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Introducing a New Puppy into a Home with an Existing Pet
It was November and I had spent 3 months searching for just the right puppy. Finally we had found what we considered to be the perfect one. Luckily she was already 7 weeks old so she could already be separated from her mother. I was so excited when we brought her home, our new addition to the family. I made sure I had all the required supplies; food and water dishes, food, a bed and a crate. We were ready. The fact that we already had a cat never really caused me much concern. I figured they would give each other a good sniff and surely it would not take long for them to become the best of friends and live happily ever after. I had visions of our little puppy all curled up with our cat in front of the fireplace. Reality hit when I walked into our house carrying a crate with our newest family member inside. Our dog is a female so I will use she when referring to a dog. The cat seemed a little curious so in a moment of obvious brain freeze I took the puppy out of the crate to introduce the two. Our cat in a split second armed herself for battle. The hair was straight up making her look like I had just taken her out of the dryer and she started hissing and growling as if her opponent was a rottweiler rather than a puppy that could fit in my hand. The poor puppy could barely walk so she just fell into a ball and shivered and whimpered. I'm sure that as soon as we removed the dog and put her back in her crate, the cat went to her bed and stated plotting a way to have the new puppy just suddenly "disappear" like getting flushed down the toilet. She considered herself to be the queen of the household and it was obvious that there was going to be a battle for the crown. Boy had I called this meeting wrong! In an attempt to help you avoid a similar situation I'm going to outline a few pointers as to what you SHOULD do when you introduce your new puppy to your resident pet. This information comes from research done concerning raising a puppy, unfortunately the how to introduce guidelines would have been much more beneficial if found BEFORE the actual deed was done. Firstly the introduction must be done slowly. If possible take a towel and rub the new puppy with it then bring it home and put it somewhere that your resident pet will frequent and be able to smell. This will also work if you take something that has the scent of your existing pet on it and put it in the carrier you bring your new puppy home in. When you first bring a new animal into your home she should stay quarantined from the other animals until it has seen the vet. Once she has seen the vet you will still need to keep her separate from the other animals. Allow the animals to smell the new puppy from under the door so they may become to each other. After a few days to a week you can try the introduction but make sure you are close in case you have to take on the roll of referee. If there is some growling or paw raising don't interfere unless of course you feel your puppy is in danger. If your puppy is being crate trained you can put her back in the crate and continue to take her out for short intervals to spend time with the other animal. Make sure the amount of time you let them spend together is increased gradually. Most importantly never leave the two animals alone and be sure to flood the resident animal with love and attention so they feel secure in their place in the family. This will greatly reduce the risk of having the new puppy take a whirl in the toilet. If you want all animals to live in harmony you have to be patient and let the animals deal with each other in their own way and on their own time. Cass Hope has been a writer for over 5 years. Cass regularly contributes to online and offline publications in a variety of areas. She also teaches classes in basic obedience for puppies. She is currently sponsoring this site: http://www.1st4dog-training.info (for web reprints please ensure this URL is hyperlinked)
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Ensure a Good Relationship Between Your Cat and Your Kids Many parents know that the best way for children to learn compassion and the importance of keeping commitments is by helping to care for a pet. Children learn from watching the adults in their lives. If a child can learn to treat an animal with respect they can take that lesson into later life. A cat can be a marvellous, loving companion for a child, but it is up to the adults in the family to ensure the cat and the kids live together happily ever after. Teaching Your Dog to Heel Teaching your dog to heel is one of the most basic and important dog training commands you can teach. With an active and younger dog or puppy, it can be especially difficult, but with patience and consistency, it doesn't really have to be that hard to train your dog to heel. Ensure a Good Relationship Between Your Cat and Your Kids Many parents know that the best way for children to learn compassion and the importance of keeping commitments is by helping to care for a pet. Children learn from watching the adults in their lives. If a child can learn to treat an animal with respect they can take that lesson into later life. A cat can be a marvellous, loving companion for a child, but it is up to the adults in the family to ensure the cat and the kids live together happily ever after. What to Do When Your Puppy Dog Is Chewing Everything In Sight A puppy wanting to chew makes you want to scream! Do remember that, like children who search their new world with their hands, so do puppies search with their mouths. While there is a difference between exploratory chewing and problem chewing, the problem chewing is sometimes related to their need for attention, food or tension release. However, most of the time, puppies tend to chew because they are teething. Expect them to do so until they're about six months old. Here?s a Way To Make Your Dog Love Its Dog Crate! A dog crate is a necessity for your dog, through his puppy days and for his whole life. Your dog's ancestor, the wolf, had a den to call home, a place of safety. The dog crate takes the place of the den, which is deeply embedded into your dog's instincts. The crate should be kept in a room where the dog can go for a retreat to rest. Dog Crate Buyers Guide - How to Choose the Right Crate and Accessories Why use a crate: Housebreaking Your Dog-Potty Training Canine Style Puppies are a bundle of newfound joy. You've prepared the house, and even bought him a new rubber chew toy. However, with all the joy your new pet brings, he also brings along with him his natural behaviors and instincts. It's now your job to begin training and molding him into the furry companion you've always wanted. It's not quite time for adventure or obedience school. It's time for potty training! What You Need To Know To Keep Your Dog Safe In Your Car Man's Best Friend is a great companion around the home, but Rover will love joining you on road trips - short or long - as well. If you've tried taking your dog along in the car before and met with bad results, don't give up. It might take a little longer to help your pet feel comfortable after a bad experience, but you can train your dog to ride quietly in the car. It requires foresight and patience on your part, but the rewards are worth it. Five Fast Facts About the Cavalier King Charlies Spaniel Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are not cheap. On average you can expect to pay $2,000-$3,000 for one. Facts You Need To Know About Adopting A Dog Mum, dad, can we get a puppy? Its a plea that may parents will know only too well. How do you go about adopting a dog to make suure that the dog is happy and there isn't too much upheaval in your home? Do You Know What You Are REALLY Feeding Your Pet? When looking for the best dog food - consider Life's Abundance. The "best food for dogs" are not all created equal. Dog Obedience Training Basics The most important things in dog training are consistency, keeping dog's attention and understanding your dog. To get the respect of your dog you must be consistent. You should make a set of do's and don'ts for your dog. Follow these guidelines to the letter, if a dog does something desirable always reward it, if a dog does something bad punish him or her appropriately. In dogs world consistency is a sign of a leader. You will make your training my easier and effective by being a leader who the dog respects and follows. Ninety percent of your dogs training will be getting his or hers attention and keeping him focused on yourself. If your dog cannot focus on you, it will not listen to you, and thus making the commands you give fall on empty ears. I will describe a technique on how to get and keep your dog's attention with few very simple exercises. First, most dogs will respond to their name, so call them and when they look at you tell them "watch". After doing it few times the dog will associate the command with looking at you. After you have perfected the "watch" command, start doing exercises aimed at expanding your dog's attention span. A good technique is to hold a treat with your teeth and while standing in front of your dog give it a watch command. Stand in position for a few seconds keeping dogs attention, then praise. Repeat the exercise until your dog focus on you for about a minute. The more attention your dog can give you the better student it will be. A vital part of dog training is the understanding of how a dog thinks. Dogs, like small children, have a very short attention span. Most dogs can be focused on training for about ten to twenty minutes, after that time they will start loosing focus and will require a small break. A good idea is to make regular training sessions of 20-30 minutes per day. Another important thing is to make the training fun for the dog. Make the dog look forward to the training time instead of dreading it. To achieve this you should always make their effort worthwhile. After every successful command make sure to give them a treat or praise them with very excited voice. The more willing the dog is to train the more effective the training will be! Incorporate these techniques into your training sessions and in no-time you will be ready to proceed to much more complex obedience training exercises. You and your dog will both enjoy the time spent together, your dog will respect you for being a responsible owner and other people will appreciate your dog's great behavior after you are done! Spaying or Nuetering Your Dog-Get The Facts... Be Responsible Bringing a new puppy or dog home is a huge commitment and a three-fold responsibility. You now have a commitment to your dog, yourself, and to your community. Spaying or neutering your pet is just another responsibility that you must think about when bringing a puppy or dog into your home. And, if you've already brought one home, the time to start thinking about you and your pet's future together is now. Wooden Bird Cages Gone are the days of boring bird cages. Today's bird cages are trendy. They are stylish. They make a statement about the owner's taste and lifestyle. Bird cages can blend in artfully with the décor or they can stand in bold contrast. Bird cages are available in many different themes and styles. Modern, whimsical, simplistic, Victorian, Oriental, Tuscan, Arabian -bird cages are available in these styles and more. How To Avoid Bad Doggy Behavior, And Teach Your Puppy Some Manners A poorly trained dog can embarrass its owner and offend other people - or even make them feel threatened. Which Parrot is Right For Me? Which parrot is right for me? This is a question that you must ask yourself before you think of keeping these lovely birds as pets. It is as important as your decision to have a child. You need to ask - which parrot is right for me - because every parrot has its distinctive temperament and nature. No two parrots are alike. First Aid for Felines - How to Keep Your Car Safe from Harm Cats are known for their curious and adventurous nature. Curiosity doesn't always kill the cat, but can often cause injury. The owner will likely have to get the cat stabilized before taking it to the veterinarian. Any home with a cat should have a feline first aid kit assembled and handy. Three Important Litter Box Considerations There are three important litter box considerations to account for whether you're a new kitten owner, or someone who has had a cat for a while. If kitty isn't happy with any or all three of these, you may find she'll start urinating outside the box. How to Choose a Pet Did you know that pets outnumber people in the United States? Recent statistics have shown that 62% of homes have a pet, and that 46% of homes have more than one pet. That adds up to 380 million pets in a nation with a human population of 290 million people. Is Your House Killing Your Dog? You love your dog. You would do anything for your dog. Well your home may not be the best place for your dog to live a long and happy life. ![]() |
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