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Interesting Old Dog Tricks: For Dog Owners Looking For Fun & Laughter
The teaching and training of dog tricks while not a necessary part of a dog's education, is an achievement that offer dog owners and his friends a great deal of amusement and adds materially to the value of a dog. Training your dog tricks can be difficult and frustrating if you cannot achieve the results you want. However, unlike house and potty training which are vital education for any dog, I feel that the end-results is not the most significant element in trick training, to me the most important part is that both of you enjoy the training process and have fun along the way. Listed in this article are 3 interesting dog tricks that you can teach your dog: Dead Dog Place a dog on his back or side or in any position you may select, threaten him with your forefinger and say "dead" or any word that you may select to associate with this trick, use both hands to help him stay in that position when you first begin training. Praise him and offer treats if he can stay in position. With regular practice, he should be able to stay in the position in which you have placed him, it is only a question of practice when you can call to him and say "dead," and he will lie down and stretch out in the position that you have accustomed him to taking. Sneezing With careful and patient training, most dogs can be taught to sneeze. This is accomplished by tickling the nose - with a feather. At first he will snap at it, and under normal circumstances, most dogs will start to sneeze; he will not like the feather very well and in course of time his imagination will foreshadow its effects and he will begin to sneeze as soon as it is pointed in close proximity to his nose. When he sneezes, use a command like "Sneeze", to associate with this trick. As usual, praise and treat when he gets it right. By repeating this operation at odd times the dog can be taught to sneeze very creditably when you point your finger at his nose and give him the word "Sneeze," and finally will do so simply at command. This trick can be fun and entertaining but not easily achievable especially with dominant dogs. If your dog get irritated and turn aggressive toward you when you tickle his nose, you should stop training immediately. Bringing His Tail During play, dogs frequently grasp their tails in their mouths. If you haven't notice, if you take hold of your dog tail while playing with him, he will probably seize your hand, but if you skillfully slip his tail in his mouth he will grab it ? Interesting! These facts suggested the trick of "Bringing his tail." It is a rather difficult feat to accomplish, but it is possible for any amateur to teach it to his dog providing the dog has a long enough tail and the trainer sufficient patience - Sorry to dog owners with short tails! Anyway, this trick is very amusing, for when the dog has his tail in his mouth he can only advance crab-fashion or sideways, with a tendency to go around in a circle without making much advance. The first step in teaching this trick is to praise the dog when he first gets his tail in his mouth, and after he has held it for a few moments bid him to let go and reward him. Should he give up his hold before you order him to do so, speak sharply to him and begin all over again. When he learns to hold his tail until ordered to relinquish it the first part of the trick has been taught, and you can begin to teach him to bring it to you. To do this, step back a few feet from the dog in the direction he can most easily advance, and call him. If he releases his hold of his tail to come to you, ignore him and replace the tail in his mouth again, but when he comes without letting go he should be rewarded gradually increase the distance you require him to carry his tail, but this task is so difficult that he should not be asked to go more than ten or twelve feet. In beginning the trick, when you place his tail in his mouth say "Bring me your tail," so as to accustom him to the command. In time you will not have to place his tail in his mouth, but merely hold it for him to grasp, and after still further practice he will seize it at the word without your assisting him. Enjoy training your dog new tricks, and most importantly enjoy the process and have a great deal of fun and laughter! About the Author: You are welcome to reprint this article if you keep the content and live link intact.
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