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BARF Diet For Dogs - Not As Gross As It Sounds!
Are you just starting to research the BARF diet for dogs ? also known as "bones and raw food" or the RAW diet? It can be confusing ? I remember asking TONS of questions when I first started. How do you know how much to feed? WHAT do you feed? Can you mix the BARF diet with processed food? How long does it take to prepare the raw food? How much does it cost to buy all the BARF products necessary? Should you feed raw meat and vegetables? Well, on the last question, only you can decide what's right for your dog, but I'll answer the rest of your questions as best I can. How do you know how much to feed? It really depends on the weight of your dog. Most people recommend 2-5% of their body weight. Just make sure you know your dog's weight before starting, and then watch their weight and adjust depending if they gain/lose/maintain. WHAT do you feed? Raw meaty bones, like chicken necks and backs for example. Muscle meat which has no bones. Organ meat, like lungs, liver, kidneys, etc. Some people also include raw vegetables. Can you mix the BARF diet with processed food? It's not recommended as processed food, or kibble, is digested in about 10-12 hours, and raw food in about 4-6. This can lead to serious health problems. That being said, some people do it quite successfully ? but I wouldn't. How long does it take to prepare the raw food? If you buy pre-prepared BARF for your dog, it only takes the time to defrost and put in their bowl. If you prefer the DIY (do it yourself) method, this would depend on what you're serving and to how many dogs. Most people recommend pre-packaging once a week in the serving sizes necessary for your dog. You could probably safely count on a half hour per dog, less if you can get your butcher to do some of the cutting for you. How much does it cost to buy all the BARF products necessary? This would also depend on whether you're going with the DIY or buying the packaged food. DIY usually requires hunting for bargains and can be time consuming. What I prefer to do (with only 2 dogs) is buy my BARF pre-packaged from a reputable company and I serve that. It can be more expensive, but with our busy lives, I don't mind paying a few bucks more. Visit our website, http://www.a1-dog-info.com/barf-diet-for-dogs.htm for more information. Tara Pearce is the author and webmaster of A1-Dog-Info.com. Please visit us for all kinds of information about dog food, toys, health, books, supplies and clothes. http://www.a1-dog-info.com
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Grieving Our Pets Death Our pets give us so much. They entertain us, listen to our secrets, and give us unconditional love. Losing a pet can leave us with a muddle of other feelings in addition to the sadness: anger, anxiety about other problems we couldn't address because we were so busy caring for our sick pet, and even guilt, especially if your pet died suddenly or of an unknown cause. We may think to ourselves, "My pet trusted me to take care of him/her. Should I have taken him/her to the vet sooner"? Or maybe we are not convinced our pet got the right medical attention. Losing a pet can also bring up pain from previous losses we have experienced. 10 Questions Im Most Asked about Dogs in Heat 1. What is heat? Pet Vitamin Supplements - Whether You Need One and How to Choose One Vitamins Can Increase Your Dog's Life Span! Dealing With Canine Ringworm Ringworm is an annoying, highly contagious fungal disorder that is curable. 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Lemon Tetras Glassily transparent, the lemon tetra (hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis) could appear to be just a sunbeam flashing through your community tank if not for background elements like plants and driftwood. Another member of the large characin clan, the lemon tetra has a fairly elongated body like its smaller relative the neon tetra and like neons and other characins, the lemon tetra does best if kept in small schools of six to eight fish. Natural Horsemanship Patientis: The 4th Of 6 Keys To Developing A Partnership With Your Horse The 4th Of 6 Keys To Building A Life Long Partnership With Your Horse. Dog Grooming and Dog Care Dog grooming is relatively simple for most dogs. I have a greyhound and spend about 5 minutes per day on dog grooming. For dogs that have short hair, they need to be brushed, maybe once per week. For dogs with long hair, the grooming is more time consuming. This is an important consideration when selecting a breed. 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