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Why People Get Sick
The body is a marvelous creation, a carbon, oxygen combustion machine, constantly burning fuel, disposing of the waste products of combustion, and constantly rebuilding tissue by replacing worn out, dead cells with new, fresh ones. Every seven years virtually every cell in the body is replaced, some types of cells having a faster turnover rate than others, which means that over a seven year period several hundred pounds of dead cells must be digested (autolyzed) and eliminated. All by itself this would be a lot of waste disposal for the body to handle. Added to that waste load are numerous mild poisons created during proper digestion. And added to that can be an enormous burden of waste products created as the body's attempts to digest the indigestible, or those tasty items we all love - "junk food." Add to that burden the ruinous effects of just plain overeating. The waste products of digestion, of indigestion, of cellular breakdown and the general metabolism are all poisonous to one degree or another. Another word for this is toxic. If these toxins were allowed to remain and accumulate in the body, it would poison itself and die in agony. So the body has a processing system to eliminate toxins. And when that system does break down the body does die in agony, as from liver or kidney failure. The organs of detoxification remove things from the body's system, but these two vital organs should not be confused with what hygienists call the secondary organs of elimination, such as the large intestine, lungs, bladder and the skin, because none of these other eliminatory organs are supposed to purify the body of toxins. That is the job of the liver and kidneys. But when the body is faced with toxemia, the secondary organs of elimination are frequently pressed into this duty and the consequences are the symptoms we call illness. The lungs are supposed to eliminate only carbon dioxide gas; not self-generated toxic substances. The large intestine is supposed to pass only insoluble food solids (and some nasty stuff dumped into the small intestine by the liver). Skin eliminates in the form of sweat (which contains mineral salts) to cool the body, but the skin is not supposed to move toxins outside the system. But when toxins are flowed out through secondary organs of elimination these areas become inflamed, irritated, weakened. The results can be skin irritations, sinusitis or a whole host of other "itises" depending on the area involved, bacterial or viral infections, asthma. When excess toxemia is deposited instead of eliminated, the results can be arthritis if toxins are stored in joints, rheumatism if in muscle tissues, cysts and benign tumors. And if toxins weaken the body's immune response, cancer. The liver and the kidneys, the two heroic organs of detoxification, are the most important ones; these jointly act as filters to purify the blood. In an ideal world, the liver and kidneys would keep up with their job for 80 years or more before even beginning to tire. In this ideal world, the food would of course, be very nutritious and free of pesticide residues, the air and water would be pure, people would not denature their food and turn it into junk. In this perfect world everyone would get moderate exercise into old age, and live virtually without stress. In this utopian vision, the average healthy productive life span would approach a century, entirely without using food supplements or vitamins. In this world, doctors would have next to no work other than repairing traumatic injuries, because everyone would be healthy. But this is not the way it is. In our less-than-ideal world virtually everything we eat is denatured, processed, fried, salted, sweetened, preserved; thus more stress is placed on the liver and kidneys than nature designed them to handle. Except for a few highly fortunate individuals blessed with an incredible genetic endowment that permits them to live to age 99, most peoples' liver and kidneys begin to break down prematurely. Thus doctoring has become a financially rewarding profession. Most people overburden their organs of elimination by eating whatever they feel like eating whenever they feel like it. Eating is a very habitual and unconscious activity; frequently we continue to eat as adults whatever our mother fed us as a child. It is therefore not surprising that when people develop the very same disease conditions as their parents, they wrongly assume the cause is genetic inheritance, when actually it was just because they were putting their feet under the same table as their parents. Read More at: http://www.XTherapist.com
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Mangos: Treat Your Skin and Your Taste Buds Mango is my favorite fruit next to pineapples. They're sweet, juicy and delicious. This extraordinary fruit contains high amounts of vitamin A (contributing to it's meaty bright orange color). It also contains Vitamins B, C , calcium, potassium and cartonoids (helps protect against cancer, common cold, and heart disease). They are also high in fiber and low in carbohydrates, making it an excellent addition to everyone's diet. The Dangers of Honey Before we get to honey we have a question from one of our readers. Inactive Alert: Essential Proteins for Sedentary People The importance of protein in diet has been clearly established by nutritional scientists, and widely accepted by athletes. Among other vital functions, protein is indispensable for creating muscle. Just as important is protein's essential ability to repair damaged muscles after training[i]. Is It Possible to Improve Your Health by Simply Drinking More Water? To many people, this may seem a simplistic answer to a complex question: How can doing something so simple produce such noticable & quick results? Surely there must be some deep scientific & comlex way to improving health. The body, after all, is a very complex organism and scientists and health professionals have, over the centuries, espoused numerous ways of improving health, from specially fomulated foods & diets to drugs designed to fight obesity and reduce fat etc. What seems to have been largely ignored, until recent times, is that by merely increasing our water intake, a noticeable improvement can be made to people's mental & physical well-being. An Open Letter to Mankind In the last twenty years, a huge and growing body of research has been carried out into the role of the sugars that are an essential part of glycoproteins. These sugar-protein complexes are the building blocks of our immune system, and are the method by which cells "talk" to each other. Essential Tips For Proper Food Combining: As any student of chemistry will assure you, acids and bases (alkalis) neutralize each other. If you eat a starch with a protein, digestion is impaired or completely arrested! The undigested food mass can cause various kinds of digestive disorders. Undigested food becomes soil for bacteria, which ferment and decompose it. Its by products are poisonous, one of which, alcohol, is a narcotic that destroys or inhibits nerve function. It plays havoc with nerves of the digestive tract, suspending their vital action such that constipation may well be a result! These are the salient rules for proper food combining. The Power of Capsulized Foods For most people, the concept of capsulized food? usually conjures up images of space travelers ingesting meals condensed into a compact pill. However, in modern-day reality, things are quite different. Capsulized foods are one of the most innovative nutritional advancements in recent memory, and will soon become a significant ? and highly valued ? concept within the healthy eating community. The Skinny on Oats, Oatmeal, Vitamins, Nutrition for Skin Care and Bath Products Oats (botanical name Avena sativa) Functional Foods Are Becoming More Popular... Established in 1989 by Stephen DeFelice, "Foundation for Innovation in Medicine" defined "Nutraceutical", as a food, dietary suppplement, or medical food that has a medical or health benefit, including the prevention and treatment of disease. Today, it is hard to separate the definition of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods. In 2002, the Nutraceutical or Functional Food industry had evolved into a lucrative 20.2 billion dollar a year market, and is here to stay. Fat: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly When it comes to planning a healthy diet, fat is a complex subject. It's useful to understand some basic information. The Cost Of Being Sick And One Possible Alternative: Glyconutrition A lot of people I've talked with about health supplements usually are coming from about the same place - you know: "been there, done that." People are tired of hearing about the latest and greatest and ? for the most part - figure that all supplements are pretty much the same. Natural Foods Defined With so many people concerned about natural and organic foods these days, it's useful to stop and really take a look at what "natural" and "organic" foods really are. We all know that natural and organic foods are better for us than highly processed or artificial foods, but do we really know which foods are natural and organic? When you buy food that is labeled "natural," what does that really mean? What about "organic"? South Beach Diet - US vs. World Diets concern especially Americans as they do have a "national weight problem". So it would only be natural that dieting issues be so over proportioned in the US. Also, "miracle diet recipes" are very popular and make way rapidly into people's minds. This also happened with the South Beach Diet ? the diet that will not only allow you get rid of a lot of weight rapidly without starving but will also help you improve your health condition. Is It Possible To Follow a Strict Diet Program and Still Have A Normal Lifestyle? Following a diet program of any sort can sometimes be restricting depending on different circumstances. A Strict diet program can be hard to stick to and the best diet programs are the diet programs that you can definitely stick with for the rest of your life. Beginning an Alkaline Diet: The Basic Principles - Start Alkalizing Today! Each and every person living in the UK is facing a myriad of health and lifestyle challenges every day. pH and Weight Loss THE RISK Taste the Good Health Fruit Called Apple "To eat an apple before going to bed will make the doctor beg his bread" Combat Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion Today, more than ever, consumers over the age of 50 are on some type of Pharmaceutical drug regimen, many of which promote healthier, longer lives. Unfortunately, many of these drugs also deplete vital nutrients from the body which may cause a new round of medical complications. Heart Health ? Fish Oils To The Rescue In a world where heart disorders and diseases are becoming more common, lets take a look at something most of us can add to our weekly diet for prevention of heart problems. Maximizing Your Nutrition Dollar Because of consumer demand, the food industry focus is on producing fruits and vegetables that ship well, not nutrient content. How food is stored and processed has an impact on nutrition. The best defense against nutritionally depleted foods is careful supplementation followed by purchasing fresh foods as close to the source and organically grown whenever feasible. ![]() |
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