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Backyard Camping Trip
Are your kids begging you to take them camping, but you just can't find the time to take them on a camping trip? Or would you like to introduce your kids to the fun of camping for the first time, but aren't sure if they will enjoy it, or might get scared? Either way, camping out in your backyard will be a fun way to spend the evening and night with your kids. Get the kids involved in setting up camp in your backyard. Have them help you set up the tent. Put them in charge of getting their sleeping bags, flashlights and anything else they may need into the tent. If it's an option for you, you may even want to make a campfire in your backyard. Check with your fire department before hand if this is an option in your area. If not, just dig out the charcoal or gas grill. Grill some hotdogs and make some foil backed potatoes for dinner, and of course you'll need some s'mores for desert. If you are roasting the marshmallows over your grill, put some aluminum foil over the grate to keep the melting marshmallow from dripping onto your grill. Don't have a tent, or even a backyard for that matter? That's no reason not to camp out. Just spread out your sleeping bags, or even just some blanket in the living room. Turn off the TV, radio and video games. If you have a fireplace, build a fire. Otherwise, order some pizza and pop some popcorn and you can even make s'mores in the microwave. No matter where you decide to have your close to home camping trip, take some time to sit together and talk. Telling stories, whether a campfire is involved or not, is always fun. Your kids' imagination in creating new stories may surprise you. Don't forget to tell some handed down family tales. Above all, think back about your favorite camping memories and recreate them with your kids. Do you remember any good scary stories? Are there any games you enjoyed playing? What's your favorite card game? Have some fun with this, enjoy your kids and create some memories. About the author
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Going it Alone: The Waterfall at Mendenhall Glacier, Alaska I stood at the observation point on the balcony at the Visitor Center overlooking the great Mendenhall Glacier at Juneau, Alaska. Before me was a beautiful scene. The glacier reflected in the large lake. Ooh, ahh. Both to the left and right were mountains. It was a beautiful clear day. I watched the people too, walking around taking photos, and looking at the scenery before us and at the displays in the center, just a few feet away. Dont Forget that Camping Gear Checklist Before You Leave on that Family Camping Adventure A camping gear checklist is an important tool to help you prepare and pack for that annual family camping trip. The last thing you want to remember about that camping trip is how you forgot that one piece of important gear and made the whole family unhappy. Remember to check and double check that list before you leave. Drive Me to WA Today! Western Australia Driving Adventure Great Australian Road Trip Large is not the word for it. Massive doesn't cover it either. Gigantanormous might be a little closer to the mark, but unfortunately you won't find it in any dictionaries. Welcome to Western Australia, where elbow room has never been a problem. If you're looking for the ultimate Great Australian Road Trip, then flying into Perth is an excellent first step. One of the most popular road trips you can do in the big WA is cruising up the enormous stretch of coastline to the north, stopping along the way to visit tiny towns, romp along beaches with no footprints, and burrow around mind-blowing national parks. Gearing up and getting outta here! The adventurous will be aiming for Broome and beyond, to lose themselves in the wilds of Kimberly, freaking out at the alien landscape of the Bungle Bungles before crossing the border and heading for Darwin. Those of us who like to shower a little more often will probably cruise along the North West Coastal Highway as far as the popular holiday town of Exmouth ? possibly popping over to Karijini National Park (well worth a look) ? before turning around and heading home. Before you rush out into the unending horizon, make sure you've got a trusty car at the ready, able to take punishing distances, and equipped with life-saving air-conditioning. Not having a car isn't even an option in a state the size of India, with the majority of the population clinging to the outskirts of Perth and south coast. So if you don't have your own, grab yourself a good deal for a Perth car hire, chuck your luggage, stores of water and petrol in the back, and put your foot on the accelerator. Need a car for your road trip? Rent one at Car Rental Perth Cavorting up the coast First stop should be the Pinnacles in Nambung National Park near Cervantes with random spooky limestone pillars standing silently in the sand, staring at you. Stay over in Cervantes or keep the wheels turning until you reach Geraldton ? WA's second largest city. If you're a keen diver or like to snorkel, then charter a boat (or catch the seaplane) and check out the Abrolhos Islands, and have a float around the Batavia shipwreck. Just up the road (relative to distances regularly encountered in WA) is the resort town of Kalbarri with its national park ? easily accessible by cars and walking. Get back in your car and keep your foot on the gas until you get to the World Heritage listed Shark Bay. This unbelievably ecologically diverse area tends to be overshadowed by the fame of Monkey Mia's friendly dolphins, but poking around the bays to spot turtles and serene dugongs can be infinitely as rewarding as an encounter with one of the bottle-nosed dolphins. Visit the Zuytdorp Cliffs and Shell Beach (where the sand is actually composed of ? yep, you guessed it ? little white shells). If you're roaring around in a 4WD you can hike your way out to Francois National Park. The next mandatory stop is Coral Bay and Exmouth to reward yourself with balmy year-round weather, and Ningaloo Reef, where you can't splash around without bumping into a big underwater creature of some kind. After this, it's the determination of dusty traveler which will get you past the next many hundreds of kilometers, past the industrial towns of Dampier, Karratha and Port Hedland and on into Broome, the charming doorstep to the wilds of the Kimberley ? one of the last great unconquered expanses of nature left in the world. It's here you can throw around all the over-the-top descriptors you like: rugged, breathtaking, spiritual, bloody brilliant. But you'll have to go there yourself. Save me from using up all my adjectives. Beyond that, you've only got Kununurra and the Bungle Bungles before you cross the border and into the NT. Need a car in Perth? There's a plethora of websites out there which hunt down cheap car hire deals and put them all on the one website. Just do a search on google for "car hire deals" or go to a website such as http://www.vroomvroomvroom.com.au who often have good Perth and Western Australia deals. Drive Safe and Happy Adventuring! The Pyramids of Giza The most famous Egyptian pyramids to be built are the Great Pyramids of Giza, located in the outskirts of present-day Cairo. There are over 100 Egyptian pyramids of various sizes, and over 50 more in neighboring Sudan. However, the three Great Pyramids of Giza earn their fame by being the largest of these. Your Virgin Bushwalk Isn't it time you stepped out of the concrete jungle and into a wilder world, the world of the African bushveld? Student Travel ? Backpacking In Europe For the fortunate few, life isn't complete without a backpacking trip through Europe. This right of passage is believed to further the maturation process of college students, according to sociologists. Of course, others have opined that copious amounts of alcohol, sun and Amsterdam have something to do with it. Regardless of your purpose, you still have to figure out what to take. Sleeping Pads For Ultralight Backpackers Ultralight backpackers want to give up weight, not comfort. Sleeping pads are pretty much a necessity for backpacking comfort, but who wants to carry those monstrous old inflatables down the trail? Try some of these lightweight options instead. Tanzania Safari Top Five National Parks and Game Reserves Ask about perfect wildlife destinations and a Tanzania safari will be at or near the top of the list every time. Calculate Food Quantities for Camping and Outdoor Recreation As the warmer weather approaches, we look forward to another season of camping and enjoying the fun, relaxation, and beauty that the outdoor environment has to offer. I am anxious to get out on weekends to some of my favorite campsites around Kentucky and Indiana. Of course I'll have plenty of fishing gear to bring along in case some of my family or friends join in on the adventures that are sure to come with each outing. This is the most enjoyable thing for me when I see others having a great time hiking, fishing, throwing Frisbees?, or sitting around the campfire telling stories or singing campfire songs.There are several things I try to consider before I begin packing for a camping trip. First of course, is how long will I be gone? How much time do I have to get away from the "9 to 5", unwind and get refreshed by the fresh air, sunshine, and peaceful scenery that nature provides so abundantly? This summer, I'm going to try to get out more frequently on the weekends so I'll talk a little about short outings that are not too distant from home. This will allow me more time for what I actually want to do, and that of course, is to camp. I don't want to spend 5 hours going and 5 hours coming, using basically a whole day just for traveling. If I pick a place that's within a 100 mile radius, I should be able to find several dozen places to visit and spend less than 4 hours of total travel time.Ok, that sound great, I can think of a dozen places within 100 miles right of the top of my head. Lake Monroe, where my youngest son and I visited last year, is only 1 hour and 45 minutes from my home. That was a great weekend camping trip and my daughter and her friends at IU came from Bloomington to join in the fun. Several of the girls had not fished much at all, and I had more fun than they did watching them scream and holler as we caught over 70 bluegill. It was a great thrill for them to actually catch, clean, and eat fresh fish. Most of the panfish were a little on the small side, but I had them keep them for several reasons. One of course, is the fish sometimes swallow the hook and it's nearly impossible to throw them back when this happens. Another reason I sometimes keep small bluegill, is that it helps other aquatic life to have more abundant food sources. Anyway, after we cleaned them all, they were absolutely delicious dipped in a bowl of egg and milk, rolled in cracker crumbs and cornmeal, and fried to a golden brown. And of course we had several bags to take home, which seemed like it made the camping trip last longer than just the weekend.But let's get back to some of the essentials of planning your weekend camping trip. After you've decided on how much time you have, you will need to consider how many nature lovers are going camping. That's usually the easy part. So if you've got 5 people going, and you're going to be gone for two nights and two days, you'll want to figure how many meals that will be. I'd say it will be in the neighborhood of 2 dinners, 2 breakfast, and 2 lunches, not including snack times. So we'll need enough food for 10 people (5 x 2) for essentially one day. That should calculate to an average of 8-10 ounces of meat per person, 8-10 ounces of vegetables and fruit per person, and 8-10 servings of bread or grains per two persons. You can also use the 8-10 rule for your drinks for a total of 8-10, (8-10 oz. drinks) including water, per person per day. This may seem like a lot of liquid, but when you consider 3 meals a day and an additional drink in between, you are already at 6 drinks a day. Remember, dehydration is a major cause of heat stroke. If you're going hiking, swimming, or playing any type of running sport, this will easily bring the drink count up an additional 3 or more for a total of 9 drinks a day. Let's make an easy formula to go by.---------------------------------------------------------------------------FOOD QUANTITY FORMULA5 people for 2 days = (5 x 2 = 10)10 x 8-10 ounces = (80-100 ounces meat) or 5-6¼ lbs.10 x 8-10 ounces = (80-100 ounces fruits and veggies) or 5-6¼ lbs.8-10 servings bread or grain per (2) persons8-10 (8-10 oz. drinks) per person (per day)NOTE: Hard cheeses such as American and Swiss include in meat weight.Soft cheeses such as cultures add to fruits and vegetables weight.Eggs may be separate.---------------------------------------------------------------------------So that's a pretty good rule of thumb to go by for your "3 squares." If you like to snack, which goes great with camping, bring along your chips, marshmallows, or no bake cookies and you'll never go hungry. Don't forget the milk if your bring chocolate.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Your Horses Back May Not Be the Same Next Month A saddle is a static object, but your horse is a living, dynamic creature. Even slight changes throughout the year in your horse's weight have a significant impact on the fit of the saddle. And, naturally, the saddle fit in turn significantly impacts your horse's experience. A Review of Popular River Rafting Trips and Services Organized river rafting trips are a good idea for novices and experts alike. River rafting tours provide all of the equipment, guidance, and instruction necessary. If the trip covers several days, the rafting company may provide camping accommodations as well. Trips are available for rafters of all skill levels, from beginners rafting for the first time, to skilled experts looking for the toughest rivers in the country. Going it Alone: The Waterfall at Mendenhall Glacier, Alaska I stood at the observation point on the balcony at the Visitor Center overlooking the great Mendenhall Glacier at Juneau, Alaska. Before me was a beautiful scene. The glacier reflected in the large lake. Ooh, ahh. Both to the left and right were mountains. It was a beautiful clear day. I watched the people too, walking around taking photos, and looking at the scenery before us and at the displays in the center, just a few feet away. Inflatable Pontoon Boats Bryce Whitmore designed the modern whitewater inflatable pontoon boat, and in fact designed several models. The one that has been produced the most is a three-tube model of unparalleled maneuverability and load bearing capacity. This boat which is fourteen feet overall, can carry 6 passengers, their baggage, and a guide. Stay Out of That Old Mine! It seems like the most adventurous thing in the world. That dark opening in the hillside beckons, tantalizes, excites. What wondrous treasures await discovery inside? What artifacts might remain in this time capsule, mute testimony to an era when grizzled men moved tons of rock in pursuit of their dreams? Such is the poetic, romance-novel appeal that might induce you to take leave of your senses and crawl into an old mine. Thousands of such small openings are scattered throughout the country. Although most common in the historically "hard rock" Western mining states, they can also be found in the old lead and copper districts of the Midwest. In reality, multiple dangers lurk beyond the pale ring of light that filters through the adit mouth. Creative Camp Cooking For most people, outdoor cooking is synonymous with barbeque, but there are many other ways to cook outdoors. If you have been camping, you are probably at least familiar with the portable propane stoves which provide a burner or two similar to the stovetop burners you have at home. In addition, you may have also heard of dutch ovens. However, I am thinking most people who have not been involved in scouting have probably not heard of box ovens. Lake Winnipesaukee ? The Smile of the Great Spirit Lake Winnipesaukee is the largest and one of the deepest lakes in New Hampshire. Centered in the popular vacation area known as the Lakes Region it provides 4-season pleasure for millions every year. The Lumemo Trail - An African Wilderness Experience for the Practiced Hiker The Udzungwa Mountains National park was created primarily for the protection of flora rather than fauna. The park was registered in 1992 and is the first of its kind in Tanzania. This park is a series of mountain rangers and interlocking valleys - ranging from the top of the Kilombero Valley at 300 meters above sea level to peaks of around 2,570 meters above sea level. Only experienced hikers can mange this difficult train. Making these mountains pristine and largely untouched by humans. Japanese Garden of Monaco Have you ever seen an authentic Japanese garden? Well, I had the chance of seeing the one in Monaco and was really impressed too. Wanna taste a little Japanese culture? Stepping on this ground is escaping from the real world into a fantasy land. You suddenly find yourself in a typical Japanese natural setting like the ones you see in marvelous paintings. The only thing that's missing is the fog. Instead, the Mediterranean sun reveals all minute details in a warm light. Is There Such A Thing As A Romantic Camping Getaway In Minnesota? Today, Norm Goldman, Editor of Sketchandtravel.com and Bookpleasures.com is pleased to have as our guest, Tom Watson, author and freelance photojournalist. Hiking Mount Rainier National Park Mount Rainier National Park is the most popular park in the state. It has fantastic areas to explore. The Mountain is a popular challenge for people wishing to scale the peak. The park also has 240 miles of trails and is a super place to visit. ![]() |
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