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What is a Healthy Eating Plan?
Healthy eating is important for everyone, from babies to the elderly. Learning to eat well is more than just eating a variety of foods so that your body gets the proper nutrients. It is also about enjoyment of foods and maintaining a healthy weight. Anyone can eat for good health. It involves 2 simple steps. First is to eat foods from all the different food groups. The second step is to eat a variety of foods from each group every day. Sounds simple. However so many people are not following a healthy eating plan. Busy lifestyles, availability of fast food, advertising and a lack of understanding of what healthy food is, all work against people trying for healthier eating. Unhealthy eating causes illness and weight problems. Type 2 diabetes is increasing dramatically and is directly linked to the increase in obesity. Heart disease and some cancers are also linked to obesity. A study by the Medical Journal of Australia found that 56% of Australian adults are considered overweight or obese. This is a 61% increase in obesity since 1991 Un-treated obesity poses significant, even life-threatening health risks. Everyone understands the importance of having car/home/ insurance. Have you considered the importance of nutritional insurance? This means eating the foods that will protect you against future disease, and understanding the benefits nutritional supplements can provide. If you are currently not following a healthy plan you will be surprised that you are most likely not eating enough. You may need to increase the amount of food you consume. Daily Food Suggestions Fruit 2-3 serves, Vegetables 5-7 serves, Protein 3-6 serves, Whole grains 2-3 serves, Dairy 2-3 serves Antioxidant Super Foods Antioxidants help prevent cellular damage. Eat plenty of foods rich in antioxidants such as almonds, berries, citrus, carrots, spinach, tomatoes, and bell peppers. 1. Top your cereal with almonds or berries; add tomatoes to sandwiches, soups or stews; layer your whole grain bread sandwich with slices of peppers and fresh spinach. 2. Pack a snack bag of nuts, baby carrots, grape tomatoes, and bell pepper slices for a nutritious pick-me-up between meals. 3. Protein snack bars carry easily for quick energy and a tasty treat. Calcium Calcium is the super nutrient that keeps bones and teeth strong. Now research shows that low-fat dairy also helps people lose weight! The best sources of calcium come from the cow. 1. Start your day with a protein rich breakfast. Add a bowl of whole grain cereal topped with skim milk and fresh fruit for a breakfast of champions. 2. Snack on low-fat yogurt or cheese between meals for an energizing treat. 3. Calcium-fortified juices and cereals are excellent alternatives to meet your three-a-day requirement. Fibre Fibre does wonderful things for the body, from lowering cholesterol levels, keeping you regular, and perhaps preventing certain cancers. Grandma called it roughage and we need plenty of it each day. 1. Read food labels to find whole grain breads and cereals that provide three or more grams of fibre per serving. A bowl full of bran or high-fibre cereal is a great start to meeting your daily needs. 2. Eat whole fruits and veggies for a healthy dose of fibre. Aim for five to nine servings a day. Juices don't contain as much fibre as whole fruit. 3. Dried beans and lentils are loaded with fibre and protein, so add them to soups, stews, salads, eggs, and salsas. Soy Soy is a super nutrient and excellent source of protein. It can lower cholesterol, which can help prevent cardiovascular disease. 1. Tofu takes on the flavour of foods that it is cooked with. Try a stir-fry of colourful veggies and cubed tofu with a light Asian sauce for a quick meal. You can also find cereals at the store loaded with both soy and fibre. Serve with skim milk and you'll get three super nutrients for breakfast. 2. Take a soy protein bar for a quick snack or lunch during the day. Soy nuts are another great portable snack option. Water Most of us don't get enough of this precious stuff. As a result, we may look peaked and feel fatigued. Our bodies are composed of more fluid than anything else, so water is a vital nutrient for our well-being. 1. Fill up a 2 litre water bottle each morning and keep it with you for quick and refreshing drinks throughout the day. 2. Don't rely on thirst; this sensation diminishes with age. Drink often and choose from nutritious liquids, including 100% fruit and vegetable juices, skim or low fat milk, broths, water, and herbal teas. Never skip meals. It is important for your metabolism t eat 3 meals a day plus 2 snacks. By following a healthy eating plan you will maintain your body in optimal fitness. You will decrease your risk of developing life style diseases. Your body will reward you by being in peak condition. Cheryl Haining is a skin care, body shape and nutrition coach. She has her own successful business. Her mission statement is to ensure everyone reaches his or her optimum body shape, size and condition. Contact Cheryl at http://www.uloseweight.net or email her at cherhaining@yahoo.com.au To learn how to create an income stream from home visit http://www.keybusinesstips.info
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Reading Labels:Understanding Fiber, Fat, Carbohydrates, Etc Since 1994, food manufacturers have required the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to include food labels on all packaged food items. Labels can be a tremendous help in controlling our diets-but only if we understand them. Here is a primer to use as you browse the labels in your panty and at the grocery: Tips to Avoid Trans Fats Hidden In Food Recently, trans fats have risen to the forefront of the nutrition world. It is not uncommon on a regular visit to the grocery store to see a wide range of products advertising themselves as being "trans fat free". This is helpful information for the regular consumer to help avoid over consumption of trans fats, but what are trans fats, why are they harmful and how does one identify trans fats "hidden" in non-labeled foods? This article aims to help the average consumer understand more about trans fats and identify sources from everyday consumables. Building Better Bones "It is a bone-deep change you are going into, my beloved," counsels Grandmother Growth. "You must open to your very marrow for this transformation. No cell is to remain untouched. You are to open more than you ever dreamed you could open, more than you have opened in birth or in passion. You open now to the breath of mortality as it plays the bone flute of your being. What can you do but dance to the haunting melody, develop a passion for an elegant posture and a long stride? Whats The Truth About Fat? When I hear the word fat I usually think of a roll of it hanging over a persons belt, or that guy Milty, from the movie Van Wilder, doing a belly flop off of the top diving platform with the words, "save the swim team", written across his backside. Sometimes, however, the picture of a big, juicy, double quarter pounder with cheese will slip its way into my mind. Although, if I were to eat more than the one per month that I allow myself now I would probably be sick for days, thanks to the health food lifestyle I've become accustomed to over the past few years. For the most part, the word fat has a negative connotation. Snack Attack - How to Keep Your Hunger Between Meals from Getting the Best of You The Benefits of Snacking Nutritional Support in Critically Ill Patients The nutritional support in critically ill patients can be explained in 2 ways Milk Soy Protein Intolerance: A Mothers Perspective I first learned of Milk Soy Protein Intolerance (MSPI) in the office of a pediatric gastroenterologist's office with my seven-week-old son, Max. After the first week of his life Max lost weight and was labeled "failure to thrive." As an educated mother and nurse I was devastated that this could happen. Ultra Refined Fish Oil - The New Generation of Fish Oil Dr. Barry Sears revolutionized nutritional thinking around the world with his 1995 landmark #1 New York Times best seller The Zone. With The Zone, and his subsequent bestselling Zone books, Dr. Sears describes how a scientifically proven plan of moderate carbohydrate consumption balanced with appropriate amounts of protein and fat may help you live a longer and better life. Seasonings: Add More Than Just Flavor Besides providing taste, color, and aroma, certain seasonings can also add health to your meals. Herbs and spices contain phytochemicals which are natural health promoting substances and have been found to protect us against diseases such as cancer and heart disease. So here's to spicing up your meal and health! Understanding Vegetarianism Like the Sun, Moon, and Earth, there are three kinds of vegetarians in existence: ovo-lacto, a vegetarian that eats vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, seeds and nuts, as well as eggs and dairy products. Lacto, a vegetarian that eats everything the "ovo-lacto" does, except eggs. Finally, we have vegans, a vegetarian that eats what the rest of the others eat, except for any kind of animal products, period. Each group of vegetarian is unique, but branches from the same tree of life. The Tibetan and Chinese health Secret: If you read one health report a year, this should be it! It seems as if the health of America is failing. One million Americans will die of circulatory disease this year. Six hundred thousand lives will be cut short by cancer as well. How did we get in such a mess? I'm not sure. But there is a way out that is starting to generate a real buzz! Since CNN and the gang won't talk about it I decided to write is article. Are Your Cells Talking To Each Other? Are Your Cells Talking To Each Other? A Consumers Guide to Soy Terms Although you may have heard about soy and all of its health benefits, you may not have figured out how to incorporate it into your diet, yet. There are so many products available; figuring out exactly what they are may seem overwhelming. Here is an explanation of terms of various soy products to help you understand and evaluate which products are for you. Feeling Tired? Cant Lose Weight? Tap Into Protein Power! You're always hungry right? The last thing you have time for is to plan meals ahead. Don't despair, you body was designed to be refueled continually. We are not camels and we are unable to work in tip top condition without the essential nutrients our body requires. Your body was designed for a regular supply fo good quality food throughout the day. Functional Foods Are Becoming More Popular... Established in 1989 by Stephen DeFelice, "Foundation for Innovation in Medicine" defined "Nutraceutical", as a food, dietary suppplement, or medical food that has a medical or health benefit, including the prevention and treatment of disease. Today, it is hard to separate the definition of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods. In 2002, the Nutraceutical or Functional Food industry had evolved into a lucrative 20.2 billion dollar a year market, and is here to stay. Boost Your Immune System The Immune System is probably the most important system in your body. It was designed by nature, millions of years ago, to aid the body in recovering from injuries and illness. In other words "a natural built in healing system". Seven Habits of Highly Healthy Eaters "What exercises can I do to ?? As fitness professional I hear these words often. It doesn't matter if the sentence ends with, "get bigger muscles", "firm up my butt" or "flatten my stomach". My initial response is always the same. "Well, what are you eating? In terms of physical fitness exercise is only part of the equation. Proper nutrition is vital regardless of the specific fitness goal. The Dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup High Fructose Corn Syrup What?s Causing Your Energy Drain? This is such a busy time of year, isn't it? Whether it's school or after-school commitments, social or philanthropic organizations that start meeting again after the summer, end of the year plans at work, or all of the above, fall activities are demanding! If you're like me, you know you plan too much, but you still want to be efficient, accomplish everything, and do it well. There is no time in the schedule for running out of energy or getting sick, and "Collapse From Exhaustion" is not on the TO DO list. But your body will stop you if you don't stop it first. How will you know if you are running on empty? The number one warning sign is fatigue. Abnormal fatigue can be a sign from your body that you are overworking, overthinking, underresting, or undereating. (I don't know if all those are words, but they should be.) A variety of illnesses and medical conditions can cause fatigue, including hormone disorders, depression, and pregnancy, so if you notice a dramatic or persistent change in your energy level, it's wise to consult your physician. The good news is that if it's your hectic agenda that's leaving you drained, you can give yourself the best chance of staying well by looking at a few key areas ? sleep, nutrition, hydration, and relaxation. As with many beneficial life habits, these four staples of health do not have catchy slogans or expensive promotional campaigns. Bottled water brands and sleep number beds are starting to change that, but they're based on the premise that you need a very extravagant bed or water purification system, rather than the idea that you need sleep and water to be healthy. (Common sense, you say? How long has it been since you got eight hours of sleep and drank two liters of water in the same day?) Most nutrition-related marketing promotes one food or food group over another, rather than the guiding principle that you faithful readers know by now: eating frequent, small amounts of a variety of foods. On the other hand, I'm sure you've seen and heard multiple advertisements for energy bars, energy drinks, and energy boosting supplements, promising more energy if you eat or drink the magical concoction of chemicals. Remember what you learned in Nutrition 101: Your body can only make energy from three things: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. ONLY. Other nutrients help your body USE energy, including iron and B vitamins, but nothing you get in a pill can actually give you more energy than eating actual food. Caffeine, ginseng, guarana, ma huang, ephedra, and xenedrine are all stimulants that make your heart beat faster, so your brain gets more oxygen, so you FEEL like you have more energy?but it's a trap. When the effects wear off, you will be more tired than you were before. If you use the chemicals again, you perpetuate the cycle, or in other words, you're hooked! Quick Tip: Real energy means calories. If a product contains 0 calories, it's a fake. The good news (yes, there's more!) is that although no supplement can make up for poor habits, changing habits can eliminate the need for these potentially harmful chemicals in your body. Easier said than done, I agree. But start in one area, and experiment with a small change. If you see results, you will have proved to yourself that the change is worth it! In the coming weeks, we'll look at each of the key areas, sleep, nutrition, hydration, and relaxation, with the goal of maintaining exceptional energy throughout your day. If you need an energy makeover, why not keep an energy log? On 2 weekdays and 2 weekend days write down the following: What time it is each time you eat (you don't have to write down WHAT you eat); what time it is when you go to sleep and when you wake up; what beverages you drink throughout the day; any relaxing activities you did that day; and a description of your energy (highs or lows) throughout the day. In two weeks we'll meet back and see what your results mean and where to improve! To be continued? Omega 3s: Using Our Heads to Nourish Our Brains We sometimes hear about ways that we can take care of our organs by the foods we injest. When we think about our diet we cannot help but think about the effect our choices have on our heart, liver and other internal and external organs. And yet, what of the brain? When it comes to our diet, the brain has generally been the most overlooked organ, when the brain is actually affected quite strongly by our dietary choices. Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids are among the very best brain nutrients. As it turns out, omega-3's apparently protect the brain. Omega-3 fatty acids are made out of DHA (or docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (or eicosapentaenoic acid). ![]() |
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