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Dog Rescue: Is it Right for You?
Ever had a hankering for a certain breed of dog? Not an obsession, mind you ? not the sort of longing that would send you rushing to a breeder, thousand-dollar-bill in your sweaty palm ? but just a gentle appreciation for the virtues of the Poodle, Pug or Pyrenean Mastiff? Let's say you have -- but you thought buying a purebred pup was a less-than-ideal use of your family's resources. If that's the case, it might be time to look up your local Dog Rescue organization! Dog Rescues are organized by breed, so prospective parents can sign up to be notified when new poodles or pugs come in. What's the advantage of adopting a rescue dog, instead of a breeder pup? A rescue dog isn't always cheaper than the breeder's (though it usually is). The main difference is this: your money equals a new life for a dog that completely lost out on his first roll of the dice. How do I adopt a Rescue Dog? Dog rescue organizations are volunteer-driven, and loosely organized. Your best bet is to "Google" for the one nearest you, using the breed name. So poodle lovers can search for "Poodle Rescue" or "Poodle Rescue Florida," if they live down south. Once you find an organization, you'll want to apply as an adoptive parent. This may involve a down payment. It also usually involves a form in which you describe your history of animal ownership, and supply references. You'll provide some information on your beliefs about dog discipline, your house and yard, and where you plan to keep your newest family member. The dog rescue foster moms and will want to talk to you in person, too, to get a feel for your compatibility with their particular pup. What will I pay for a Rescue Dog? On average, you'll pay between $200 and $300. If you thought "rescue" adoption was cheap, this might seem like a lot, but the fact is it simply covers basic procedures to bring the animal back to health. Most dogs arrive at the Rescue with skin problems, tartar-coated teeth, out-of-date vaccinations, possible parasites and other issues. How will a Rescue Dog differ from a breeder or pet store dog? In a number of ways. Your new adoptee is likely to be: Older. Few dogs are rescued as puppies. A few are 'adolescent.' The vast majority are middle-aged. Cautious. Your adoptee may have a lot of fear and yes, grief, to process. If he felt like a part of his former family, he may be grieving his sudden "ejection." He may need time and patience to take an interest in food, play, or his general surroundings. If he was starved or kept isolated, he'll need time and patience to learn to socialize. "Readable." Buying a puppy means taking a wild guess at the eventual adult. When you rescue a grown dog, you get a much better idea of his personality. It's easier to make the perfect match. Am I the right type of owner for a Rescue Dog? An important question! You, the owner, are the last and most crucial link in a chain. The chain's only purpose is provide a "happily-ever-after" for a dog that desperately deserves one. Can you be that happily-ever-after, even for a dog that may have some rough edges? Ask yourself these questions: - Do I really care what color the coat is, what sex it is or how many pounds it weighs? If so, you really want a puppy from a breeder, not a rescue. Rescue dogs rarely conform to an exact type. - Am I looking to save money? You may not save money buying a rescued dog, even though the initial cost could be $700 or $800 less than from a breeder. Rescue dogs often need more medical care because of the abuse and neglect they suffered before. - Is my life relatively stable and my household relatively quiet? All abused creatures, whether dog or human, crave and need an unusually organized household. Many people can be good parents to a rescue dog. But perhaps the best potential parent of all is an older person or couple whose children are grown, and who has time and patience to devote to the dog's mental and physical healing. - Can I provide regular medical care and regular grooming? The deepest wish in the heart of the Dog Rescue folks is each of their dogs never has to go through another minute of hunger, discomfort or pain again. When dogs are starved, they sometimes have incontinence problems that heal only slowly. They may need more regular teeth cleaning than a continually cared-for dog. Some need a house training refresher when former owners didn't bother. Most were never clipped or groomed, even in the non-shedding breeds. Do you have the time and resources to keep your dog totally safe and comfortable? - Can I consider the need and adopt a boy rescue, or an older rescue? For reasons not entirely clear, many potential adopters go for girl dogs. There's no logic to this: all rescue dogs are spayed or neutered, and boys are as intelligent, witty, loyal, well-behaved and loving as their female counterparts. Perhaps it's just that the rescue impulse leads us to think of "damsels in distress"! At any rate, that adorable boy that needs a home really deserves your attention. Someone less educated might pass him by for reasons they don't fully understand. The upshot is, a rescue dog can make the best pet you've ever had. He understands exactly what you're giving him, since he didn't have it before. Your newest family member will offer you an overabundance of loyalty for the rest of his days. How can I help with Dog Rescues? Dog Rescues are always looking for help. Of course, they need financial contributions, and kennel and medical supplies. They also need 'foster moms' who perform the difficult task of patiently rendering a dog adoptable, then giving it up to its final owner! So if you have skills in this area and want to help, contact the small and amazing group of volunteers that make up your local Dog Rescue. About The Author Blake Kritzberg is happily Mom to a rescue dog, and proprietor of Poodle-oo: Fashion for the Toy Dog Breeds. http://www.poodle-oo.com/
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Orthopedic Dog Beds Many people consider their dog to be part of their family, and want to ensure his happiness and comfort. As dogs get older, they experience the same problems in their canine bodies as humans do. Arthritis in older dogs, especially males, is quite common, though sometimes hard to detect since your dog can't complain about the aches and pains he's experiencing. He'll slow down when walking and running, he won't leap for that dog treat as quickly as he used to, he'll shorten those evening walks and he simply won't sleep as well on the same bed he's been using for years. Breeding Your Goldfish If you are keen on breeding Goldfish, you should know that it's not an easy task. It will take a lot of patience, a lot of space in the tank and quite a bit of money too. Don't get into breeding if you think it's going to be profitable, because it isn't! Breeding goldfish is best left to a professional but if you still want to breed them, here's how to begin: Pet Food Label Secrets Revealed! Know What You Are Feeding Your Dog And Cat Reading a pet food label, how difficult can it be? You just pick up your regular brand and look at the variety on the front, right? Not so fast! Reading a pet food label isn't as easy as you may think. It's not just ingredients and feeding suggestions. There's also a "secret code" you should know about. The code helps you separate the Chicken Formula from the Chicken Dinner and the Beef and Bacon from the Beef with Bacon. You may be thinking "Aren't they all the same?" and the answer is no. Taking Care of Your Sick Dog Just like humans, dogs are subject to diseases and illnesses. If your dog gets sick, you may have to take him to the vet for treatment or even surgery. Your dog may have to stay at the clinic for a few days. When he comes home you will have to take care of your sick dog so that he completely recovers. Decorating for The Cat Owner - How to Protect Your Possessions The first thing a cat owner should know about home décor is to keep it simple. Cats are completely convinced that they are in charge, that the house and its possessions belong to them, and that they have every right to break rip or shred anything they like. Even a well trained cat (a possible oxymoron) will occasionally get overzealous, and with an inadvertent sweep of their tail will knock your favorite decoration from its place to a pile on the floor. Crate Training Tips: How to Crate Train Your Dog A crate is a valuable and useful training tool. Its main purpose is to provide security, safety and protection for short term confinement while training a puppy or new dog about its own and house boundaries. Beds for the Pets: Sleeping in Comfort As we love to have a comfortable place to sleep so do the animals. So there are various types of beds for the pets to give them a comfortable sleep. Most of us have the dog as a pet. For the pets we specially have these beds designed for their fullest comfort. This type of beds mainly includes the outdoors beds, luxury beds, and puppy beds. For the various types of dogs there are various types of beds like the large dog beds and the small dog beds. Whereas when we look out for a bed for a cat then there are various types of beds depending upon the breed and the size of the cat. Introduce Your Puppy To New Situations And Ensure Good Behaviour For The Rest Of Her Life They may seem to be bold explorers - sniffing at and mouthing just about anything - but all dogs have an instinctive fear of anything unfamiliar to them. Fear causes stress on the body, which affects long-term health. To help your dog avoid the negative health effects of stress, it is important to socialize her. Socialization is the process of exposing your dog to a wide variety of places, situations, objects and people. A well-socialized dog is a confident, healthy dog that you can take anywhere. Pet Friendly Vacations - 10 Tips for Hassle-Free Travel with Your Pet Pet friendly vacations and travel planning make sense -- after all, pets are family members too! In the United States alone, over 60 million households have one or more pets. Pet owners in 15 million of those households travel with their pet, and the majority stay in pet friendly lodging. Fortunately, pet friendly hotels, condos and vacation home rentals do exist. If you will be planning pet friendly vacations, here are some tips for safe and trouble-free travel. Dog Grooming and Dog Care Dog grooming is relatively simple for most dogs. I have a greyhound and spend about 5 minutes per day on dog grooming. For dogs that have short hair, they need to be brushed, maybe once per week. For dogs with long hair, the grooming is more time consuming. This is an important consideration when selecting a breed. Beyond regularly brushing your dog's coat and giving him or her periodic baths, you may want to consider a few other things. Tank Requirements For Discus Fish For Discus fish, there are 2 consideration in tanks - tank depth and volume. Because of their size and swimming habits, a minimum of 18" is needed for tank depth, the deeper the better. Regarding volume, a good rule of thumb is that each adult discus will need 10 gallons of water. Larger tanks will also give more stable water conditions, and taking into account other considerations the minimum size for a discus show tank should be no less than 55 gallons. It is also advisable to use a rectangular tank. Not only are they cheaper, but are more efficient, because they maximize surface area. Surface area is the most important factor in buying a tank. Why? Because it is only at the surface of the tank that gas exchange occurs. (Oxygen in, Carbon dioxide out.) Assuming you have a seventy five gallon show tank, and it's biological filter is working as required, up to twenty young fish 3 inches in size, or 6 or 8 fully adult discus can comfortably inhabit the tank. An outside filter may be added to large tanks to increase basic aeration and biological filtration needs. Managing Horse Pasture A major part of a horse's diet is hay or pasture. A horse weighing 1000 pounds will eat about 500 pounds each month. A horse needs roughly 28 acres of non-irrigated, dryland pasture a year if that is the only source of forage. However, a pasture that is irrigated will grow more forage than dryland pasture, requiring less acreage. The amount of irrigated pasture needed for one horse is roughly 1 to 2 acres. Dog Boutiques ? Perfect Pampering for Your Pooch! Believe it or not boutiques for dogs are everywhere. Nowadays, pampering your dog is just as important as pampering yourself. Dog boutiques offer everything from tempting organic treats to studded diamond collars. Some boutiques even offer overnight pampering packages for your favorite pet! Dog Clothing from the Boutique Every celebrity seems to have a well-dressed dog on his or her arms or by their side! One of the most popular choices of dog accessories from these boutiques is a collar, from diamond studded to bright red leather; every dog can find something that takes their (or their owners') fancy. Whilst there are many off the shelf options, increasingly these doggie outlets are offering made to measure individual options for the discerning pet owner. Dog coats are also becoming a must have for every dog's wardrobe. A particularly popular choice is to have a coat that has your canine friend's name embroidered on the side in a color that complements your choice of collar. Dog Edibles from the Boutique Not only is it important that your dog looks great but he also wants to feel great! Take a look in your local dog boutique for the latest tempting treats. A great range that is increasing in popularity is the organic biscuits and other treats. What better way to reward your dog and also to keep him fit? Pet Pampering Days As well as the many items that you can take away, a specialist dog shop may offer you a 'spa' day for your canine friend or even a health break! These breaks will offer your dog a series of holistic treatments such as massage as well as organic foods and detox. Never before has your dog been offered so much luxury and choice. Go on; visit your local dog boutique! Canine Infectious Hepatitis What is Canine Infectious Hepatitis? Caring for Your Dogs Teeth A dog, like a human baby, experiences the world through his mouth, by tasting and chewing on things. But, he also uses his mouth is as his hands. He carries and pulls with it as well as defends himself. Therefore healthy teeth and gums are very important. Your First Cichlid Aquarium So you're thinking about trying cichlids. A good choice. In this article I shall try to give a few examples of good cichlid aquariums that are suitable for beginners. I've tried to suggest set-ups that will be beautiful and easy to maintain, and species that are easily bred so that you might observe this fascinating side of cichlid behaviour. Training Your Dog?Is It Worth The Effort Or Is It Just A Waste Of Time? Many people feel that taking the time to train their puppy or dog isn't worth the effort. What with everything else we have to do these days in our busy lives, whose got the time? Pet Tracking Devices It was the Saturday morning of August 20, 2004 and my two kids saying that they couldn't find our cat Nala anywhere waked me up. I didn't pay much attention, because it was common for her to find a new hiding spot and sleep there for hours. 5 Ways to Pamper Your Parrot We are all busy these days and I know it's hard to meet all the demands in your life. But, it's time for a breather. Take an some time with each of your feathered kids and give them the royal treatment. I know some of you out there have multiple birds, so it doesn't have to be all the parrots in the same day! Get into the habit of doing at least a short version of this regularly. Your parrots will thank you! The Truth About Declawing There seems to be an alarming trend to have cats declawed...whether it's due to personal convenience, apartment house rules and regulations, or simple lack of knowledge on the part of responsible pet owners. ![]() |
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