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How To Raise A Goldfish
Did you know that your goldfish can live for over 10 years? Under the right conditions he can live even longer but most never make it past the first year! If you want your goldfish to live long and healthy lives, you've got to provide the proper environment. It's a common misconception that a goldfish can live in a tiny bowl. In order for him to survive for any length of time, you'll need to do frequent water changes and cleanings of the bowl ? that's a lot of work and living in a bowl isn't much fun so it's best to keep your fish in a regular tank with a proper filtration system. The size of your tank depends on how many goldfish you want to keep in it. A good rule of thumb is to allocate about 7 gallons of water per fish, so if you want 5 goldfish a 35 gallon tank is recommended. It's better to keep fish in a long tank that has plenty of surface to air space as goldfish like to have a lot of oxygen in their water. A tall hexagon shaped tank won't be the best tank for these fish. Goldfish like their water to be a little on the cool side ? between 65 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit so in most cases a heater is not necessary. You should, however have a thermometer in the tank and take the appropriate measures if the temperature gets above 72 degrees as higher temperatures can make your fish more susceptible to disease. Bear in mind that most other tropical fish like their water on the warm side, so you will have to be careful what fish you put in the tank with your goldfish. Provide the goldfish tank with a filtration system that is appropriate for the size of the tank. If you are keeping the fancy tailed goldfish, don't use a system that will provide too much current as this can make it difficult for them to swim around. You'll also want to provide periodic water changes as you should with any tank. One of the main reasons that fish become sick is due to poor water quality. To keep your goldfish healthy, make sure you provide the filtration and water changes but also be careful about overcrowding and overfeeding. Too many fish or too much decaying food and waste will cause the water in your tank to become toxic to your fish. Keeping goldfish can be a wonderful hobby and with minimal work, you can get a tank up and keep it running with healthy fish. Lee Dobbins is owner and editor of epet-center.com ? Your E Pet Center where you can learn more about keeping goldfish
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Maybe that's why I loved him so. Here?s How To Find The Right Pet Meds For Your Favorite Pet Our pets depend on us for their every need, including their pet meds. The more you know about pet meds, the more you'll be able to recognize the signs when something is wrong with your pet, and know the best way to respond. Learning even a little about pet meds can bring peace of mind to you and your four-legged companion. Pet Vitamins are Essential for Your Dogs Health Vitamins for Pets - How Essential Are They? Ear Mites in Dogs: Quite Earritating Does your dog have that sheepish look? It could be that he's embarrassed of his ear mite problem! All this time you thought he just had a bad case of ear wax like your Uncle Henry, when really he's been suffering from an annoying condition that's itching like mad... not to mention, making him wildly unpopular with the other dogs in the neighborhood! Pretty earritating. 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Many puppies will want to go outside just to play if you let them off leash first. Interior Decorating for Cat Owners - Protecting Your Pet Part 2: Protecting your pet Protect Your Pets From The Pound Pets are people, too. At least, that's the way they should be treated by their owners. The sad reality, though, is that a lot people own pets when they're really not ready to care properly for their little furry friends. Or they just don't know how to love, clean, and treat a cat, dog, or other animal the right and humane way. What happens to these poor animals? Many end up in shelters, lost and unwanted-to the tune of 6 to 8 million every year according to the Humane Society. At least half of those end up being "put to sleep," to put it nicely. Decorating for The Cat Owner - How to Protect Your Possessions The first thing a cat owner should know about home décor is to keep it simple. Cats are completely convinced that they are in charge, that the house and its possessions belong to them, and that they have every right to break rip or shred anything they like. Even a well trained cat (a possible oxymoron) will occasionally get overzealous, and with an inadvertent sweep of their tail will knock your favorite decoration from its place to a pile on the floor. Fat Dogs - How To Get Overweight Dogs to Diet and Slim Down Without Whining Obesity in dogs is a growing problem, which can cause many problems including heart disease, joint problems, and diabetes. Almost half of dogs in America are fat, especially beagles, dachshunds, basset hounds, and Labrador retrievers. Before your dog reaches the point where they need insulin shots, you can slim them down. It will take almost a year, but it's worth it. ![]() |
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