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You Dont Have to be Wealthy to Eat Well: The Truth about Your Grocery Budget
Many people complain that organic foods are more costly than conventional. In many cases, organic foods are priced higher. However, people aren't weighing the costs of eating healthy against the costs of eating poorly. Americans spend millions of dollars each week on "coffee house foods"-fatty lattés and sugary frappucinos, not to mention the white-floured, trans fatty pastries that go along with them. If you were to keep a strict accounting of all the money you spent on soda, pizza, potato chips, pastries, etc., then the question is not so much how much things cost, but where the money is being spent. And the costs don't just stop there. The health hazards of the fungicide, pesticide, herbicide and chemical residuals found on conventional foods have been well documented. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers 60% of herbicides, 90% of fungicides and 30% of insecticides to be carcinogenic. Such substances also compromise our immunologic defenses and are disruptive to our endocrine systems. But not only are conventional foods more harmful because of chemical contaminants, they are also less nutritious. Organic produce has consistently shown significantly higher levels of nutrients such as vitamin C, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. Can you really put a price on the safety of the foods you and your family eats? There are ways to eat well, without taking a huge bite out of your wallet: 1.) Join an organic co-op; 2.) Go to local farms to pick and purchase fresh, regionally-grown produce; 3.) Check out stores like Trader Joes, discount grocery stores that have begun to offer a greater selection of organic products; 4.) Scan the coupon sections in the paper . . . more and more grocery coupons are applying to organic products now; 5.) Make two lists-one list of "non-negotiables"-products you won't compromise on, and a second list of items that are of lesser priority. For example: organic bananas aren't as critical as organic strawberries, as berries are heavily sprayed and not protected by a thick skin. 6.) Processed foods often come in a box or can, are intended for single meals, and do not preserve well as leftovers. Organic, whole foods on the other hand lend themselves more readily to stews, soups, and casseroles, which means more leftovers. The investment of time in preparing these meals is more than made up for in their multiple uses throughout the week. Incredible savings can be found in cooking this way. 7.) And finally, the more people demand and purchase organic foods, the more the prices will drop! Super Health Nutrition Tip: Put these low-calorie, nutrient-dense Superfoods at the top of your grocery list: ? Grain grasses (like wheat grass) For more Information, go to http://www.superhealth7.com K.C. Craichy is Founder and President of Living Fuel http://www.livingfuel.com. He is a health consultant and sought-after speaker on the topic of Optimal Health. Since 1981 he has owned and operated multiple companies in a variety of industries. After his first venture into the health club industry in the mid 1980s, Craichy went on to become a Founder, CEO, Investor, and Consultant for conventional and alternative healthcare companies. Through his healthcare endeavors, Craichy has worked with many of the top medical and nutritional practitioners and researchers in the United States.
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Understanding Amino Acids and their Importance in Diet The importance of protein in a healthy diet is well known to nutritional scientists, and widely understood by the general population. Indeed, every bodily system is directly or indirectly supported by protein. For example, protein supports the structural development of cells, helps ensure the integrity of tissue, aids digestion, carries hormones, and strengthens the immune system[i]. Five Steps to a Healthier Heart Step 1: Eat five to ten servings per day of fresh fruits and vegetables. Busting the Dairy Myth ? The Truth About our Health and Dairy Millions of people around the UK consume dairy products on a daily basis. Our huge consumption of dairy is due not only to the convenience it brings to cooking and the habit of cooking with and eating dairy for the majority of our lives but more alarmingly because of the mantra that we are fed by government and the dairy industry that it is beneficial to our health that somehow you need dairy to ensure you consume enough calcium to maintain strong and healthy bones. The Power of Capsulized Foods For most people, the concept of capsulized food? usually conjures up images of space travelers ingesting meals condensed into a compact pill. However, in modern-day reality, things are quite different. Capsulized foods are one of the most innovative nutritional advancements in recent memory, and will soon become a significant ? and highly valued ? concept within the healthy eating community. Food with Niacin and The Benefits Niacin, also called nicotinic acid, is a member of the B-group of water-soluble vitamins and occurs in food with niacin. Also known as B3, niacin has many beneficial properties and food with niacin should be included in the diet as part of a healthy lifestyle. Essential Tips For Proper Food Combining: As any student of chemistry will assure you, acids and bases (alkalis) neutralize each other. If you eat a starch with a protein, digestion is impaired or completely arrested! The undigested food mass can cause various kinds of digestive disorders. Undigested food becomes soil for bacteria, which ferment and decompose it. Its by products are poisonous, one of which, alcohol, is a narcotic that destroys or inhibits nerve function. It plays havoc with nerves of the digestive tract, suspending their vital action such that constipation may well be a result! These are the salient rules for proper food combining. Blood Type and Diet Eating right to suit your blood type" is a subject that is come up a lot in the chat rooms lately, so as promised, here is more information about the topic. Ever Hear of This Fruit? I want to tell you about the most healthful and most delicious tropical fruit that you'd ever want to taste. It's called the mangosteen, and the reason you've probably never heard of it is because you can't buy it in the United States. However, you can buy the juice of the fruit and I'll tell you how you can do that at the end of this article. Substitutes for Butter Instead of Butter: Use top quality, cold pressed, extra virgin olive oil, from the first pressing, or flaxseed oil. The taste of virgin olive oil is appealing to millions of people around the world, so why not adopt it to your taste? Its Not That Bad - The Biggest Lie We Tell Ourselves Some people say to themselves, junk food is not that bad. If you want to believe this than good luck. Remember how important your beliefs are and especially the ones that are faulty that you still believe. It goes back to what I said earlier. If you want to build a slim, toned and healthy body you need the right building blocks. Those building blocks are not found in junk food of any kind. I do not care how fat free or enriched it is, how many added vitamins and minerals there are, how low carb or "healthy" the manufactures try to make you believe it is. Junk food is junk. Chocolate Is Good For You! Great news on the chocolate front! Chocolate is good for you. Under certain circumstances. Good Fat Diet or How to Choose the Best Foods for Your Family? Some fats are good for you. Your body can't function without them. Those fats help you to absorb nutrients. You can even have a fat-intake deficiency, when you are not getting enough of them. Your skin will get dry and your hair will get brittle. The Role of Nutrition in Martial Arts, Police, Military Personnel For a considerable amount of time, nutrition has not played a prominent role in the life of many martial artists, police, and military personnel as a means of improving performance. Top athletes are always looking for an edge. Although the martial arts are more of a way of life and a life style than a sport per se, the needs of the martial artist are the same as that of the elite athlete. Use Food and Focus to Gain Tons of Energy for Summer While there are many effective ways to get more energy and build your productivity, I've found it very important to pay attention to the seasons. Reasons to Eat Organic Food Your health Anti oxidants ? Why Its a Must in Your Diet While oxygen is the key to human survival, it is also responsible for maximum damage to the human body as 'free radicals'. Free radicals form when oxygen is metabolized or burned by the body for its functions. Free radicals are also produced through environmental pollution and cigarette smoke Help Your Heart Grow I turned into my parents' driveway in Maryland and parked the car. Before I could even step out and close the door, Mom flew out of the backyard, gesturing frantically. Olive Oil -Not Just for Popeye Archeological records indicate that man has cultivated the olive tree for about 6,000 years; having been especially popular in the Isle of Crete (which as you recall, also appeared in the Seven Countries Study to be the site of the lowest incidence of heart disease). All oils that we use for eating and cooking contain "fat" and olive oil is no exception. However, it is mostly monounsaturated fat as opposed to saturated fat or hydrogenated fat. It can be used as a flavoring for cooking or in salad dressings or as a healthy substitute for butter or margarine. Several large population studies have confirmed that diets with higher amounts of fat of the monounsaturated type reduce total cholesterol and LDL ["bad"] cholesterol levels to the same degree as low fat, high-carbohydrate diets [such as the AHA Step I and II diets]. The additional benefit of olive oil is, as part of a Mediterranean type diet, is that it also has a favorable effect on lowering blood triglycerides [also a factor in heart disease] and maintaining HDL ["good" cholesterol]. Whats The Truth About Fat? When I hear the word fat I usually think of a roll of it hanging over a persons belt, or that guy Milty, from the movie Van Wilder, doing a belly flop off of the top diving platform with the words, "save the swim team", written across his backside. Sometimes, however, the picture of a big, juicy, double quarter pounder with cheese will slip its way into my mind. Although, if I were to eat more than the one per month that I allow myself now I would probably be sick for days, thanks to the health food lifestyle I've become accustomed to over the past few years. For the most part, the word fat has a negative connotation. Lingzhi A Miracle Herb For Peak Health The secret of success is knowing how to deal with your body to maintain peak health condition. The dictum Health is Wealth hold more truth in the modern context than ever before. ![]() |
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