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Changing Your Eating Habits
Because all of us have been brought up eating junk food, well most of us, it is not easy to change our eating habits. Your eating habits have developed since childhood based on what your mothers or fathers cooked and what your psychological make-up was during that time. The foods you eat and crave help keep pass trauma and present anxiety in check. Food helps make you feel good when you start to feel bad. Eating is a natural defense mechanism that the brain-body uses to keep you from going crazy. So, you see, it is very difficult to change our eating habits. When we do, we start to feel bad. We start to feel uncomfortable, we feel pain, we have withdrawal symptoms, and we may feel sick. Is it any wonder that any of us ever succeed in changing our eating habits. I consider every thing that has been packaged to be junk food. There are a few exception and you need to read ingredient labels carefully. Very few food manufacturers and even restaurants prepare food with your health in mind. Of course, they want to satisfy you, but they don't use foods that are in your best interest. Most people eat junk food 85% of the time and then eat good food the other 15%. It should be the reverse of this - eat good food 85% and junk food 15% of the time. To have better health, here are some foods to stop eating. Eliminate these foods over the next two to three weeks. * Milk (non-fat or no-fat also) - is a mucus and acid forming food. Milk creates mucus in the body and makes the lymph liquid (we will talk about lymph later) in your body acidic, which attracts parasites and other pathogens.(In the place of milk almond milk or goats milk) Cancer thrives in a body that is acidic. * Bread - white bread is also acid and mucus forming. It is also more difficult to pass through the colon and gives rise to constipation. Sugar the #1 food additive. Sugar is in most of all the products that you buy. * Sodas (regular or diet)- are extremely high in sugar or artificial sugar - 7 teaspoons per can. Most people drink over 35 gallons per year. Sugar is a body poison and leads to many disease - diabetes, obesity, tooth decay and osteoarthirtis and so on. * Sugar, also, depletes your B-vitamins and calcium and magnesium from your bones and teeth. * In addition, since sodas are in aluminum cans, aluminum can go into the soda because most sodas contain phosphoric acid. Aluminum has been associated with senility and Alzheimer disease. * Calcium is also leached from your body to neutralize the phosphoric acid.(its healthier to drink juices of all kinds) There is just no way around it. Sodas suck health right out of your body. * Regular salt (NaCl) - excessive salt intake is related to high blood pressure, edema, and imbalances in the minerals in your lymph liquid. Sodium, Na, in salt attracts water so the more sodium you eat that more water your body will hold. (use sea salt, it has 25% less sodium, use low salt soy sauce, and herbs to flavor your food) * Most people eat too much salt - over 10,000 milligrams per day. We only need around 200-300 mg per day. * Excess salt is also in involved with kidney problems, cardiovascular disease, stomach cancer, and excess sensitive to stress. * Get your Sodium from eating vegetables that are high in sodium. When you get your salt from vegetables it is organic salt, which does not have the same effect in your body as inorganic salt from a shaker. You need a lot of organic salt or Na in your body. Your stomach is a Na organ. It needs organic salt, Na, to keep its lining from being eaten by the hydrochloric acid in your stomach - an ulcer. * Foods high in organic sodium are apples, apricots, asparagus, greens, red cabbage, carrots, celery, dulse, egg yolks, figs, fish, raisins, prunes, and lentils. For the next two weeks try adding the following foods to your eating habits. * lecithin - is 30-40% choline which is used throughout your body. This is why you want to include it in your diet. * choline is one of the main chemicals in our cell membrane. * It is used in our brains to create the neurotransmitter acytlcholine which is required for thinking and memory. Consider lecithin brain food. * It is used by the liver which helps to prevent a fatty liver. A fatty liver prevents you from losing weight around your belly. * it helps to break up fats into tiny goblets so that they are easily digestible and will reduce your cholesterol. * it helps to keep cholesterol from clinging to your artery walls. * flax seed oil - is an essential oil, omega 3. This means your body does not make it and it is necessary for you to eat it so that you can live without illness or pain. * it helps to detoxify the liver * it stimulate the production of bile. Remember that bile helps to breakdown fat so that the liver can better metabolize it. * stimulate the body to burn fat. * apple juice and apples - are high in vitamin A, in Potassium and have other minerals that strengthen the blood. They contain malic and tartaric acids, which keep the liver healthy and promote good digestion. Apples help you to lose weight by providing fiber and keeping you regular. * fiber - you need 30-35 grams of fiber every day. Most people only get up to 10-15 grams. Fiber is one foods that reduce your transient time in the colon. Fiber helps to keep your colon clean, reduce cholesterol, remove toxins from your body and eliminate constipation. There you have it. If you can accomplish these changes in one year, you will notice a big difference in the way you feel and the health that you have. Rudy Silva is a natural nutritionist. He writes a newsletter called "Natural Remedies That work." You can subscribe to his newsletter and read some of the back issues, which give you information of how to have better health. Read his latest newsletter at: http://www.natural-remedies-thatwork.com/nl-111.html
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