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Treat Fleas Naturally and Avoid Vaccinations, for a Truly Healthy Dog
An essential to your dog's health is his/her regular annual checkup with the vet. The vaccinations* which are given to your dog each year supposedly ensure your dog's immunity to some common infectious diseases. The annual checkup is also an excellent opportunity for a thorough physical examination to be carried out, and a time to discuss any minor problems or issues which you feel may be affecting your dog's health or wellbeing. This is a time when your vet may pick up inherited diseases and the like (when your dog is young) so they can be treated early, or just kept an eye on. And as your dog gets older, the vet may find the early signs of more sinister illnesses. I recently took my dogs for their annual checkup, and for the first time alarms were raised about matters of significant concern - it was thought that Kara might have early stages of lymphoma (cancer) - which, fortunately, tests then proved to be not the case. And Jet apparently has something akin to the early stages of cataracts in humans in her eyes, and according to the vet, Jet is likely to go progressively blind over the next several years. At least knowing this in advance gives me the opportunity to watch for any developing signs and, if and when necessary, adapt her outings and home environment to take into account any sight loss, and most importantly, it has made me realise that vitamin and mineral supplementation in dogs is actually a very wise idea. Worming and "de-flea-ing" your dog are the commonest forms of health measures which you probably undertake yourself for your dog. Fleas infest almost every dog at some time. Sometimes a lot of the time. Dogs which socialise with other dogs outside the home tend to become infested the most often. Fleas can carry disease and parasites, including tapeworm. But fleas are extremely irritating for your dog. They often cause intense itching, which in turn can cause your dog to damage his/her skin by vigorous scratching. Some dogs are allergic to flea bites. Even after the fleas have been doused with flea poison and killed, the cycle of itch, scratch, itch, scratch, can remain. My Rottweiler has been terribly affected two or three times now by this self-perpetuating cycle caused by her allergy to flea bites. Most of the skin damage has been caused by Kara incessantly scratching and injuring herself. A dog with an infestation of fleas is neither a healthy nor a happy dog. So at the first sign of a flea, it's important to treat your dog for this very common problem. And those pesky fleas don't always readily show themselves. So if your dog is scratching more than usual, the first thing to do is a thorough search through your dog's coat. If you sight even one flea, treat your dog immediately. Some people treat routinely just because it's flea season, and still others actually treat throughout the year. And of course, it goes without saying that if you have more than one animal, you must treat them all at the same time. This way, you'll ensure that your dog is as healthy and happy as can be! * There are natural alternatives to vaccinations. For further information, click here: http://www.HealthyHappyDogs.com/Vaccinate And for a completely natural flea and worm treatment, click here: http://www.HealthyHappyDogs.com/MedicineChest (c) 2005, Brigitte Smith, Healthy Happy Dogs Brigitte Smith is a dog lover with a special interest in holistic dog health. Her site, Healthy Happy Dogs, has pages and pages of information on improving your dog's health naturally. Brigitte is the author of a number of reports, articles, and the Healthy Happy Dogs newsletter. For your special FREE report - "How to Improve Your Dog's Health Within 30 Days - Maybe Even Lengthen Your Dog's Life!", Click Here: http://www.HealthyHappyDogs.com
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Your Guide to Cat Breeds For the first 8,000 years of their relationship with humans, cats pretty much took care of their own breeding. People kept them for one purpose - hunting rodent - and they are already perfectly designed for that. More than 100 years ago, however, we began systematically breeding cats to appeal to our aesthetic tastes. Hair length, color, coat pattern, as well as head and leg proportions contribute to the "look" of specific breeds. Look at enough cat bodies and faces, and you'll see two distinctly different types. Easy Tips for Healthy Pets Do you want a long and healthy life for your pets? Special Gifts for Animal Lovers Animal lovers come in all shapes and sizes. Undoubtedly if you bump into an animal lover you will find them to be friendly, loving, caring, and compassionate human beings. Here?s How To Find The Right Pet Meds For Your Favorite Pet Our pets depend on us for their every need, including their pet meds. The more you know about pet meds, the more you'll be able to recognize the signs when something is wrong with your pet, and know the best way to respond. Learning even a little about pet meds can bring peace of mind to you and your four-legged companion. The ABCs of Beaks Beaks, Bills, Face Knives, Beakers - whatever we want to call them, they are an integral part of our Hookbills! So, let's break the beak down into some understandable lessons: Frustrated Over High Veterinarian Bills? Over the past 30 years we have learned so much about taking good care of our pets, right? We feed them "premium" high dollar pets foods, give them tasty packaged treats, vaccinate them yearly, bathe them with expensive shampoos, give them heartworm preventative, use flea collars or flea and tick preventative, brush their teeth, and get yearly checkups with our vets. Grieving Our Pets Death Our pets give us so much. They entertain us, listen to our secrets, and give us unconditional love. Losing a pet can leave us with a muddle of other feelings in addition to the sadness: anger, anxiety about other problems we couldn't address because we were so busy caring for our sick pet, and even guilt, especially if your pet died suddenly or of an unknown cause. We may think to ourselves, "My pet trusted me to take care of him/her. Should I have taken him/her to the vet sooner"? Or maybe we are not convinced our pet got the right medical attention. Losing a pet can also bring up pain from previous losses we have experienced. Goldfish Tips - Finding Out The Gender of Your Goldfish Boy or Girl? A Guide to Bird Cages for Sale As overwhelming as picking out a pet bird can be, picking a bird cage can be even more so. There are so many options available. Sizes range from mere inches to several feet. Styles range from a simple square box to an elaborate house. Materials, too, can vary greatly-iron, stainless steel, aluminum, acrylic, wooden, brass, and wire are all available. Toy Dog Breeds Toy dog breeds include greyhounds, terriers, pinschers, pugs, chihuahuas, pekingese, spaniels--the official list of the AKC is quite extensive. Regardless of breed, toy dogs are desired for their cuteness and cuddle-ability. Many retain the characteristics of a puppy for their entire lives. This may be one of the big attractions that toy dog breeds hold over larger breed dogs. What Your Cat Wants You To Know If your feline friend could speak your language, here a few things she would probably like you to know. The Optimum Cichlid Aquarium Set Up The groups of fishes commonly referred to as Cichlids, comprise a vast group of, generally larger and more aggressive fishes from Africa and South and Central America with a few species being found in Asia. They offer such a large variety of bright colors, shapes and habits that they have become one of the most popular fishes kept by hobbyist's world wide. Vaccinating Our Pets I'd like to talk to you about pet vaccinations. I cannot tell you legally what to do since I'm not licensed but I can share with you what I do with my own pets ? or in had done! Westies for Sale - Avoiding the Perils of Purebred Puppy Purchases In the purebred West Highland Terrier puppy market, there are few rules or laws governing who may breed dogs, and then advertise Westies for sale. Both ancestry and the breeding environment will affect the quality of the Westies offered for sale, and some breeders are a lot less careful about these details than others. Never buy the first Westie you find, from the first breeder you come across advertising Westies for sale. Take the time to learn about both the breed and the breeder to avoid an expensive mistake, and the heart-breaking loss of a dog due to health problems. Living With a Pet Serval Some sources seem to indicate that living with a serval is no more challenging than feeding your pet goldfish. At the other end of the extreme spectrum, many sanctuaries and animal rights activists paint servals and other exotic cats as unmanageable creatures that no ordinary mortal could hope to deal with successfully. As is usually the case, the truth lies in a rational world between the two extremes. Doggie Day Care is an Awesome Alternative Doggie day care is becoming more and more prevalent in our society. This is mainly due to the fact that there are so many dogs all around the world and people are looking for a good alternative to the routine trip to the kennel. Dog Travel - Taking a Vacation with Your Dog Like most dog owners, you probably take your dog with you on weekend excursions and trips to the country. When it comes time to take a longer vacation, however, we always face the dilemma of what to do with Fido. Mabeke: Gorilla Teacher Mabeke is a young gorilla who was born in captivity and then returned to the wild with several other gorillas of similar birth. I had an opportunity to meet Mabeke during one of the workshops I teach in Telepathic Communication with Animals. Media Influence on Public Perception of Exotic Cat Ownership What makes something news? The fact that you take good care of your pets isn't newsworthy. Neither is your recent trip to the supermarket; If something is normal, it isn't news. Only aberrations capture our attention enough to warrant screen time. Why is murder reported on the six-o-clock news? Because it's unusual; it's a shocking deviation from routine events. But when we are repeatedly exposed to the abnormal, it begins to seem normal. If we see murder on the news every night, we begin to view it as a common occurrence. This naturally leads to fear of falling victim ourselves, thus we start buying guns and installing security systems. As Gavin de Becker writes, "We're hard-wired to entertain every thought of danger that's put in front of us." Breed Specific Legislation: Is Your Pit Bull Next? Breed specific legislation otherwise known as "BSL" has started to sweep the world. Germany, Canada, The United States, France, and England are among the major countries that have enacted some form of breed specific law that restricts or calls for a complete ban on several breeds from existing peacefully within their borders. ![]() |
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