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Talk to the Animals? Yes! And Whats More, They Talk to Us!
Talk to the animals? Yes. And what's more, they talk to us! If you've ever shared your life with animals, you'll know that they understand most of what you say to them. You mention that you're going for a walk and the dog is standing at the gate, ready. You say that you're going visiting and that dogs aren't invited and you find out where the expression 'hang-dog look' came from -- the ears droop, the head sinks and Pooch drags himself off to sulk. It's dinner time, you tell the cat that she's got fish for tea and you're overwhelmed with affection; you tell her that tonight's the night she has a tin of cat food and watch her turn her back and ignore you. So, we know that they know what we're saying, but are we clever enough to understand what they are saying to us? A cat has a very large vocabulary -- every syllable in miaow can be lengthened, shortened, used alone or in combination with one or more of the others; it can be loud or barely audible; it can be confident, angry, intimate or pitiful, depending on what the cat is trying to tell us. HOW ANIMALS TEACH US TO UNDERSTAND THEIR LANGUAGE Cats teach us how to understand them in much the same way we teach babies to understand their language. Every human baby makes the same pre-speech sounds; the gurgles, clucks, hums and bubbles are common to every society. When we hear a sound that is similar to a word used in our language, we repeat it to the baby and then make a great fuss when the baby repeats it to us, and so each child learns the language of its own society. When your cat wants to go outside, she will try a series of different sounds until you learn to recognise one of them, then she will always use that particular sound to tell you she wants to go out. So, a short m'ia means "I'd like to go outside;" a loud m'ia means "I'd like to go outside NOW;" a long miiaoowww means she can't find you; a pitiful little m'ow means she's cold and she'd like a cuddle. She will patiently teach you her 'words' until she feels confident that you can meet all her needs. (The poster that states "dogs have masters; cats have staff" has a great deal of truth in it!) BODY LANGUAGE Animals use body language and signals, as well as sounds, to communicate. Just watch a child who's been in trouble go to the family dog for comfort. Pooch sits quietly, gazing into the child's eyes, his face a picture of concern and sympathy. He doesn't have to say anything, he just presses gently against the child and offers moral support by simply being there. HOW WE TEACH ANIMALS TO UNDERSTAND OUR LANGUAGE Since we can be taught to understand animals, researchers have tried to teach animals how to understand our language, too. Research into the language capabilities of primates at Georgia State University, Atlanta began in 1971 when the Lana fund was set up "to produce a language analog of human language in non-human primates" and was linked to finding different ways to teach language to children with disabilities. The first experiments centred around Lana, a female chimp born in October 1970 (and named after the project - LANguage) and were simple tasks that resulted in food being released when certain keys on the computer-based keyboard were pressed. However, Lana soon began to string together stock sentences into meaningful and new sentences of her own creation, such as "You give Lana banana which is black?" when asking for an overly ripe banana. According to University records, "Lana was the first ape to demonstrate that chimpanzees could form syntactically adequate sentences, the first to show that they were capable of recognizing written symbols, and the first to demonstrate that they could read. She could take partially completed sentences, read them and complete them appropriately." Recent research, conducted by Georgia State University Psychology Professor, Duane Rumbaugh, Ph.D., of the Language Research Centre, shows that when reared in the proper environment, chimpanzees and bonobos are as capable of understanding questions and simple sentences as a two-and-a-half year old child. KANZI Kanzi, a bonobo ape, and his foster mother, Matata, arrived at the LRC when Kanzi was 6 months of age. He accompanied his mother during her daily lexigram training tasks and spent most of his time ignoring them or trying to disrupt them in any way he could. Like any youngster, he liked the lights on the keyboard and often tried to chase the symbols as they appeared on the projectors above the keyboard. When Kanzi was 2 1/2 years old, Matata was sent back to breed and Kanzi was separated from her for the first time. After fretting for her for three days, Kanzi then settled and began to play with the keyboard. Lab notes record that he, "correctly employ(ed) nearly all of the 10 lexigrams that were on his mother's keyboard at that time. He didn't need to be taught these lexigrams, as he already knew them. "Prior to the separation, however, Kanzi had given no evidence that he had even been attending to them, much less that he understood any sort of semantic connection between lexigrams and objects in his world. Even more striking than the fact that Kanzi knew the lexigrams, was the fact that he also knew the spoken English words which the lexigrams represented. He couldn't speak the words, but when he heard them, he could locate the lexigram, or printed symbol, that corresponded with the word." One of the most fascinating aspects of all this was that Kanzi had learnt to understand the lexigrams simply by being exposed to their use. From that point, all reward-based learning was discarded in favour of letting Kanzi learn through conversation. He was given plenty of help to learn with gestures, with pictures, with video tape and with activities that showed the words in action. Most of the conversations centered around travel, finding food and playing and his vocabulary steadily increased until today he can use over 200 words and can understand more than 500. SIGN LANGUAGE After observing how chimpanzees communicated in the wild using signals, psychologists, Beatrice and Robert Gardner conducted a series of experiments in the 1960s, to teach young chimps Ameslan, the American sign language where each gesture represents a word, rather than a syllable or sound. The young female chimps learnt hundreds of words and were even able to use these words to invent their own phrases to suit different situations. One chimp, Lucy, was given her first taste of a hot radish and signed that it was, "... cry hurt food." Hearing impaired people who observed the chimps were able to understand them without difficulty and the Gardners were hopeful of being able to extend their communication with the chimps. THE LAST WORD However, funding for the project gradually dried up and the chimps were sold for medical research. Shortly before the facility closed down, two handlers who had worked on the project made one last visit. They signed to the chimps, "What do you want?" One after another, the chimps signed back, "Key." The danger in learning to understand what animals have to say is that we may not like what we hear. Jennifer Stewart has a degree in English and History and taught senior High School for over twenty years. During that time, she was Head of Department, responsible for devising and implementing teaching programs, and for supervising young teachers. After leaving full-time teaching, she wrote (and now markets) writing courses for students and adults who want to improve their writing skills. Visit her website at http://www.write101.com and subscribe to free, weekly Writing Tips: mailto:WritingTips-subscribe@yahoogroups.com Jennifer also offers professional writing services - copy writing, editing and proof reading for your web pages, press releases, technical booklets, newsletters, business proposals, reports or any other writing projects.
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How To Keep Your Cat Happy and Healthy - Playtime for Kitty While dogs tend to get lots of exercise, cats are often left to their own devices, having to find their own ways of exercising if they are kept indoors. Why Should I Adopt A Pet Over the past couple of years, animal rescues have been gaining popularity and support from all sorts of pet lovers. Basically what rescues do is take in animals and adopt them out to loving homes. Local animal shelters can only provide minimal support for pets needing homes. As a result euthanasia is a unfortunate reality of overpopulated shelters. With the over population of shelters such as the SPCA, rescue organizations are many pets only and last chance at a new beginning. Caring for an Older Cat - Cat Health and Cat Care Cats are living longer lives thanks to dedicated care from their humans, and advances in veterinary medicine. Most experts consider a cat's "senior years" to begin on her 10th birthday. After this point, the aging process begins to slow in even the most playful feline. Yet, with a little extra attention from her owner, Miss Kitty might enjoy another 5-10 years of life and love. The Grave of Gelert Just south of Snowdon, in the grey-stoned village of Beddgelert set among the wild mountains of Wales, is the Grave of Gelert. Here, in a beautiful meadow below Cerrig Llan, is a large stone slab lying on its side with two upright slabs which owes its fame to the legend of Prince Llewelyn ap Iorwerth and his faithful hound. How to Increase Your Fishkeeping Fun Do you really get the fullest amount of enjoyment out of your fish?, or is it hampered by little worries and anxieties? Small Dogs - Different Breeds, Different Personalities Small dog breeds are great pets, but since their personalities are all different, it's a good idea to look at their individual characteristics to see if they fit with your lifestyle. Beds for the Pets: Sleeping in Comfort As we love to have a comfortable place to sleep so do the animals. So there are various types of beds for the pets to give them a comfortable sleep. Most of us have the dog as a pet. For the pets we specially have these beds designed for their fullest comfort. This type of beds mainly includes the outdoors beds, luxury beds, and puppy beds. For the various types of dogs there are various types of beds like the large dog beds and the small dog beds. Whereas when we look out for a bed for a cat then there are various types of beds depending upon the breed and the size of the cat. Putting A Dog To Sleep I was talking to a friend of mine today and I asked him how his kids (dogs) were. He lives on his own and the standing joke is - "does he want to do a swap with his dogs and my kids?" Does Your Dog Bite? How to Protect Your Dog and Yourself from Liability MuttShack Foundation for Animal Foster and Rescue, claim that dogs bite more than 4.7 million people every year in the United States. Dog Breath-It Doesnt HAVE to Be SO Bad! While your friends and family are amazed that you're raising such an amazing dog, you notice that they flinch when the dog gets too close. They may shrug away or not bend down to pet him as they once did. While they may not say so directly, it could be due to your dog's killer breath. While this situation is all too common, hopefully you've noticed your pooch's halitosis before anyone says or does anything to cause you (or your poor dog) embarrassment. As stated, your dog cannot tell you that he has a sticky, plaque taste in his mouth that won't stop. It's your job to understand that he, like you, needs his teeth brushed and his gums attended to regularly. What You Should Know About Your Puppy And Play Biting The main ways a puppy will play with another dog or puppy are chasing, wrestling, and biting. Small Dog Travel Guide Advice!!! How to Train Your Puppy to Sit Bringing home a new puppy, ushers in a wave of joy and excitement in the old and young alike. The innocent eyes and cute antics of this new member of the family immediately starts attracting a lot of love and affection from all quarters. You harbor great hopes for this little creature and eagerly wait for the day when she can make you proud by doing your bidding. Even her chewing up some of your favorite things is ignored in the hope that she will eventually grow out of it. But, hold on, even before you dream of making your puppy as obedient as a circus dog, there are things to teach and they require effort. A Pregnant Stray Cat Adopted You ? And Now What? It happens all too often. A family or cat friend gets adopted by a stray cat. And after a few weeks it turns out she's pregnant. Want to Feel Better? Go Stroke Your Cat! Stroking your cat can be good for your health! It has long been known that pet ownership is good for you, we all need someone or something to love. It is also believed that stroking a pet, such as a cat, reduces stress levels and helps you to have a more positive perspective on life. Leash Training Your Dog-Take The Time To Get It Done and Do It Right Attempting to train your dog to walk on a leash may feel like you're a contestant in a tug-of-war contest. But, it doesn't have to. If you take a few precautions, use the proper equipment, and are consistent in your training routine, then your puppy or dog will be an enjoyment to walk all around. A Dog Day Care Franchise - Is It Really Worth It? When you take into account that there are over 68,000,000 dogs in the United States alone, you can see why many people consider taking advantage of a dog day care franchise. Housebreaking Your Dog-Potty Training Canine Style Puppies are a bundle of newfound joy. You've prepared the house, and even bought him a new rubber chew toy. However, with all the joy your new pet brings, he also brings along with him his natural behaviors and instincts. It's now your job to begin training and molding him into the furry companion you've always wanted. It's not quite time for adventure or obedience school. It's time for potty training! How to Paint Your Cat Why paint your cat? After all cats are beautiful creatures if you want to appreciate the appearance of a feline, you look at the cat not at a painting. Basic Discus Fish Care Are you thinking about getting some discus then and want to know a little about them. Have you been to the aquatics and seen some lovely colourful discus in there show tanks. A lot of people will tell you that discus are only for advanced fish keepers but in my experience they are easy to keep as long as you follow some basic rules. ![]() |
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