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Seven Ways to Boxer-Proof Your House
You are ready to bring your Boxer home? First, you must prepare your house. Whether you are bringing home a puppy or adult Boxer, you may want to spend some time surveying your house from a Boxer eye view (about 2 feet off the ground). Wires, drapes and counters look pretty interesting from that height. The Best Ways to Boxer-Proof Your House Below is a list of how to Boxer-proof your home for adult or puppy: It is only a partial list, but a good start to your own research. 1. Be sure to keep anything valuable (or what you don’t want chewed) at least 3 feet off the floor. Boxers have an amazing ability to jump, even as puppies. This includes anything on the coffee table, kitchen counter, buffet, etc. Boxers are curious and love to explore. 2. It may be cute to see your puppy with a mouthful of toilet paper, but not when it becomes the habit of an adult. Keep the bathroom door closed and eliminate toilet drinking and rolls of paper strewn about. Boxers seem to have an affinity for used cotton-balls, too! 3. Restrict access to your kitchen garbage. Place the bin in the kitchen sink or behind closed doors. Dispose of your cigarette butts appropriately, as they can cause nicotine poisoning. 4. Electrical cords must be monitored for signs of chewing and/or made inaccessible to your Boxer. Sometimes a nasty-tasting substance can be used to deter your Boxer. Check with your vet for some recommendations. 5. We have all heard the horror stories of Boxers that have gotten into holiday decorations. They are attracted to the bright lights and shiny glass ornaments, so keep a close eye on your Boxer if you have Christmas decorations up. 6. There are many kinds of poisonous plants, so be sure to contact your local veterinarian for a list of any toxic plants that grow in your area. 7. Anti-freeze is highly toxic to dogs and it is a good idea to keep all chemicals safely out of reach of your Boxer, puppy or adult. Jody Mitchell, a stay at home mom and part time veterinarian assistant who has been saved by Boxer dog from car accident. Her amazing experience inspires her to write about Boxer: "The Boxer Chronicle - A Guide to All Things Boxer." Visit her Website http://www.boxerdogguide.com
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How To Setup A Freshwater Tropical Fish Tank This is an 11 step guide to setting up a freshwater aquarium in your home. The Importance Of A Proper Correction There are headstrong dogs that know too well that a verbal "no" from you is the worst that they're gonna get and this will quickly lead to them ignoring the handler. In the wild when one of the pack is out of line, he is corrected by the Alpha. Now if the dog knows what the correction is, then that is all and good, but seeing people correct their dog and the dog not being familiar with the correction and its purpose troubles me. Social Robotic Dogs in Kennels Have you ever been to a dog kennel and listen to all the noise of the dog's barking, yapping and howling? The often do not seem like happy campers. Maybe they are, who knows; what I do know is if I were a dog I would not want to be put in a cage. Dogs have four feet and paws for traction, they are built to run and jump, explore and dig. Sticking them on a concrete floor in a cage, well that is not my idea of a good time. So, here is a through. We introduce good looking, in dog terms; social robotic dogs to each kennel. Tips on Choosing a Boxer Dog... An easier and more pleasant journey with your chosen Boxer starts with checking out the parent dogs for unbecoming traits like aggression, hyperactive and extreme shyness. Flea Control for Pets Flea control can be a very hard thing to do especially if you live in areas where fleas are largely populated. Weather has a lot to do with fleas and trying to keep them outdoors and off of your pets can be very challenging. Aromatherapy for Pets Pets can enjoy the therapeutic effects of aromatherapy as much as humans can. Aside from possibly eliminating bad odors and giving your pet a pleasant perfume, essential oils also serve many practical functions such as boosting your pet's immune system, fighting off bacteria and viruses, preventing the growth of yeasts and molds and repelling insects. A Guide to Antique Bird Cages It has been said that everything old is new again. So it is with bird cages. Antique bird cages are a popular addition to many houses and apartments. They fit in with many styles of decorating, including Victorian and shabby chic. Chinese antique bird cages are available for an Eastern flair. Your Cat The Hunter Many cat owners believe that their good little kitty would not even dream of going hunting. Feeding Bettas Knowing how to feed your betta is fundamental, because doing it wrong can have big consequences for your betta's health. Nothing is more stressful than dealing with a sick fish, right? So, let's do it right, and not have a calamity! Teach a Dog To Swim You want your dog to swim? Does Your Dog Need Puppy Prozac? Is your dog up to dirty no good again? Did he eat your socks? Knock your drink off the coffee table? Chew through your favorite vintage record album? Should you invest in Doggy Prozac? Should you think about dropping him off at the local pound? Dogs & Kids: Happy Together Dogs and kids, it's a combination that at it's best can be the stuff of childhood dreams. At it's worst, it can be a source of heartache and pain and even injury. How can you ensure that your child and Man's Best Friend have a loving and safe relationship? Mostly, it's the responsibility of the adults of the house to teach toddlers and even older children that a dog is not a toy. It's a living, breathing creature that feels pain, shame and humiliation as much as love, pride and happiness. A dog that bites a child may only be defending itself the only way it knows how. But to minimize ever having to worry about a parent's worst nightmare, family animal psychologist, Larry Lachman, M.S., offers the following advice: Must-Have Know-How On Your Dogs Meal-Times One of the best parts of the day for any dog is their mealtimes. So, You?ve Decided To Kill Your Pet! The other day I was doing a research online for an article I was writing and I came across an article, which the author started by saying: "Euthanasia, is often the hardest thing to do, yet the greatest act of kindness" Then he went on explaining the "grueling" suffering and the guilt the pet owner goes through before making the decision, how it affects the whole family, especially the kids. But then he explains euthanasia in the most loving way I've ever seen someone describe a murder. I remember "simple and peaceful" were some of the words he used, he even gave recommendations on how to avoid stress during the ride to the vet's clinic. Dog House Training Dog House Training can be simple How To Stop Your Dog From Barking ? Training Your Dog To Keep Quiet Quieting a barking dog is a quick and easy process. Really. It also doesn't cost any money. But it's not an obvious process - witness the many dogs barking all the time in parks, backyards on street corners, with their owners tugging at their leash and yelling at them and the dogs completely ignoring their commands. My dog was driving me crazy until I learned how to stop his barking. Determining Skin Disorders In The Aquarium Many different skin problems can arise in the aquarium. thankfully, through careful observation on a daily basis, they can be diagnosed and treated. Carefully check your fish on a daily basis, looking for abnormal growths, any change in the body of the fish, or damage to the scales, fins, or body covering. Look for the presence of parasites, and watch swimming behavior, to see if there is any chnage in their habits. Making a daily visual diagnosis is of utmost importance to the health and happiness of your fish friends. Dog Training Book ? Why Buy One? When Everything is Free Online! I'm a dog lover who believes that every dog owners should train their dogs if they truly love and care for them. Because I believe that dog training gives dogs a happier and healthier life. Not to mention, it also gives their owner a trouble-free life long companion. The Power of Dogs Well first of all I was always a cat owner, till my husband bought our first Chihuahua (Stitch) in 2002, Stitch was about 6 weeks old and was generally purchased for our children and it stud that was till he was about 5 months or so. Then I started to notice that he was starting to favor me and follow me around more and more everyday, one day I hid from him and watched him run up and down the hallway from the crack in the bedroom door, until he found me and it just melted my heart, my cats never did that and after that he became ALL MINE Stitch stole my heart. Around a month later my mother handed down her old sewing machine to me, I tried making everything that came to mind but nothing ever turned out perfect, but I kept sewing anyways. Dog Hygiene Basics Giving your dog a bath is important, but not as critical as most people seem to believe. If your dog is healthy, he really doesn't need to be bathed more that once every few months, but most of us put them in the tub or under the hose more often to get rid of that doggie smell and look shinier. Although most dogs do not enjoy getting a bath, it is a good bonding experience. They will appreciate the contact and attention they get from their owner. ![]() |
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