lending guidelines in May that urged lenders to be more cautious when lending money for home purchases. How have lenders responded to these guidelines? Recent Bankruptcy? Its Not Impossible to Obtain a Home Loan Because the new bankruptcy laws go into effect on October 17, 2005, more Americans than ever are filing for relief using the federal bankruptcy laws. The vast majority are simply overextended and cannot possibly repay the obligations they have open. Refinancing vs Line of Credit Refinancing vs line of credit are two popular options you have when deciding the best way to take equity out of your home. Sometimes it makes sense to establish a line of credit. But in other situations it's better to get a cash back refinance mortgage loan. An Infinity Mortgage? Here in Spain the concept of a mortgage period of 20 or 25 years is something new. The general feeling by the banks is that want their money back more quickly than banks in countries in which they are accustomed to longer periods. The borrowers are also accustomed to the idea that the guiding principle is to pay off the mortgage as quickly as possible. First Time Home Owner Mortgage Loans First time home owners are sometimes surprised at the complexity of the mortgage lending process. If you are searching for a mortgage and you have never owned a home, there a few things you can do to make the mortgage process less confusing. First time home owners should educate themselves on the home-buying experience before contacting mortgage lenders. There are many choices in obtaining a first time home owner mortgage loan. Friendly mortgage professionals are available to assist you in making the right decisions. What is a Flexible Mortgage? 'Flexible mortgage' is a term that's used a lot, but what exactly does it mean? A flexible mortgage allows the borrower to make extra repayments when they have the extra money and even reduce or skip payments should the need arise. Mortgage Brokers or Banks: Which is Right For You? When you're looking for a home loan, you might work with an officer at a bank or other lending institution, or you might choose to work with a mortgage broker. The end result is the same - a new house, but the two types of jobs differ. Jacksonville Florida Real Estate Mortgage Home Loans - Get the Best Rate Everytime There are hundreds of mortgage companies in the Jacksonville real estate market. All claiming to have the lowest rate and excellent customer service. Well, it is simple to figure out that if you are reading this information off of billboards or in an expensive yellows page adverisment, it is very possible this isn't so. Refinance Your Second Mortgage A 2nd mortgage is a secured loan on your property, with your home serving as collateral. Depending on the particular terms of your second mortgage, you could be able to refinance if you wish to reduce your monthly payments or are in need of extra cash. Refinancing a 2nd mortgage can be an option for those who want to pay off their mortgage (excluding any home equity lines of credit), reduce the interest rate they currently pay on their second mortgage, or simply want reduce their monthly payments. Refinancing a 2nd mortgage can also be an option if the homeowner wants to pay off the mortgage, including home equity lines of credit, and receive cash. Mortgage Tips For The Frantic It is a curious fact of human nature that people will haggle over the price of an umbrella, but buy a house on impulse. Securing a US Commercial Mortgage What's the most efficient way to secure a US Commercial Mortgage? Work with a mortgage broker who specializes in this area. If you've ever applied for a loan, you're familiar with the mountain of paperwork you are required to complete during the process. The lender takes the applicant's information, runs it thought their guidelines and formulas and after waiting many weeks, a decision is made to either approve or deny the loan. If approved, the transaction can proceed. If denied, the applicant has to begin the process all over again. How To Choose Your Mortgage Loan Are you excited about purchasing your first home? Or maybe this isn't the first, but you should be excited anyway! It's a big step and a big decision. Finding the right mortgage loan is key. The key to saving yourself money and probably a few headaches down the line. How to Find the Lowest Rate Possible! The quest is on! You're in the market for a new home loan, a refinance, or a consolidation and you absolutely insist on finding the lowest rate possible! So what better place to do your research, then here on the internet, late at night, with your coffee in hand, and your family fast to sleep! Do You REALLY Need a Home Equity Loan? Your equity is the amount your home is worth, on the market, minus the amount you owe to your mortgage broker. For example, if your property is worth $200,000 and the balance you owe your mortgage broker is $100,000, then your home equity - the part of your property that you own free and clear - is $100,000. Home Equity Loan ? A Reverse Mortgage Could Provide a Comfortable Retirement! While only comprising about 1% of all mortgages, the reverse mortgage has gained in popularity in recent years. Federally insured since the late 1980's, the reverse mortgage allows owners of paid-off homes to borrow against the equity in their homes in the form of a lump sum, a line of credit, or in the form of monthly payments. The loan is repaid when the owners die or when the home is sold or no longer occupied. In the early years of its existence, the reverse mortgage was regarded as a "last resort" step to avoid foreclosure, pay medical expenses or keep the home from disrepair. More recently, however, retirees have been finding creative ways to use the equity in their homes to allow their retirement years to be more enjoyable. The huge growth of the housing market during the last five years has left millions of homeowners with large amounts of equity in their homes. Californians who bought homes in the early 1960's at modest prices are now retiring; many of them have home equity in the mid-six figures. With that sort of equity, homeowners are using their equity to buy recreational vehicles, boats, luxury vacations, and even second homes. The structure of a reverse mortgage makes it possible for some homeowners to pay cash for a vacation home, while continuing to live in their primary residence for as long as they like, or are able. Once they die, the primary residence would be sold to pay pack the loan, while the second home would become part of their estate.This has provided a rare opportunity for many couples, who struggled to raise families and pay mortgages during the working years, to enjoy a few luxuries in their retirement years. Couples who could never afford to travel can now dip into their home equity and see Europe or take that cruise that always eluded them.While this may seem like a win-win situation for all involved, those in the lending industry express caution. For most people, the equity in their home is their single largest asset, and borrowing against it should done only after careful consideration. What if a lengthy hospital stay became necessary? Would the homeowner have sufficient funds to pay for that after buying a second home through a reverse mortgage? What if a husband or wife became incapacitated and required permanent housing in a nursing home? These are things that must be considered before using home equity for a houseboat or RV, and those considering such a move should consider discussing their plans with a financial advisor.Despite the potential drawbacks, the use of the reverse mortgage to fund a fun and adventurous retirement seems to be growing. With interest rates still near all-time lows, the trend will almost certainly continue in the near future. Finding the Best Home Improvement Loans When the time comes to do work around the house, finding good deals on home improvement loans can be vitally important. A New Choice for Home Financing: Correspondent Lenders When you begin your search for a new home loan, one of the first things to consider is where you'll get the money. Your basic choices will be mortgage brokers and banks. How to Shop Around for the Cheapest Mortgage Deal Online Before you start shopping around for a mortgage, you need to establish exactly what you want so that you do not waste your time looking at deals that will not save you money. You should also learn how to compare mortgages or choose what features of the finance package are important to you. Should You Choose to Refinance? Refinancing has become a valid option for many individuals with high interest rates on their mortgage. Refinancing is essentially a replacement loan, with a different lender and (hopefully) a lower interest rate. ![]() |
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