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Horse Training Secrets For Busy Horse Owners Short On Time
Picture this. You're late for work one day. You look at your watch and notice you have about three minutes to feed your horse before you have to leave. Plus, it seems to worsen every day. You notice your life getting busier and you have little time, if any, to spend with your horse. Should you sell him? Should you keep him? What do you do. It depends. If you only want a pet that eats a lot of hay, then you can keep him if it is affordable. If you want to ride him but you know you won't have time then consider selling him. (Ouch!) However, if you know you will eventually have time to ride then you can keep your horse "tuned up" by doing some "quick and easy to do" horse training maneuvers on him. For instance, you have about two minutes to feed your horse before you go to work. So you rush outside and get some hay for him. Just before you feed him you get beside him and practice his backing up. Backing him up is a great way to keep him "tuned up". Why? You get your horse to move. When you get your horse to move you earn more and more of his respect. Getting a horse to move is using the horse's psychology to get it in his brain that you are the boss. The chief. The head-honcho. There are more exercises to do than just backing. Say you have a horse that won't come to you. The reason he won't is likely because of fear or doesn't trust you. But for the next few weeks go feed your horses with a halter and brush in hand. Horses love to be brushed. Once you get it in his head that seeing the halter means pleasure you will almost never have trouble getting him to come to you. Here's a good one many people don't know. When you go to feed your horses whistle loudly if you can. If you whistle a certain way and if you're consistent in the way you do it...then you can usually call horses in from an open field and they'll come a runnin'. Want another tip? Try this. Before you feed your horse, approach him and pet on his withers. Assuming you are standing on his left side poke your finger into his flank (around the rib/hip area). Hold it there. If he doesn't move, increase the pressure and hold it. If he doesn't move, increase the pressure even more and hold it. Repeat this process until he moves away from the pressure. When he moves reward him with a petting on the forehead. Do it a couple more times then repeat on his right side. Doing this teaches the horse a couple things. First, it teaches him to move away from pressure. Since pressure is a tool we use to communicate with the horse, we want him to know how to move away from it. Secondly, you are doing ground work of teaching your horse to move his hindquarters away from you. Thus, when you sit on the saddle and apply pressure with your boot in that same area, you have primed him to move away from that pressure - he moves his rear end away from your foot. This is a tremendous tool to not only disengage a horse's hindquarters, it is also part of how to teach a horse to sidepass. There are more "quick to do" horse training tips you can do. These are but a few examples of what you can accomplish even if you have just minutes a day. About The Author Andy Curry is a nationally known horse trainer and author of several best selling horse training and horse care books. For information visit his website at www.horsetrainingandtips.com. He is also the leading expert on Jesse Beery's horse training methods which can be seen at www.horsetrainingandtips.com/Jesse_Beerya.htm.
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A Look at Discount Dog Beds Many people want to make sure their family pet has just the right bed, but might not be willing to pay the (often quite hefty) price. It's actually more difficult to find designer and luxury dog beds especially for oversized pets than it is to find discount dog beds for average sized animals. If you're not too fussy about the design of the fabrics being used in the bed; if your dog is of average size and weight; and if her sleeping habits are not too extreme in the curling up or stretching out situations; you can probably save a lot of money when you purchase a dog bed that's right for her. Golden Moments and Dog Training Let me introduce my dogs. I have 3, Nikki and Benny are my therapy dogs, and Dukie is my blind dog. Nikki is a 1 1/2 year golden retriever and Benny is my 5 year old black lab. Dukie is now 10 years and also a black lab. Wormy Dogs? - Understand Dog Worms Infestation and Their Symptoms Until a very recent period, dog worms were thought to be of a spontaneous origin, brought about by the influence of heat upon decaying vegetable matter, and it was and still is freely asserted that puppies are born with dog worms inherited from the mother in some mysterious manner while still in uterus. This has been conclusively proven an error and in the minds of all scientists there is no question about dog worms springing from individual eggs and having a complete life history of their own. Stop Your Dog From Pulling You Down The Street From the first day of life on a leash, most dogs learn that by pulling on it, they get to where they want faster. Its the behavior that so many dog owners struggle with. Its a simple solution - just stop walking. Although, somehow your dog doesn't learn its just that simple. Or maybe we aren't teaching it effectively enough. Or say, you have taught your dog that, except when they want to sniff the fire hydrant, or meet your neighbors dog, or chase a squirrel. Apistogramma , Dwarf Cichlids in the Aquarium The real apistogramma's come from southern America, they all have the same characteristics, like a complex breeding behavior, as their large relatives, only their size is different. Besides the apistogramma group there are also some relatively popular dwarf cichlids from Africa, like the Pelvicachromis group. From this group the most widespread cichlid is the Pelvicachromis pulcher, also known as the Kribensis or Purple cichlid. Dog Lover Gifts Whether you are searching for something to say "Happy Birthday" or "Merry Christmas" a dog owner will agree that dog lover gifts are always among those most cherished and appreciated. Cat Scratching Solutions For a cat, scratching is a natural, necessary act. Besides keeping her claws in top shape, the stretching involved in a good scratch keeps her upper body strong and loose. Also, every time a cat scratches a surface, scent glands between her toes leave her signature smell for others to find. In this way, she marks her territory, even if that happens to be in your living room. Wooden Bird Cages Gone are the days of boring bird cages. Today's bird cages are trendy. They are stylish. They make a statement about the owner's taste and lifestyle. Bird cages can blend in artfully with the décor or they can stand in bold contrast. Bird cages are available in many different themes and styles. Modern, whimsical, simplistic, Victorian, Oriental, Tuscan, Arabian -bird cages are available in these styles and more. How To Use Horse Training Thinking To Solve Dang Near Any Problem With A Horse Horse training can be a relatively mysterious subject to people who have not studied it. Even more mysterious is a behavioral problem a horse has that causes his owner stress and frustration. What Rabbit Noises Mean a) Growling Parvo in Dogs What Is Parvo Dog Shock Collars: Teaching Your Dog Basic Obedience and Breaking Bad Habits Dog Shock Collars How To Get Your Horse From Pulling Back While Tied Some people have horses they don't dare tie. Why? Because they break their halters and/or crossties. So what is a person to do in their horse training practices? Why Crate Train My Dog? A few years ago, before I decided to stay home with my kids, I worked as a veterinarian technician in an animal hospital. While at that job I saw so many clients who would bring in their dog and be upset because they had eaten something in the house, other than food, and were now sick. One client brought in her chocolate lab that had gotten into her sewing box and eaten a pincushion, pins and all!!! Off to surgery the dog went and the owner was out about $1,500. Case number two was a giant poodle that, while the owner was away, got into her closet and ate a pair of panty hose. Unfortunately this dog did not make it through surgery. The pantyhose got wrapped around its intestines and the doctor was not able to save the dog. Glow Light Tetra - A Lovely and Peaceful Member of Your Community Tank Brings live to your community tanks The Sporting Westie Terrier Because it is intelligent and energetic, a Westie terrier is well suited for a number of dog events. Some competitions it might participate in are geared toward the Westie's natural instinct to hunt down prey and pursue it into its den. There are other events, though, in which it can compete with dogs of all breeds. My Tips to Take Care of a New Dog So you're bringing home that cute little puppy from the best breeder after doing all that research, or you found the most adorable "mutt" at the pound, where you were just going to look, you swore. And now you realize that you weren't as prepared as you thought. Maybe you're planning in advance for the new bundle of joy. Either way, we'll give you some valuable tips we've learned over the years of bringing home little bundles of terror ? I mean joy :) Loyal Companions Promote Longevity Have you ever wondered what a dog thinks, or if he dreams? Canine companions, by far, are amazing creatures of habit. If you've ever adopted one, your life has been enriched by the spirited side of nature. The Optimum Cichlid Aquarium Set Up The groups of fishes commonly referred to as Cichlids, comprise a vast group of, generally larger and more aggressive fishes from Africa and South and Central America with a few species being found in Asia. They offer such a large variety of bright colors, shapes and habits that they have become one of the most popular fishes kept by hobbyist's world wide. Improve Your Dogs Health With a Natural Diet It goes without saying that your dog needs suitable nutrition to remain healthy. Vets and pet food manufacturers often have differing views on appropriate nutrition for your dog. Although commercial pet food manufacturers are motivated in large part by profits, commercially prepared foods are routinely recommended as part of an adequate, or good, diet for your dog. Sometimes your vet or dog breeder may approve of commercially prepared foods as your dog's sole diet. Many experts, however, tend to prefer a largely natural diet which for dogs is invariably comprised of meat and bones. Raw is preferable to cooked, as some of the minerals are definitely lost in the cooking process. ![]() |
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