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Essential Fatty Acids - Americas Major Dietary Deficiency
America's major dietary deficiency - EFA a panacea for good health Today you cannot so much turn a corner without seeing a sign on a fast food restaurant's window boasting the "Low Carb" menu. You cannot read a magazine without seeing an ad for "Adkins friendly" foods. Everyone it seems is preaching the Low Carb Diet. You are told what not to eat in a sentence. "Lower your carbohydrate intake" they say, but no one is emphasizing what you should eat. As there is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate for life, we humans can do just fine without bread, rice and potatoes. However, this food group does provide very cheap and quick fuel and has been used throughout history to nourish armies and feed the masses. Proteins and fats are "essential" and without some in our diet, humans would perish. So I am going to focus on an important component of the diet, once you have cut your carbs down. The American (for that matter the modern) diet is deficient in fats. Yes, fats. The once blacklisted lambasted substance that dieticians had viewed as the single culprit for obesity is now being viewed as the panacea for good health. There is a nationwide fat intake deficiency. Not any fat mind you as the fast food industry is an ample supplier of the "wrong kinds of fats." I am speaking of the omega-3 fatty acids and since the 1850's dietary intake of these fatty acids has taken a nosedive. The omega-3 Fatty Acids (n-3FA) is a structure different from the n-6 and n-9 FA that we are more prone to find in our French fries and double cheeseburgers. Sources of n-3FA are from animal (fish) salmon, mackerel, tuna, and sardines, and from plant sources such as Flaxseed and Borage oil. First and foremost, fatty acids are crucial in fetal development and early childhood development from neonates to adolescence. The brain is mostly comprised of fat and requires fatty acids. In particular docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) as building blocks. When someone calls you a fat-head, take it as a complement. The more dietary fat you take in the better chances you have of developing a health central and peripheral nervous system. Recently companies that manufacture infant formula have added lipids high in DHA, Enfamil LIPIL for example. Studies show that children exposed to higher concentrations of fatty acids in their diet tend to do better scholastically. The health benefits of Omega Fatty Acids (n-FA) abound. Much research was gathered by studying the Inuit diet with a ratio of n-6:n-3 of 1:2.5 and other cultures (Okinawa, Japan for example) that consumed much of their dietary fat from fish in the 6:1 ratios. The Inuit (Eskimo) diet consisted almost exclusively of meat (there is very little space to grow "greens or grains" in the Arctic) and their meat source was overwhelmingly from the sea. Hence, their intake of rather high ratios of n-3 FA gave them near insusceptibility against cardiovascular disease. Since about the turn of the last century our ratios have changed drastically to that of about 20:1 and as a consequence we suffer a grave n-3 FA deficiency. This dietary state happens to be a pro-inflammatory condition. There are very strong scientifically proven connections between diets low in n-3 FA and higher incidences of a number of diseases. They include cardiovascular disease. Heart attacks and strokes are more common in people not consuming enough of this essential FA. There is even a connection with multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia and depression, and even osteoporosis. Research in the last few years has shown marked improvements in depression with high doses of EFA as the only treatment. Since the link was made some years ago between inflammation and heart disease, it behooves one to do whatever to reduce the inflammation in our systems, beyond relying on a pill. As inflammation relates to many of the arthritises and degenerative diseases of our bodies, nutritionally minded doctors will often prescribe n-3 FA to their patients to help with the pain and progression of arthritis. There is obviously not enough room in this article to discuss specifics, but the take home message here is this. Of the near fifty know essential nutrients our body needs for survival, the one that has the highest daily requirement is the "essential fatty acids" and the consequences of suffering a deficiency has a major impact on the human body. JP Saleeby, MD is Assistant Medical Director of LRMC-ED, and CEO of VSN a pharmaceutical grade dietary supplement company (http://www.vitasanus.com). Dr. Saleeby also practices integrative preventive medicine in a telemedicine forum, visit http://www.saleeby.net for more information. He can be reached for comment at jpsaleeby@aol.com.
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TsuNoni - Green Tea Meets Noni East Meets West Natural Foods Defined With so many people concerned about natural and organic foods these days, it's useful to stop and really take a look at what "natural" and "organic" foods really are. We all know that natural and organic foods are better for us than highly processed or artificial foods, but do we really know which foods are natural and organic? When you buy food that is labeled "natural," what does that really mean? What about "organic"? The Isometric Diet and Balanced Health The concept isometric has been a part of the health care vocabulary for decades. The most common application of the term, until now, has been with respect to physical exercise. Taken from the Greek root word Iso, meaning equal, the familiar term Isometric exercises involves applying equal weight to achieve strength goals. 9 Tips to Stop Food Cravings and Help You With Your Diet Most of us are "regular" people. We don't eat the perfect diet all the time and have our struggles with food, same as everyone else. But having an awareness of this fact and knowing a little bit about our health and food nutrition can help when it comes to making wise decisions. You Are What You Eat You've no doubt heard the saying, "You are what you eat", as it typically pertains to encouraging people to be more health conscious- and really consider each food before it enters the mouth! In America in fact, a commercial for a popular brand of cereal bars actually depicted people walking out of donut shops and bakeries in costumes of the food that they ordered for breakfast, and of course, everyone stared at the donut shaped person walking into the office. The idea behind the phrase, "you are what you eat", is if you don't want to look like you eat donuts every morning for breakfast and fast food every night for dinner, you need to eat healthier. Around the world, countries each have their own special recipes and cooking habits that contribute to the overall health of the countries residents. The Cholesterol Myth Cholesterol. What images come to mind when you see this word? Is it positive or negative? Is it health, or is it heart disease? Autism and Nutritional Supplements Unfortunately, it has been proved beyond doubt that a large percentage of the United States population suffers from nutritional deficiency. Studies show, 30% of the general population has a marginal level of Vitamin C and 15% are Vitamin C deficient. Low level of vitamins and minerals like, calcium, iron, folic acid, magnesium, and chromium continue to be a significant but common problem in the United States. It is also being noticed that children suffering from Autism are the most common patients for vitamin and mineral deficiency. Generally children suffering from Autism have much lower level of vitamins A, C, D, and E, and all B vitamins (except choline) and some minerals (zinc, magnesium, selenium). Eating Disorders Do Not Discriminate Who suffers from Eating Disorders? A Home Water Filter - Do We Need To Filter Our Drinking Water? Do we really need a home water filter? Can't we just assume the water that flows from our kitchen and bathroom tap is sufficiently treated for contaminants by our municipal water facility? In order to answer these questions, we need to obtain a little more background information. Gift of Health People want to get the very best they can when purchasing anything. Aggressive Behaviour Seems To Be Triggered By Early Age Diet The fact that diet directly affects behaviour is no news, on the contrary, this reality has been perceived a very long time ago, as the old saying "a man is what he eats" proves. Aging Gracefully with the Aid of Various Nutrients During the past thirty years there has been a steadily growing amount of scientific evidence linking vitamins and minerals to having a direct effect in protecting one's self from aging. Apart from the usual health benefits that we can receive from having adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in our body, it's also a highly appealing note to include that being healthy inside will actually reflect on how we look like on the outside. This is why a great change in one's lifestyle is highly encouraged, a healthy way of living can still be achieved given that you have the patience and enough self-discipline to actually control yourself from wolfing down hamburgers and steaks as well as chugging bottles of soda each and every day. Where Does Your Drinking Water Come From? Have you ever thought about where your drinking water comes from? Most of us never give this question a thought. Yet, the sources of our water tell us a lot about its quality. The Best Protein Powder What is the best protein powder to buy? I get this question all the time, and really, there is no best protein - many are very good for different reasons! In my opinion, it is futile and possibly detrimental to stick to only one brand for the following reasons: Fighting Fatigue and the American Diner Breakfast (Part 1 of a Special 5 Part Series on Body Awareness) Soy Phytoestrogens and the Art of Propaganda In this newsletter we will discuss the current controversy about soy phytoestrogens. The established literature to date is replete with studies that find soy phytoestrogens beneficial to disease prevention including prevention of breast cancer. There is, however, some current literature coming from a publication know as Nexus Magazine which, for the most part, parrots the "literature" from the Weston A. Price Foundation. I have attempted to present this literature as I have found it. Fibromyalgia: How Simple Sugars Turned Fatigue into Energy Several years ago, Marilyn M. couldn't even spell fibromyalgia. Nutrition, Evolution, and Having a Healthy Diet Nutrition has everything to do with health. This isn't news, exactly, but looking around at the crazy information on the market, one wonders if anyone actually makes the connection: what you eat affects how you feel. It's that simple. Your health depends on the food choices you make in both the short and long term. Eating Outside Your Box One way to combat the boredom many people complain accompanies eating healthy is to "eat outside your box," by experimenting with new foods and cuisines and by challenging your long held notions about what to eat and when. Iceberg is not the only kind of lettuce, apples and oranges aren't the only fruits and there is no law that says you can't eat mushroom lasagna for breakfast and a southwestern omelet for dinner. And just because your parents always eat turkey on Thanksgiving, fish on Friday and meatloaf on Mondays doesn't mean you have to. Dare to step outside your comfort zone and put an end to your eating rut, by accepting one (or more) of the following challenges to eat and live more healthily and creatively. Three Cheers for Heart Healthy Oils! You may have noticed an ever-expanding choice of oils at your local grocery store over the past few years. While once your options were limited to corn, canola, safflower and maybe olive oil, now your choices include walnut, almond, grapeseed and other types of oil as well. You may have even splurged on a bottle of fragrant truffle oil. Each of these oils has its place in the kitchen and serves a specific function. Understanding which oil is suited for which use will help you to make the best choices for you and your family. Also, understanding the difference between the so-called "good" and "bad" fats will allow you to cook and eat more healthfully. ![]() |
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