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Love, Marriage and MoneyJohnette Duff The f-word. Finances. Combining love and money may be the biggest stumbling block on the path of true love, creating more rifts in relationships than in-laws, drug and alcohol addiction, or infidelity. Financial power struggles challenge even the most solid partnership. Unfortunately, money too often equates to control in a relationship. The delicate balance of power between you is dependent on the successful combination of love and money. In the majority of relationships today, both members contribute financial resources. Despite the strides women have made toward financial equality on the job, though, men still have greater earning power. In general, with more disposable income, men invest more money and take greater risks than women. Women as a whole are more conservative in their investments because it takes them longer to earn the money. Money attitudes are also influenced by age, family upbringing, religion, and each persons own unique financial trials and errors. Everyone has opened a bank account, paid the rent or mortgage, kept the telephone and electricity turned on. When you make the decision to share your life with someone, though, such mundane issues suddenly become complicated. Do you keep separate bank accounts or do you put all the money in one account How do you split monthly expenses Do you each pay a portion or do you pay bills out of a joint account Should you be able to sign on your partners bank account Did one of you bring assets to the relationship that the other uses, such as a car or a home, for which expenses should be shared Financial advice for couples over fifty varies significantly depending on age, economic status and dependents. Every situation is different, but the following is general advice for everyone. Many modern couples keep their finances separate, while others opt to pool all their funds. Making the decision on the day-to-day handling of what was formerly “his” and “her” money can be a tough one. There are benefits to keeping separate property funds separate and maintaining certain assets in one name only, which well explain in more detail in the next chapter. Keeping other monies separate may create logistical problems, though, along with a diminished sense of common goals for the future. Combining your funds also gives a couple greater borrowing and investment power. Determining a financial plan that works might take months; many couples struggle for years before reaching a balance. Defining and discussing your money styles is the first step, setting goals is the second. Review your financial picture. Are you both satisfied with your knowledge and control of “your” money and “our” money Are you both knowledgeable about banking, insurance, investments, credit cards The routine business of a new life together should include the following:
You may need to consult your banker, your employer, your insurance agent, your accountant, your attorney or other professionals to accomplish these tasks. Your goal in tying the fiscal knot is to protect your spousal rights and save money. Begin your research before the wedding and make sure you follow through. Loveandthelaw.com should be your first stop - it’s an easy and inexpensive way to stay informed.
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