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Pets: The Wild Kind
Just because we moved out to the country a couple years back does NOT mean we want to run a farm. Tending to animals is just not how we want to spend our time. We don't want cows or sheep or chickens. We don't want hogs or ducks. We don't even want a dog or a cat to train. OK, so my wife says that she wants a cat, but that's only because she knows I won't have anything to do with it. I suspect that if I ever said, "OK, you win. Let's get a cat", she would run screaming down the stairs pulling at her hair and just keep on running... causing damage to the stairway carpet, not to mention the window at the bottom of the staircase. We don't want a parrot or a rabbit or a hamster or even a mouse. But when you live in the country, you have pets, whether you like it or not. The first summer, we were welcomed by Muffet the skunk. Although she never responded to that name, we let her keep it. She just loved our compost heap. In fact, she had a frequent-eater pass at the all-you-can-eat compost buffet. The second summer we were skunk-free, but this summer we were blessed with a new traveling perfume salesman. We did not name him, but we have determined that he is on a diet. He stays away from the all-you-can-eat compost buffet. He is also much less intelligent than Muffet. When we see him, we jump and shout and wave our hands to get his attention,. But we usually have to get his attention three or four times before something in his microbe-sized brain clicks in and says, "Wait a minute. That's not the hot dog vendor beckoning me to clean up his leftovers. Maybe I should turn around." But he is smart enough provide a two-tier burglar deterent. First, he drives them away with his odor. "Peee-ew. Let's go rob the Jensons down the road." Second he digs thousands of tiny pits all over the lawn to trip any burglar foolish enough to try to escape. And to answer your question, no I did not personally verify the gender of these skunks. But you are free to check if you doubt my word. This summer, we discovered an exotic spider (See http://www.vitamin-supplements-store.net/spider.html). Painted on its inch-long black back are two bright yellow eyes. Spooky. We even watched it wrap its prey ? a small, light brown flying thingy. With amazing speed, the spider scurried from the center of her web toward the helpless victim at least a foot away. Then in a matter of two seconds flat, the spider spun the fly around three or four times, weaving it into a web cocoon like rolling a corpse in a carpet behind Luigi's Fine Finer and Smokes. No gangster could have operated with one tenth the speed. Just a few hours ago, I was proud to show off a bees nest over a foot tall hanging from a low branch in our One Acre Woods. "Wow. It's just like in Winnie the Pooh!" That was Little Lady, now 3 years and 3 months old. "Destroy it. There must be thousands of bees in there!" That was my wife. The fact is that I have had to destroy four bees nests in the past three weeks, all between the stones in our foundation. I am not keen to drive the bees away from their forest nest and toward the house. In fact, I think I'll post an arrow sign near the house pointing to the forest: "Cheap rent. Spacious hive. Vibrant community." So far, we've avoided the pets inside the house ? we won't discuss the "storm trooper ants incident" or the midnight mouse-trap peanut-butter visits ? and we have kept the hogs and sheep at bay (although the chickens sheepishly crawl through the fence and the stray cats like to run hog wild around our land). No pets, perhaps. But you still have to share your space with skunks and spiders and bees when you live in the country. Coming soon to a humor column near you: How I adopted 14,673 cluster flies on a Tuesday afternoon....without even breaking into a sweat. About The Author David Leonhardt publishes The Happy Guy humor column. Visit his home page: http://www.thehappyguy.com David is owner of The Liquid Vitamin Supplements Store: http://www.vitamin-supplements-store.net
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Canine Infectious Hepatitis What is Canine Infectious Hepatitis? The Top Five Reasons to Rescue a Boxer What if you want a Boxer, but cannot stomach the thought of housebreaking, chewed up shoes and boundless puppy energy? Have you ever heard of Boxer rescue? These organizations provide loving care (and sometimes rehabilitation) to Boxers who have been surrendered by their owners, found abandoned or rescued from harmful situations. Training Collars: Teaching Your Dog Basic Obedience and Breaking Bad Habits Training Collars Essential Oils and MRSA Natural preventative pet care isn't a new thing but it certainly isn't fully mainstream yet. One of the challenges is being able to re-educate the public to think outside of the box. For so many years we've been told over and over again by traditional care providers that our pets need yearly vaccinations, prevention medicines for heartworm, fleas, and ticks, and feeding premium kibble. We've been told these will all lead to ultimate wellness in our pets. Nothing could be further from the truth. Filtration Methods For The Discus Tank Good filtration is the prime priority in the discus tank. Basically, there are three types of filtration - mechanical, chemical and biological. Let's start with the basics... West Highland White Terrier - Westies - Training Success Tips The West Highland Terrier is a friendly dog, and is considered easier to handle and train than other terriers, such as the Scottish Terrier. Still, it possesses the bold, dynamic terrier temperament, and has to be trained in a manner appropriate for the breed. Separation Anxiety in Dogs What is Separation Anxiety? The Case AGAINST Raw Frozen Pet Foods For some 25 years I have alerted the public to the dangers of exclusively feeding heat processed foods. Companion animal feeding has progressed ? actually digressed ? from table scraps and real foods the family could spare to today's "100 % complete" processed foods in primarily kibble form, with some canned and semi-moist also available. The foods appear to be scientific and improved, but they're far worse for the animals. Not only is nutrient value diminished by heat, but a spectrum of toxins is created. Additionally, the singular feeding of processed food has led to the spurious "100% complete and balanced" claim that is both logically and scientifically flawed. Do You Know About Boxer Dogs? Boxer Dogs Information - What Are Boxer Dogs? Boxer dogs are great all around dog breeds, distinguished canine and the coolest, most lovable dog out there! Boxer Dogs are medium-built and strong breed that are so named because of its habit of standing on the hind legs to begin a fight and boxing with the front paws. By nature, Boxer dogs are working dogs. Throughout history it has been trained as: - hunting dog - police dog- seeing-eye dog for the blind- guard dog- circus dog - courier dog on the battlefields during World War I and World War II - fighting dog in the once popular sport of dog fighting. The American Kennel Club (AKC) categorizes dogs into 7 groups of herding, hound, non-sporting, sporting, terrier, toy and working. And the largest breed registered in the working dog category is the Boxer. No doubt the Boxer Dogs make for great utility dog but the greatest advantage to owning one is that Boxer Dogscan be your most outstanding companion on four legs and great source of personal fulfillment. By the way, the AKC registered over 150 different breeds totaling nearly one million dogs in 2003. To put that in perspective, the animal shelters in America rescue up to 12 million homeless dogs and cats every year and 25% of these are purebreds. Devoted and glad owners of Boxer Dogs have come up with a long list of attributes and traits of their favorite pet that include: AlertBoisterousBoundless energyBraveCanine clownCourageousDevil dogDevotedDignifiedExuberanceFamily dogFearless FriendlyHearing dogHighly trainableIntelligentIntuitiveKeen judge of characterLovingLoyalPatient with childrenPeople dogPoor swimmerPlayfulQuick learnerSelf-assured SmartSoulfulSpiritedStoicalVigilantWorking dogWonderful pet And you can add to the list? The Boxer Dog's history could be traced back to feudal Germany, where it was a small hunting dog that could tenaciously hold onto a bull, boar, or bear till the master arrived. It was also a utility dog for peasants and shop owners, and even a performing dog in circus. The Boxer Dogs as we know it today is a bigger breed ? a mixture of the German Boxer with a taller, more elegant English import. The era of this modern Boxer began in the 1880s and became really popular in the United States in the late 1930s-1940s. Handsome dog: Within the canine world, Boxer Dogs are medium-sized dog standing at 21 to 25 inches at the shoulder for a full-grown female, and weighs some 50 to 65 pounds. The male can be taller and 15 pounds heavier. It has a striking good look with chiseled head, square jaw and muscled body that make for a very handsome silhouette. The ears are cropped and erect that enhance its hearing ? the Boxer most developed sense. It is always alert and vigilant, an instinctive guard dog. The shortened muzzle makes hot and humid weather uncomfortable for the Boxer Dogs. The coat is short, hard and smooth, and possesses a natural sheen that can be enhanced with rubdowns with a chamois cloth (especially after a bath). The short coat cannot protect him well from extreme elements of the weather and thus Boxer Dogs should definitely not be kept outdoors. It is a housedog, sensitive to temperature extremes, does not enjoy the draft, summer heat or cold. Boxer Dogs come in attractive basic colors of fawn and brindle. The fawn varies from a tawny tan to an especially beautiful stag red. The brindle (clearly defined black stripes on a fawn background) can be sparse, in between or dense. A beauty standard for Boxer Dogs is that their white markings or "flash" should add to their look and may not cover more than one-third of the entire body. Some predominantly or all-white puppies (known as "check") may be born in a litter. In the US, however, the American Boxer Club members are pledged not to register, sell or use these "whites" for breeding so as to retain the beauty of the true fawn and brindle colors in the breed. Personality-wise, Boxer is a cool dog that will not bark without cause. Its expressive face ? the furrowed forehead and dark, soulful eyes - is a charming quality that sets the Boxer apart from other breeds. It can mimic the moods of its master and adopting one could bring you 9 to 11 years of joyful companionship. In exceptional cases the Boxer can live up to 15 years. Boxer Dogs As Pet Pet Boxer Dogs, although low-maintenance, require your consistent attention, exercise, human interaction, consistent obedience training and lots of love. You cannot leave them to their own design for too long or they get lonely, bored and into trouble. Being a big and strong dog as well as a highly intelligent one, Boxer Dogs need both physical and mental stimulations to keep them even-tempered and dignified while still keeping their impish spirit and fearless courage in tact. All the best!!! Warm regards, How to Litter Train a Cat For most cat owners, training their cat to use the litter is a relatively painless process. It is among a cat's natural instincts to eliminate in an area that they can cover their feces in. This behavior may be a way of your cat accepting what they perceive to be as the natural order of dominance. In the wild feral cats will bury their feces if they are not at the top of their social hierarchy, if a feral cat does not bury his or her feces it is likely that the cat exhibiting that behavior is the dominant feline. So when your housecat buries his or her waste he or she may be recognizing your role as the dominant animal in their social community. It is also possible, however, that your cat may be displaying his or her inherited instinct to bury his or her feces in order to hide their trail from would be predators. Tips that May Help Your Arthritic Dog Arthritis refers to inflammation or swelling in a joint. The cause can be abnormal bone or joint development, instability of the surrounding ligaments and tendons, damage or injury to the joint, an infection, or injury caused by the immune system. While anti-inflammatory medicines are popular treatments for arthritis, another approach involves protecting the cartilage in the joint and "nourishing" the joint. Dog doors ? dog and owner reprieve Buying dog doors online The 5 Things You Should Know Before Breeding Cats The cat population is astronomical. Most experts agree that average cat owners should spay their cat, not breed. Still there are people who want to have a litter from their pet. But there's a lot to think about before planning a feline family. Train Your Dog To Be Your Frisbee Playing Buddy On the surface playing Frisbee with your dog may seem like just a bit of fun, but this activity actually holds other benefits as well. Safety Tips for Moving With Pets Which kind is your pet? The pooch who is the first one in the car when the door opens, or the kitty who runs to hide at the first hint of travel? Both kinds face dangers on the road, but there are steps you can take to protect them. Even the happiest traveler can get into trouble, and it can happen even on a short jaunt to the grocery store. Does Your Boston Terrier Want To Be With You? This may come as a surprise...but if the tables were turned, and the Boston Terrier could choose his owner, would he have chosen you? What to Do When Your Puppy Dog Is Chewing Everything In Sight A puppy wanting to chew makes you want to scream! Do remember that, like children who search their new world with their hands, so do puppies search with their mouths. While there is a difference between exploratory chewing and problem chewing, the problem chewing is sometimes related to their need for attention, food or tension release. However, most of the time, puppies tend to chew because they are teething. Expect them to do so until they're about six months old. Top 15 Cat Quotations Gain some insight into how your favorite feline actually feels about you and life in general with these enlightening quotations about cats... Vaccinating Our Pets I'd like to talk to you about pet vaccinations. I cannot tell you legally what to do since I'm not licensed but I can share with you what I do with my own pets ? or in had done! Herbs For Your Dog Herbology, basically, is the use of herbs in the treatment of many types of illness. Herein the emphasis of treatment is based strongly on the specific use of herbal roots, flowers and leaves to stimulate the healing process. Keep in mind that these herbs are not a form of drug(as in man-made forms, such as aspirin) but are strictly natural in content. Practiced for centuries, herbology is probably one of the most primitive and fundamental uses of specific remedies to treat various illnesses, known today. ![]() |
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