Five Powerful Reasons Why Owning A Pet Could Make You Live Longer

You may have heard that pets have been scientifically proven to increase your chances of living to a ripe old age. Well the rumour is true, but how exactly is it possible you may be wondering.

Well, it is said that pets are able to penetrate our outer exterior and really connect with us on a deep level where humans are unable. When you look at the facts closely it is hard to argue with.

The first reason why owning a pet could make you live longer, is that they offer you unconditional love without you ever having to ask for it. In fact, this unconditional love is available to you at any given moment, twenty-four hours a day. Next time you are with your pet, take notice of its expressions and you will see that it is full of nothing but love for you.

The second reason is that you can be yourself around your pets. You do not need to put up facades or pretend to be someone that you are not. No matter what you do, you will always have the approval of your pets. Having the freedom to be yourself eliminates the stress that you may be subjecting yourself on a daily basis while out in the real world.

The third reason is that pets offer companionship. You can come home from work to an empty house and that is exactly how it will feel ? empty. But with a pet there to greet you, you have a friend by your side as you kick off your shoes and settle in for a quiet night together.

The fourth reason is that they stimulate you physically, especially dogs. You know that if you don't take them for a walk, then chances are they go without. So you get out in the fresh air, breath deeply and move those joints and muscles as you enjoy the scenery together. There is nothing like a brisk thirty minute walk to wake up your body.

And lastly they also give you the opportunity to share your love and affection. A pet demands this kind of attention and this helps you to connect with your own emotions on many levels. Doesn't it just feel wonderful to show a pet how much you love them, and see the heartfelt appreciation in their eyes?

Yes, pets are wonderful for you on a mental, physical and emotional level. Taking this into consideration, if you don't own a pet yet and you are keen to live as long as you can, you might want consider getting one real soon.

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