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How to Maintain Your Love Affair With Your Dog: Part One - Training
Training Tips for a Happy and Healthy Relationship with Your Canine Companion When I first laid eyes on my little ball of black fluff at an adoption fair, I knew there was no turning back. My husband and I had been looking for just the right dog for months, and all the research and networking had finally paid off. There was no doubt in my mind that we had found the most perfect, precious four-legged family member in the world. As luck would have it, the adoption fair was right around the corner from our home, this gave us a great opportunity for a home visit at the end of the event. I ran home, scrubbed and cleaned and did everything I could to make sure our home was 'puppy worthy'. As soon as she arrived with her foster mom, the puppy made sure to let us know she was in the right place?but more about that later. Because both of us had lived with dogs before, I was sure we knew everything we needed to start off on the right foot and have a loving and healthy relationship with our dog. I was only partially right. Through lots of hands-on experience and a great deal of patience and training, I've learned a number of ways to maintain that original love-at-first sight feeling. Training and Behavior * Train your dog. Whether you are 'dogs should always walk appropriately on leash,' type of person, or one who lets your canine companion cuddle up in bed with you, you will benefit from appropriate training. Not only do you want to potty train your puppy so that he understands the appropriate place to relieve himself (not on the new carpet!), you also want to establish and maintain a set of expectations early. Good training is based on positive reinforcement and takes into consideration the age and breed of your dog. You may find a trainer through referrals of friends and family, through your vet, or pet-specialty store. You can also read a number of excellent books on dog training. Some great books are, "How to Be Your Dog's Best Friend," and "The Art of Raising a Puppy," by the Monks of New Skete, "The Power of Positive Dog Training," by Pat Miller, and "The Other End of the Leash" by Patricia B. McConnell, PhD. (Any book by these authors are great places to start your self education.) A good place to look for more information about training your dog is the Association of Pet Dog Trainers. * Be Consistent. According to Training through Positive Reinforcement, "learning consists of trying out new behaviors and seeing what happens as a consequence of those behaviors." If your dog has been taught to avoid jumping on people, allowing him to jump just this once on his favorite person is going to confuse him ? he'll think the behavior is okay. However, by withholding attention or treats from him until he learns to sit and wait for a stranger or his favorite person you are maintaining consistency in his training regimen. As long as your pet understands what you expect and you behave in a consistent manner throughout your relationship, you will have a blissful relationship. * Learn a New Trick. Just because you and your dog have been maintaining your earlier training and sticking to the basics, doesn't mean that you can't find something new to do together. Clicker training and agility training are quite popular and are a great deal of fun for you and your dog. You can find local classes through your Parks and Recreation Department or visit The Dog Agility Page on the internet. * Introduce Your Dog to Strangers. The time will eventually come when you and your pet will need to be separated ? at least for a short time. If you ever plan to vacation, travel for business or even attend to a family emergency, your dog is going to be under the care of someone other than you. Prepare for this by introducing him to many new people throughout his life. The simple act of letting your pet meet and greet new people will help socialize him in the event that you need to leave. Also, if you live in an adults-only household, you may want to take the time to introduce your dog to children. The more positive experiences he has around kids, the better off you are when your sister's kids come to visit. But remember ? never leave children alone unattended with dogs. * Take A Ride. Teach your dog early that riding in the car is a fun way to go places. Take them on short trips in your car and always make the destination a fun or interesting place for them to be. Make sure you have proper pet-carriers for smaller dogs and appropriate seat belts or harnesses for larger breeds. You want your car rides to be safe and fun for both of you. If the only time your dog gets in a car they end up at a vet, it won't take them long to decide that cars are bad -- making it difficult to crate them or load them into the car when you need them to come with you. * Establish Your Pecking Order. Your dog needs you to let them know where they stand in the family order. It may sound cruel to say that you are the Alpha or the Leader of the Pack. But the truth is if you do not set up a plan to show your dog who is boss, he will walk all over you. It may seem cute when your 8 pound puppy demands your attention by pawing you while you work, but when your puppy is an 80 pound dog who is demanding you drop everything to play with them, it can be distracting at best and dangerous if you are carrying a hot pot to the table or healing from a medical procedure of your own. © 2004-2005 by Peggie Arvidson-Dailey Peggie Arvidson-Dailey, The Pet Care Business Expert, is author of "Surprisingly Simple Sales Steps: What Every Pet-Care Business Owner Needs to Know to Build Their Business in a BIG Way!" To learn more about her book and sign up for tips, hints and 'sneak peeks' at ways to run your pet-care business smarter (and make more money and have more time for your life) visit her site at http://www.peggiespets.com/wst_page9.htm
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Buyer Beware: Purebred Dog Myths Every month I am approached by dog owners of my breed who complain about how poorly behaved, how sickly, how untrainable, and generally my breed is and how deeply they resented spending money on this breed. I listen patiently, but time taught me not to defend 'good' breeders, or explain to the angry owners how their own ignorance cuased them to become victimized. How To Toilet Train Your Cat Tired of cleaning the cat box? Here are some tips on how to train your cat to use the toilet. Good Dog Care Is Vital Dog care Heartworm Treatment for Cats and Dogs The treatment for heartworms is different for cats and dogs. Do not ever give medicine intended for a cat to your dog or vice versa. Media Influence on Public Perception of Exotic Cat Ownership What makes something news? The fact that you take good care of your pets isn't newsworthy. Neither is your recent trip to the supermarket; If something is normal, it isn't news. Only aberrations capture our attention enough to warrant screen time. Why is murder reported on the six-o-clock news? Because it's unusual; it's a shocking deviation from routine events. But when we are repeatedly exposed to the abnormal, it begins to seem normal. If we see murder on the news every night, we begin to view it as a common occurrence. This naturally leads to fear of falling victim ourselves, thus we start buying guns and installing security systems. As Gavin de Becker writes, "We're hard-wired to entertain every thought of danger that's put in front of us." 4 Ways In Which You Can Spoil Your Dog Rotten You spoil your pooch as close to rotten as you can get, don't you? Hey, who doesn't? It's almost impossible not to, with those adorable, big, beautiful eyes, the little lashes, the soft fur just behind the ears? they almost beg to be spoiled. But what can you really do? There are all of those new doggie day spas, doggie day cares, and other doggie luxury services, but how often can you really afford things like that? I mean, most people rarely have enough cash in the bank to get themselves a surprise manicure and pedicure, much less spring for their pups to get a quadripedicure. You give her a few scratches behind the ears, rub her belly, and maybe give her a massage and splurge on some gourmet treats, but you have to pay rent and eat each month. Your budget just doesn't allow for constant spoiling of your dog? RecoveryPets.Com Helps Recover Lost Pets Making our lives better includes protecting our families, and also included in this category is the family pet. This once wild animal has become an integral part of the modern family, and there are many laws devoted to stopping abuses to pets. What is lacking in the modern family is proving a means to recover the family pet, if they should ever become lost. Ensuring that a lost pet will be returned to its owners should be a number one priority, because the loss of a family pet can be a very devastating time. The Power of Dogs Well first of all I was always a cat owner, till my husband bought our first Chihuahua (Stitch) in 2002, Stitch was about 6 weeks old and was generally purchased for our children and it stud that was till he was about 5 months or so. Then I started to notice that he was starting to favor me and follow me around more and more everyday, one day I hid from him and watched him run up and down the hallway from the crack in the bedroom door, until he found me and it just melted my heart, my cats never did that and after that he became ALL MINE Stitch stole my heart. Around a month later my mother handed down her old sewing machine to me, I tried making everything that came to mind but nothing ever turned out perfect, but I kept sewing anyways. Surprising Health Benefits for Pet Owners Did you know that there are key health benefits that can result from owning a pet? Having one can enhance your physical, mental and social wellbeing. Buster the Beloved Pussycat "Dogs have owners; cats have staff," and I have worked for some wonderful cats in my time. The one I loved best was named Buster. Buster had an unusual mind. He didn't think like other cats; he didn't act like other cats. Maybe that's why I loved him so. The Cat Learned How to Work the WHAT? When I carried him home, he was this tiny little bundle of fur, approximately three weeks old. He is mostly white, with some mutlicolored stripes, cute beyond belief, but he was being abused and starved at his current home, so I just couldn't leave him there. I tucked him under my sweatshirt and off we went. My husband and son came home from their respective schools, they both fell in love, we named him Machiavelli, and that was that. Are You Really Ready For a Boxer Dog? The answer is "no" if you are the type who mostly leave your dog on a chain. Boxers require much of your love, attention and companionship although they are easy to take care of. One Boxer-lover even said to never get one as pet if you work full time! Breeding Piranhas Piranhas are unique creatures that have gained popularity not just because of their appearance, but also due to the many myths that are told about them. Unfortunately only a few species of piranha have been bred, including Serrasalmus nattereri, S. spilopleura, S. gibbus, S. rhombeus. Another that is considered relatively easy to breed is S. maculatus. A Moving Experience: Making Your Move Easy on Your Parrots Moving is about as stressful a time as any in our lives and the lives of our fids. Having just completed moving the "gang" into a new house, I thought I would share some of the things that helped our move go smoothly. The feathered crew (Alex and Zeke, African Greys and April, Umbrella Cockatoo) have settled in nicely and things returned to normal quickly. Granted, the move was to a nearby city and we were not on the road in the U-Haul for more than an hour, but I believe preparing the birds had everything to do with their reduced stress level and smooth transition. Aquarium Supplies Part 2 -- My First Experience With Goldfish If you are seriously considering keeping fish as pets or are just starting out, I would like to stress again the importance of having some basic knowledge about aquariums and fish keeping in order to enjoy the hobby for a significant length of time and to avoid frustrations and disappointments. Safety Tips for Moving With Pets Which kind is your pet? The pooch who is the first one in the car when the door opens, or the kitty who runs to hide at the first hint of travel? Both kinds face dangers on the road, but there are steps you can take to protect them. Even the happiest traveler can get into trouble, and it can happen even on a short jaunt to the grocery store. How to Paint Your Cat Why paint your cat? After all cats are beautiful creatures if you want to appreciate the appearance of a feline, you look at the cat not at a painting. Breeding Clownfish Thanks to Disney's Motion Picture 'Finding Nemo,' almost everybody is familiar with clownfish. Breeding Your Goldfish If you are keen on breeding Goldfish, you should know that it's not an easy task. It will take a lot of patience, a lot of space in the tank and quite a bit of money too. Don't get into breeding if you think it's going to be profitable, because it isn't! Breeding goldfish is best left to a professional but if you still want to breed them, here's how to begin: Tips that May Help Your Arthritic Dog Arthritis refers to inflammation or swelling in a joint. The cause can be abnormal bone or joint development, instability of the surrounding ligaments and tendons, damage or injury to the joint, an infection, or injury caused by the immune system. While anti-inflammatory medicines are popular treatments for arthritis, another approach involves protecting the cartilage in the joint and "nourishing" the joint. ![]() |
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