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Home Hazards That Can Affect Our Pets
Is your home safe for your Furr Kids? It might surprise you to know how many hazards there are in a typical home for the pets we love. Most everyone is aware that anti-freeze, pest sprays, rat poison and the like should be kept where no pet can get to them. And many of us have heard about plants that are poison to our pets such as mistletoe, lilies and poinsettias. But have you ever considered the following potential dangers to your pet? 1. Electrical cords; pets chewing on electrical cords can receive a potentially fatal shock. This is especially prevalent around the holidays when extension cords are often used. 2. Ingesting harmful foods; chocolate can be fatal to pets. 3. Worn out toys; toys that are worn or badly chewed can begin to fall apart and small pieces of them can be swallowed. 4. Garbage; pets that get into the garbage can may eat bones, coffee grounds, spoiled food, cigarette butts, etc. 5. Chemicals; pets may ingest cleanser, soap, bleach, mothballs, paint, pool chemicals, fertilizers, etc. 6. Medications; many medications intended for humans can be fatal to pets, as can nicotine gum. 7. Open clothes dryer doors; the dryer is a wonderfully warm spot for a cat to take a nap?make sure they can't get inside. Other things may not be as obvious as those listed above. I once had a kitten that, unknown to me, swallowed a needle and thread. My first indication was a lump I noticed on his throat. When I got him to the vet, x-rays were taken and the item removed. The kitten and I were both traumatized! When you are using potentially dangerous tools like power saws, drills, etc., make sure your pet is confined to an area away from your work place. Is your ceiling fan running when your bird is flying free in the house? Pets usually investigate things with their mouths, and there are many dangers in the average home. Take a look around your house and see just how safe it is for your Furr Kids. A quick check may save your pet from injury or death, and you from expensive vet bills! Cait Isaacs
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Pet Peeve: Dogs Doing Business Where Not Wanted We've recently moved into a new apartment complex that really is much like a resort. We don't have to maintain the lawn, handle any maintenance problems, or deal with unruly neighbors. We can use the pool without having to clean and maintain it, we can work out in a gym without the added monthly expense, we can play pool without going to a bar, and we can enjoy many sports such as racquetball, tennis, volleyball, and basketball. The Birds and the Bees for Adults (Parrots, That Is!) The days are getting longer, and if you have a sexually mature parrot, there may be some major sexual stuff going on - and you might not even know it! Pet Services Are A Multi-Billion-Dollar Industry There are many of us who consider our pets as part of the family, and this is evidenced by a recent statistic that states 65% of all U.S. homes own at least one pet. Along with this increase in pet ownership comes the need for services tailored for our pet's comfort. And, because of this trend, pet services have grown into a multi-billion-dollar industry that encompasses a wide range of services from pet supplies to recovery services aimed at returning our lost pets. Indoor Dogfishing ? Fun Way To Exercise A Small Or Medium Size Dog When I had a Toy Poodle, I used a small beanie baby toy tied to a twenty foot long cord to exercise him for at least ten minutes at a time, twice a day. I'd throw it across the room and he'd run after it to snatch it up, fueled by canine fantasies of ripping it apart. Terrorizing Your Cat with iRobot Vacuum System Do you have a home robotic vacuum cleaner? They are all the new rage and quite innovative indeed. If you do not have one you eventually will have one, as that is how the future of vacuuming around the house will be done. Most household tasks will be done by simple robotic systems with at least a minimum of artificial intelligence programming. The ride on lawnmowers will move over and make way to the autonomous lawn mowing robots in the near future. Today a good vacuum is expensive and the iRobot is price competitive and they are selling like hot cakes. Only one problem, the family pets, do not like them much. Dog Training -What You Should Keep In Mind When Playing With Your Dog Dogs, especially young dogs are very playful by nature. Does Your Boston Terrier Want To Be With You? This may come as a surprise...but if the tables were turned, and the Boston Terrier could choose his owner, would he have chosen you? Westie Puppies For Sale ? 7 Important Questions To Ask Your West Highland Terrier Breeder Let's say you've made up your mind on the breed you want, which is a cute westie puppies for sale. The next step to take is finding a responsible breeder. You can do that from the parent club website or even at a Westie show. Local club Breeder Referral Officers may be able to help you find a breeder in your area. Find out if they are AKC registered or whatever association is relevant for your country. 5 Common Grooming Mistakes Made by Professionals 1. Using tranquilizers. No, No, No! Drop It, Drop It! Give It To Me Now! Puppies can be so exasperating! They know what we want, and what we don't want, yet they continue to push our buttons. Wait a minute! Maybe we can rewire our buttons and bring them out of reach of Puppy! Use the following tips to help prevent Puppy Theft and other hiccups in Puppy's road to adulthood. Cleft Palate In Dogs Sometimes puppies are born that can't suckle properly, and it's almost alway's because they have a cleft palate. A cleft palate can be a complete division up the middle of the palate, or roof of the mouth, or it can just be a small hole in the palate. Dog Behavior Training: Methods of Working with a Shy Dog Shy dogs are more common than most people think, but unfortunately many dogs who suffer from this affliction are never seen by the general public because of their impairment. Shy dogs range from those who scurry away when someone walks by, to those who bite when approached. No matter how vehement their behavior, however, there are ways of not only managing it, but solving the problem. Three Important Litter Box Considerations There are three important litter box considerations to account for whether you're a new kitten owner, or someone who has had a cat for a while. If kitty isn't happy with any or all three of these, you may find she'll start urinating outside the box. Dog Tricks: Understanding Your Dogs Capabilities Before You Teach Buddy New Tricks The performing of dog tricks, while not a necessary part of a dog's education, is an accomplishment that offer dog owners and his friends a great deal of amusement and adds materially to the value of a dog. Heartworms Alert - Know The Warning Signs To Save Your Pets Health! Has your pet recently been coughing, eating less, or being more lethargic than usual? If so, it is possible that your pet is infected with heartworms and may need immediate help and attention. Heartworms may infect a host for up to 2 years before any signs or symptoms are visible, and often when they are diagnosed it may be too late for some pets. Weaning Puppies Is Only Natural Weaning puppies is a perfectly natural process. Mamma dogs have been doing it successfully for ages, so how hard can it be, right? ?On Trust? & ?Paid For?: One of the Oldest Dog Tricks that Never Fail to Entertain "On Trust" & "Paid For" for are one of the oldest dog tricks that afford as much entertainment as anything a dog can do since the early 1900s. It is not the easiest trick to be taught but can be elaborated on and presented in several different forms to impress most people. Does Your Dog Have Fleas? Itch, itch. Scratch, scratch, scratch. Does that sound familiar? Hopefully not, but if it does you might be one of the millions of people whose dog has fleas, mites or other miniscule cretins leeching upon him. Scottish Terrier Rescue - For the Love of Scotties Purebred dogs of all breeds can be found in shelters, and volunteers can be found in every state to seek them out. Scottish Terriers, West Highland White Terriers, and even breeds considered rare, all pass through shelters every year. Those who perform Scottish Terrier rescue are committed to matching homeless terriers with loving new owners. Puppy Training that is Safe for Your Puppy Puppy training can and should begin the day you bring your puppy home, but only if it's approached in a safe manner for your puppy and his sensitivities. Housetraining your puppy can be a rewarding and non-stressful experience when you shape behavior from a series of positive experiences, instead of attempting to correct unwanted behaviors before your puppy has a chance to learn what you DO want. ![]() |
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