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Westie - West Highland White Terrier Puppies - Fragile and Needful Of Protection
Have you ever held any Westie puppies? These tiny creatures are cuddly and white furry balls, at least 12-15 inches tall, possessing a pair of coal black eyes and snubbed nose. They look fragile and needful of your protection and care. This is deceiving, for they were initially bred to hunt vermin and are intelligent hunters. Historically the "Westies" or West Highland White Terriers were bred in the high mountains of west Scotland and claims ancestry to the Scotch Terrier. While many dog owners who own Westie puppies know they don't come cheap, the joy, loyalty and love these dogs have give are worth it. Is it easy to acquire any of the Westies' puppies? No, you'll need to be mindful that Westies puppies' breeders are selective with whom they'll place their puppies. Only dog lovers with an extensive understanding of this breed's need for extensive grooming and exercise are considered. Here are useful facts about Westies puppies, for dog lovers. When and how should you teach your Westies' puppy to socialize? The ideal time, would be when the puppy is between eight and 16 weeks of age, they're rapidly maturing during this period. Make sure the pup is exposed to every stimulus he'll have during his lifetime, while he/she is very young. Or else you'll get a fearful dog. Choose food specially formulated for puppies. Don't feed them people food. At first offer food to these young puppies three times a day. After 5-6 months, feed the puppy twice a day. To avoid the puppy getting obese, let the puppy eat for only fifteen minutes, then remove the food dish. Check your Westie's puppy's paws and nails on a weekly basis. Trim the hairs between the paws and nails. Make sure the house is warm, before you bathe your pup, as puppies can lose body temperature quickly. Avoid getting shampoo in their eyes and keep water out of the ears. Wash the pup's face last. Towel dry your pup as soon as his bath is done. You can use a hair dryer, but regulate the heat, or you might burn your pup. Puppies normally lose the disease protection they've received from their mothers, when they are around six and sixteen weeks of age. To avoid their getting sick, keep your pup away from sick dogs. Check with the vet when to schedule the puppy's shots. Lastly, here's one way to keep your Westie puppy's fur white. Use a white grooming chalk and sprinkle it into the coat once a week or as needed. Take care of your Westie puppy, and you'll be rewarded with an intelligent dog that's loving and delightful. (Disclaimer: Any information contained in this site relating to various medical, health and fitness conditions of Westies or other animals and their treatments is for informational purposes only and is not meant to be a substitute for the advice provided by your own veterinarian. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing the health of any animal. You should always consult and check with your own vet or veterinarian.) I do hope that you have found the article of use to you. Good health and happiness Jeff Cuckson Want To Know How To Have The
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