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Are You Ready To Be Fired?
Your boss has just informed you that your department is being reduced by two and you are fired. After he leaves, what are you going to do? This is not about finding a job it's about being prepared for financial change. How you prepare for employment change is different for everyone. Being prepared for financial change is the same person to person. 1. Build an Emergency Savings Account Everyone should have a passbook savings account with money to use in Emergencies. This money is to never be touched except when your car needs repairs you can not afford, your basement floods and you need to pay to clean it up, or your Great-Grandma Ruth is dying and you need to go to her bedside. Use your Emergency money, and immediately start rebuilding it by paying yourself. A good amount to have in this account will equal six months of your net income (after taxes). This will provide you with a cushion for when you receive the pink slip. If you have a little time to search, you will be able to find enjoyable, quality employment. 2. Prepare a Spending Plan You already know you should be living on a spending plan now. Have you thought about how you would live after a job loss? Take time today to create a "Job Loss Plan" so you will have an idea what spending you will reduce as soon as you know you our out of work. Then as soon as you are told those two little words (You're Fired) you can pull out the plan and start conserving your money. Do not deny what happened and continue trying to live like you did before. 3. Carry No-Debt This is good advice for everyone, but as it pertains to this article no-debt is really wise. If you are out of a job, you do not want to be paying $500 a month in non-mortgage bills. By keeping your credit card and even your mortgage debts to a minimum, read zero, you will be able to stretch your Emergency Savings Account money further. Even if you have a good job that you will never loose, if you are not carrying debt, you will be able to put more money into your retirement, children's college or vacation fund. 4. Know Your Creditors If you do carry debt, be sure you know who your creditors are. This sounds silly, but a lot of people receive a bill from XYF Credit Co and pay the minimum without looking to see who XYF is. You should know your creditors and how to contact them, so that if you are laid off you can call them right away and let them know. Most will work with you to create a repayment plan that fits into your new spending plan. When the hammer falls and you are let go, it will be shock, no matter how prepared you are. If you have been working on these four things your finances will be better able to withstand the time between jobs. Roger Sorensen is America's Financial Guide. Learn more at his website http://www.Slave2Work.com - ask and have answered personal finance questions, read more of his writings, and join the newsletter Money Basics. "How-To Be Debt Free!" is now for sale, read about it today at http://www.Slave2Work.com/debtfree.html
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Money Matters - Really! One of the biggest challenges facing black RELATIONSHIPS today are finances. Many people mistakenly feel that money does NOT matter. In fact, money matters the MOST! Why? Most people do not have a clue about their own financial destiny. Bank On It: Places to Hide and Invest Money Today I passed a thermometer at a bank that read 110 degrees, but I am not telling you that to show you how hot it was. I am telling you that because this bank really needs to fix their thermometer. According to their thermometer, it was also 110 degrees in December. There are a lot of people, places and things that can be more accurate with the weather, and as I've never said (but have always wanted to), "Whatever I trust with the weather is what I also trust with my money." Here are some examples: Succession Planning Have you ever thought about what you are going to leave your children when you pass from this earth? Wouldn't it be a great feeling to be able to give them a really good head start in life ? without actually spoiling them? How to Choose the Right Bank for Your Online Business You should thoroughly consider your business needs when selecting a financial institution or bank for your small/home business. You may want to consider the following points: Budgeting is Bothersome It doesn't take much for you to get behind on monthly bills, but it sure takes some time to catch up. The comparison in my mind is to weight gain. A one-week vacation can easily pack on 5 to 7 pounds. Losing that weight however, can take a good month of cardio. That's no fun, and neither is trying to find the extra cash to pay last month's credit card payment. Banks Are More Than Just A Place To Park Your Money If you've been to a shopping mall lately, you've probably discovered two different banks within a few feet of each other. Go inside the food store in that shopping plaza and you'll see yet another one, just waiting to offer their services to you. Now drive down the road a few blocks and you'll probably see yet another bank on the corner. With all the banks to choose from these days, it can be too much. How do you know who is reputable and what will serve your purposes? Whats The Truth Behind Your Finances? Between 15 - 20% of people in our country (UK) own there own businesses. This statistic is on the rise thanks to the incredible invention of the Internet. The staggering truth is that of these only 5% are genuinely financially free! You may well see lots of expensive cars driving on our roads and big houses inhabited by the seemingly wealthy, but these houses and cars are not yet paid for. Budgeting Made Easy Well, dang! From what I've heard and read, it looks like we've reached an all-time world-class new record in the amount of personal debt on the books. Now it's probably not quite as bad as we've been led to believe, however many of us have managed to tromp further than we should have into the financial swamp. How well we'll be able to find our way back out to dry ground will depend on our knowing just where the heck we are in the first place. And that takes us right to the "B" word. Budgeting is Essential for a Single Mothers Success Today many women are struggling with debt and it's even harder if you are a single mother trying to support your family. According to the Census Bureau single mothers far outweigh single fathers. In 2003 there was a total of 2,260,000 one parent family groups maintained by the father and 10,142,000 one parent family groups maintained by the mother. This is also why many single mothers find themselves diving into debt. Portfolio Planning can Lead to Irreconcilable Differences The judge had to ask the question, and we had to answer it in order to get our divorce finalized. It was all supposed to be pro-forma. "Why are you getting divorced?" the judge asked, his head buried in legal file folders. Financial Readiness: Preparing for BRAC (Base Realignment And Closing) The recommendations for military base closings have been released and the news is not good. If the recommendations are accepted, you will lose your job. So what do you do? Hope for the best, and prepare for the worst. Affording a Home Can you really afford a house? If so, how much house can you afford? To determine this answer will take serious financial planning, and the best time to start is at least six months before buying the home. Debt Management ? More Ways to Save on Gas Consumption The price of gas continues to climb, and with continued uncertainty in the Middle East, they will probably continue to do so. In California and elsewhere, prices for some grades of gas have now reached the previously unthinkable three dollars a gallon. Granted, that is lower than the inflation-adjusted prices of early 1981, but that doesn't make anyone feel better when they've just paid nearly $100 to fill the tank of their sport utility vehicle. Credit Card Debt ? Watch Your Credit Report and Your Bill Most consumers are aware of the importance of their credit report. This document, offered to consumers and lenders by the three major credit bureaus, offers a fairly complete list of financial transactions and debts incurred by a consumer. Lenders examine the report, along with the associated FICO score, to determine whether a consumer is worthy of receiving additional credit or loans. What many consumers may not know is that credit card companies regularly check their credit reports, and unfavorable entries may result in a higher interest rate on their credit cards. Retirement Income Needs---Less Than You Think? It is widely written that you need 75% of your present income to maintain your present life-style in retirement. If you make 100 thousand now, figure 75 thousand in retirement. The Magic Of Compound Interest Christians are called to be good stewards of God's resources. A steward can be described as someone who manages the resources of another. "The earth is the Lord's and all that is in it, the world and those who dwell therein"-Psalms 24:1 (The New English Bible). To effectively manage God's financial resources, it helps to have some understanding of modern day financial concepts, strategies, and mathematical formulas. Compound interest is a great ally in catapulting you toward achieving your financial goals. Through an understanding of compound interest, God can pour out a blessing upon you, which you will not be able to measure! Albert Einstein once called compound interest "the world's most impressive invention" and dubbed it the "eighth wonder of the world." Compound interest means all the money you've invested earns interest and then the combined amount of the original investments plus your interest earns more interest. Compounding means interest added to interest. Compound interest does not produce linear growth like the pattern 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and so on; it produces geometric growth through compounding like the pattern 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and so on. Usually, the more frequently your money compounds when earning interest, the better. For example, daily compounding is normally better than monthly compounding, which is better than quarterly compounding, which is better than yearly compounding. Save Money on Groceries: Part I One universal of humanity, no matter who you are or where you come from, you have to eat. Unless you grow your own food, you will have to go to the grocery store to get it. That means money. Here are two very simple but highly effective methods for saving money on the food you buy. Is There A Retirement Crisis? When people speak about the increasing age expectancies, they generally do so with positive connotation. This author agrees-there's nothing wrong with living longer, especially if we can sustain our quality of life at each period throughout our lifespan. The problem, then, is not that we are living longer-it's that we are not planning for it. Eight Ways To Sink Yourself Financially 1. Don't focus on your finances. Check Fraud and Verification Before buying personal or business checks you should inform yourself of the best ways to protect yourself from check fraud. Since man has written checks check fraud has existed. Like any fraud, check fraud emerged as crafty con artists discovered they could photocopy checks or alter checks to steal money from innocent victims. Thanks to technological advances and craftier con artists, check fraud is as common as a cup of coffee. ![]() |
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