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Clutter is Postponed Decisions?
Do you ever sit down at your desk buried in paper and say, "OK! Today's the day ? I'm going to clean up this mess?" You pick up the first piece of paper ? and immediately think of any number of reasons why now is not a good time to deal with this particular piece of paper. You pick up the second piece. "No, I don't think so?" And the third? And the fourth? And before you know it, the pile of papers that was on the left side of your desk is now on the right ? and you've got to run to your next appointment! If you can identify with that scenario, and you would like to change it, remember four simple words: Clutter is postponed decisions?. I learned that from clothes closets. You can't find room for the dry cleaning because your closets are filled with things you never wear or use. Why? Maybe it's because you haven't decided whether you're going to lose the ten pounds you need to lose to get into that smaller size, whether lapels are going to get wider, or whether you'll ever play tennis again. The same challenge awaits you in the office. If you're having difficulty-managing paper, you're not alone! Research shows that the average person spends 150 hours per year ? almost one month ? looking for lost information. As a professional organizing consultant for over 20 years, I have spent thousands of hours helping people organize their homes and their offices ? and I have good news. There are really only three decisions you can make about any piece of paper. To make it easy for you to remember, I call it the FAT system: File, Act, or Toss: (1) You can file it away in case you need it in the future. (2) You can take action on it ? or give it to someone else to take action. (3) You can toss or recycle it. Frequently when people get tired of a mess and decide to clean it up, they start with the old stuff. That can mean failure since new stuff keeps coming in faster than you can get rid of the old! As a result, you get discouraged and quit ? without success. Instead, keep in mind that "Today's mail is tomorrow's pile", so to be successful in cleaning up, start with today's mail. Put it in your "In Basket" and don't take out a piece of paper from it until you are ready to decide: File, Act, or Toss. If you're not willing to toss or recycle it; ask yourself the question, "Is this ball in my court?" If the answer is "Yes," put the paper in your "Action Files" located near your desk. If the answer is "No," put the paper in your "Reference Files" in some less accessible space in case you or someone else needs it later. © Barbara Hemphill is the author of Kiplinger's Taming the Paper Tiger at Work and Taming the Paper Tiger at Home and co-author of Love It or Lose It: Living Clutter-Free Forever. The mission of Hemphill Productivity Institute is to help individuals and organizations create and sustain a productive environment so they can accomplish their work and enjoy their lives. We do this by organizing space, information, and time. We can be reached at 800-427-0237 or at www.ProductiveEnvironment.com
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Simplify Your Life! No Really...Simplify Your Life! We hear it every day. Family Management Tip #3: Getting Ready for the New School Year Clothes. Check. School supplies. Check. No doubt you've got to have all the physical goods required to carry your child through the school year. But perhaps the most important way to get prepared for the new school year is by planning to spend your time and your family's time wisely. Four Easy Steps to An Organized Closet The National Association of Professional Organizers has dedicated January to clean out those closets, but don't wait for January -- now is the time. Exciting this task is not, but by devoting a couple of afternoons this month you can reduce unnecessary search time and you may even find some extra storage in the process. Create A Working Mail Center I talk about the mail a lot in my newsletter, Organewz, and to my clients. I write about it again because I have seen so many people still without one place for their mail. The worst part is the anxiety that goes along with not knowing where a bill or water shut off notice is! It is just too nervewracking! Mental Clutter- Is It Taking Over Your Life? Chances are, most of you have a lot you need to get done. Memorabilia -- Use It or Lose It! What do you do with those special items that have been passed down to you? Put them in the hall closet and hope the door will shut? Probably not a good choice for several reasons. First, you are unnecessarily creating clutter; second, if the item is very old and unstable, you will further the aging process; finally, and most importantly, what's the point of keeping these special items if the only time you enjoy them is when you move or get the bug to clean out a closet! Choose Spice Racks That Help You Organize Your Home Today you have almost as many choices of spice racks as you do of the spices they contain. Spice racks are wonderful kitchen home organization gadgets. And a spice rack is a wonderful gift too for a cook. In our household, my husband is the chef. But I'm the shopper. And we own three functional and handsome spice racks that are in use every day. Before you buy your next spice rack for yourself or as a gift consider these factors: Organize (and Decorate) Your Home on a Budget with Baskets What's an item that can help you organize every room in your home, helps create the appearance that you're a tidy housekeeper (even if you're not), and perks up your decorating scheme? Is Your To Do List The Problem? You start each week with great intentions. You are determined to get a grip of your workload. You are determined to write a to do list, you even promise yourself that you will stick to it and use it and reprioritise each day so that you finish what you want to every day. Does Your Storage Make Sense? What do your storage spaces look like? Do you know exactly where to go when you are looking for something? Is your system logical? Designing a meaningful storage space requires a lot more than just putting stuff in a closet, drawer, or cabinet. You need STRUCTURE -- some proven guidelines to follow while setting up your storage spaces. Let's begin with these basic organizing principles: 35 Santity Savers - Get More Productive Use these 35 sanity savers this year to help you become more productive and get more done in less time, so you can get on with life! 10 Simple Ways to Clear Clutter from Your Home and Office There is nothing worse then spending ten minutes looking for something to accomplish a three minute task. Clear the clutter and clear your mind. Managing Mealtime Madness It is 5:00 pm and Cindy has no idea what to make for dinner. In the process of searching through the freezer, she causes an avalanche of frozen foods to fall to the floor. Meanwhile, her hungry baby is crying and the phone is ringing. 3 Simple Filing Guidelines One of the most basic ways to find papers when you need them is to retrieve them from an effective filing system. A good filing system will allow you to find what you're looking for in 10 seconds or less. Secrets to Eliminating Emotional Clutter Are you plagued by clutter in your personal or professional life? Is there someone in your family or your work who is? Based on my experience, the answer is probably "Yes!" How to Prevent Piles of Paper! If you have piles of paper all over your desk, you're going to love this article. Give Up Control to Get Control For some reason, Americans think they have something to prove by doing it all themselves. People say to me all of the time, that someone else just can't do for them, the things that are on the "to do " list. Well, that is not only a ridiculous statement, but one that can be proven wrong over and over again. We all strive to appear in control. However, you cannot be in control if you are constantly struggling to juggle events and lists. So give up some of the control. I know that is a scary thought, but do it. By having professionals handle the items on your list, you will amaze your friends and family by having more time to enjoy life and you will seem more in control than ever. Don't worry. We don't expect you to do this cold turkey. We are going to give you tips on accomplishing this daunting task after we shock you into reality. Don't Be A Statistic! Here are the facts......I think the expression is "read 'em and weep." I know I wanted to when I saw these numbers. According to the Economic Policy Institute, the average U.S. family works between 105-115 hours per week. So let's run the numbers. 168 hours in a 7 day week x2 (if 2 people are working those hours) = 336 Less 110 hours for work Less 112 hours for sleeping Less 28 hours for eating Less 15 hours for commuting So what's left........71 HOURS!!! That is 71 hours for both workers total. Look like a big number of hours? Keep running the math. (If you are single that leaves you with 35.5 hrs - cut everything in half) Now what do you have to do in that 71 hours? Remember, if you are doing something as a family (both workers), you have to double the hours used when you subtract from the 71. Spend time with your family Run/attend children's activities (i.e. soccer, music lessons) Run errands Visit friends/relatives for special occasions Make purchases - clothing, gifts, daily needs The Top 10 Habits of Organized People Have you ever wondered how some people seem to have "it all together ? all the time," while you struggle with deadlines, misplace items, and run late for appointments? Are you interested in learning the secrets to their organizing success? If so, implement the following strategies and you too will experience the joy of more focus, time and success. The Clutter Campaign - Design Your Vision I like a room you can dance in the middle of! Mariah Burton Nelson Digging out of Paper Clutter - part 1 Digging out from under stacks of paper might seem like a daunting and insurmountable task. Let's face it, paper can be intimidating and overwhelming. It comes relentlessly and without warning, and it never stops coming - bills, insurance policies, faxes, to-do lists, invoices, tax information, user manuals, receipts, itineraries...Add in the magazines, brochures, drafts, booklets, letters, drafts, etc., and it's easy to see how paper molehills become paper mountains. And here's the worst part - somewhere in this ever-growing mound of chaos lies your business - important phone numbers, bills that have to be paid, clients that need attention, receivables that need collecting? ![]() |
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