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Cats Make Great Pets If You Understand Them
Anyone wanting a new kitten should be a cat lover. Let's face it, folks, cats are just different from dogs. Cats do not usually perform any special tricks, and they certainly do not guard your possessions while you are away. In fact, the only thing you can be guaranteed of by having a cat is that a mouse won't last long if they creep into your home. Cats are loved by many because of their independence. Cats have a life, so to speak. Most cats do not follow you around the home with their tongues hanging out of their mouths waiting on your attention. While they do love their owners fiercely, cats will not grovel like a dog and worship and fawn over their owners. Cats are perfectly content simply being themselves--and they do not seem to need constant reassurance, unlike canines. This does not mean cats do not need love and affection, it simply means cats are not "fragile" characters. In fact, cats exude a self assurance which can often be misunderstood as aloofness or coldness. Yet, cats are far from aloof or unfeeling. They feel deeply and love deeply. If a cat comes to sit on your lap, you know you are truly loved. Anytime the family thinks about bringing a new pet into the home, it is exciting. Cats are a favorite of many because as kittens they are so entertaining to watch. Cats have a mind all of their own and only a true cat lover can even claim to understand the psyche of a feline. Cats are mysterious animals, which is part of the draw to them. While cats have been brought into the home, their instincts still remain. Cats adopt their owners and will even go out and provide "dinner." Many cat owners have stepped out on the stoop to find a dead mouse, opossum, or mole waiting for them. Now, that is love and loyalty! If you are planning to bring a cat into your home, you should look at it as a life long commitment. Cats can live fifteen years and beyond. You should also understand that as cats mature, they will often sleep and laze around the home. If you are wanting a cat to entertain you throughout her life, you should seriously think about whether a cat is the pet for you. Kittens are very entertaining and young cats are always curious and open for a challenge. However, older cats aren't easily excitable and usually prefer to watch the antics in the home from a distance. When you have made the decision to bring a new cat into your home, you will have to decide between a domestic or purebred cat. If you choose to go with a purebred cat, you can be guaranteed of size and appearance, and possibly temperament. There are more than 40 breeds to choose from, so do your homework. You will want to research the grooming requirements of the breed you are considering, along with the general disposition of the breed. Domestic cats come in all colors and shapes. When you look at any cat, there are some things you should consider. For instance, while all cats are fairly in proportion to each other, there are some cats which are more lanky and lean than others. These cats will be the ones who may be more interested in running and exploration. The chunkier, heavier cat will probably be more laid back and not get into too big a hurry about anything. You have a choice between a domestic long hair or domestic short hair cat. When picking out your kitten, you should understand that kittens should not have an odor. While puppies do tend to have a smell about them, kittens do not. You should observe the entire litter of kittens. Do any of them have crusty eyes or a runny nose? If so, you may want to reconsider choosing a kitten from that litter. You certainly shouldn't take one home simply because you feel sorry for it, either. Especially if you have other pets in your home. All of the kittens should have bright and clear eyes and be very alert. You should handle the kittens. Their fur should be soft and silky, and never stiff or dry. Likewise, their coat should not feel oily or greasy. When you are petting the kitten, you should run your hands along her skin to ensure she has no sores. When you are holding each kitten, place them up to your face and nuzzle them. Listen for any breathing noises. You should not hear any raspy or breathy breathing. If you do, this is possibly a signal that the kitten has a respitory infection. After visiting with the kittens, instinct will usually dictate to you which kitten is your match. You may feel the rowdy, rambunctious kitten will fit the best into your lively home. Or, you may decide the laid back kitten is more your speed, especially if you have a quiet home. Once you have made your decision and chosen your kitten, you should have a kennel waiting for travel. You should never try to ride in a car with a cat unless they are restrained or in a kennel. While most dogs love car rides, cats tend to scare. They can cower under your feet and this can lead to a wreck. When you bring your new kitten into your home, you should immediately show her where the litter box, food and water are located. You should also have a supply of cat toys on hand to distract the cat from missing her mom and litter mates. While this cannot entirely be avoided, lavishing attention on a new kitten will do wonders in the transition to her new family. You should expect your new kitten to explore every nook and cranny in the home. This is a necessary part of a kitten's disposition. (Even older cats seem to perk up when a new piece of furniture is brought into a home they have lived in for years.) You will want to kitten proof your home. You should keep the lids down on the toilet, and you may want to remove potted plants and the like until your cat learns the rules. Cats are social creatures, and they can learn the rules of their new environment with consistency. While you may think they do not understand what you are saying, this is not true. If you have a new kitten who wants to walk across the kitchen counter or dining room table, simply rattling a newspaper at her and saying "down" will teach her to stay off. With time you will be able to put the newspaper away and simply speak the command. Kittens can add joy to any home. Part of the fun is knowing the kitten is oblivious to the fact that she is the center of attention. She is not trying to gain your attention by performing. She is simply being a cat. You should also not be upset if your kitten is not interested in being a lap cat. While she may be content for a few moments on your lap, kittens have to roam, play and explore. As your cat matures she will be more inclined to take it easy curled up on your lap. Until then, just make her feel loved and you will have a feline that will adore you and her new home. Author Ian White is founder of cat-breeders.biz This extensive online directory includes listings by private breeders, and occasional hobby or family breeders. Those seeking kittens can locate and match with appropriate breeders. Cat-Breeders.biz automates the matching of kittens for sale with kitten wanted entries, with daily email notifications to all parties. Cat Lovers and Breeders find more information
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Are You Listening To Your Cat Talking? Is your cat talking to you? Build A Better Mousetrap, And People Will Buy It This is an old saying that many of us have grown up hearing since we were children, but the problem is improving on an invention that has been around for years. This is especially true for simple inventions like the common pet identification tag, or dog tag as it is normally referred too as. The pet identification tag has been a staple of our society for hundreds of years as a way to identify the owners of a particular lost pet, but it was not until World War I that the pet tag became famous and picked up its moniker as the "dog tag." 4 Ways In Which You Can Show Your Dog How Much You Love Him Do you have at least one framed photo of your dog somewhere in your house... or maybe in your wallet? Is your dog pretty darn close to being the very center of your universe? Do you love spoiling him, respond to his every whimper and cry, and spend hundreds of dollars on gourmet treats? To say that dogs are man's best friend is anything but a cliché. You might be the most miserable person in the world without a friend to your name... but your dog will treat you like royalty every time you walk through the door. So how do you repay that unconditional love and devotion? There are hundreds of different ways! How To Set Up A Quarantine Tank For Tropical Fish Do I Need A Quarantine Tank? Life with the Rat Terriers I am a happy owner of two rat terriers. They are half brother and half sister and other than coat color and size and natural hunting abilities they are not at all alike. The male "Bingo" is bossy and impudent and outlandishly boisterous. The female "Zoey" is shy and somewhat retiring and loves nothing better than to curl up in your lap and be petted. Safety in the Fresh Air and the Outdoors for Your Cat - How To Build a Cattery Animal welfare organizations and humane societies have been very successful in helping people to accept that their cats are safer living exclusively indoors, especially in urban areas. However, cat lovers still want to give their cats a chance to enjoy fresh air and all the sights and sounds that come with it. One way to do this safely is to create a cattery. PH Levels in The Discus Tank Because it is imperative that discus fish have optimal water conditions, much has been written about this subject, This is the plan put in place to insure proper PH water levels in our hatchery. Tips on Choosing a Boxer Dog... An easier and more pleasant journey with your chosen Boxer starts with checking out the parent dogs for unbecoming traits like aggression, hyperactive and extreme shyness. Whats In Your Dog Food? According to holistic veternarian Dr. Jane Bicks, the maximum life span of dogs is estimated to be around 25 to 30 years, yet the average dog generally lives no longer than about 13 to 14 years. Do You Know About Boxer Dogs? Boxer Dogs Information - What Are Boxer Dogs? Boxer dogs are great all around dog breeds, distinguished canine and the coolest, most lovable dog out there! Boxer Dogs are medium-built and strong breed that are so named because of its habit of standing on the hind legs to begin a fight and boxing with the front paws. By nature, Boxer dogs are working dogs. Throughout history it has been trained as: - hunting dog - police dog- seeing-eye dog for the blind- guard dog- circus dog - courier dog on the battlefields during World War I and World War II - fighting dog in the once popular sport of dog fighting. The American Kennel Club (AKC) categorizes dogs into 7 groups of herding, hound, non-sporting, sporting, terrier, toy and working. And the largest breed registered in the working dog category is the Boxer. No doubt the Boxer Dogs make for great utility dog but the greatest advantage to owning one is that Boxer Dogscan be your most outstanding companion on four legs and great source of personal fulfillment. By the way, the AKC registered over 150 different breeds totaling nearly one million dogs in 2003. To put that in perspective, the animal shelters in America rescue up to 12 million homeless dogs and cats every year and 25% of these are purebreds. Devoted and glad owners of Boxer Dogs have come up with a long list of attributes and traits of their favorite pet that include: AlertBoisterousBoundless energyBraveCanine clownCourageousDevil dogDevotedDignifiedExuberanceFamily dogFearless FriendlyHearing dogHighly trainableIntelligentIntuitiveKeen judge of characterLovingLoyalPatient with childrenPeople dogPoor swimmerPlayfulQuick learnerSelf-assured SmartSoulfulSpiritedStoicalVigilantWorking dogWonderful pet And you can add to the list? The Boxer Dog's history could be traced back to feudal Germany, where it was a small hunting dog that could tenaciously hold onto a bull, boar, or bear till the master arrived. It was also a utility dog for peasants and shop owners, and even a performing dog in circus. The Boxer Dogs as we know it today is a bigger breed ? a mixture of the German Boxer with a taller, more elegant English import. The era of this modern Boxer began in the 1880s and became really popular in the United States in the late 1930s-1940s. Handsome dog: Within the canine world, Boxer Dogs are medium-sized dog standing at 21 to 25 inches at the shoulder for a full-grown female, and weighs some 50 to 65 pounds. The male can be taller and 15 pounds heavier. It has a striking good look with chiseled head, square jaw and muscled body that make for a very handsome silhouette. The ears are cropped and erect that enhance its hearing ? the Boxer most developed sense. It is always alert and vigilant, an instinctive guard dog. The shortened muzzle makes hot and humid weather uncomfortable for the Boxer Dogs. The coat is short, hard and smooth, and possesses a natural sheen that can be enhanced with rubdowns with a chamois cloth (especially after a bath). The short coat cannot protect him well from extreme elements of the weather and thus Boxer Dogs should definitely not be kept outdoors. It is a housedog, sensitive to temperature extremes, does not enjoy the draft, summer heat or cold. Boxer Dogs come in attractive basic colors of fawn and brindle. The fawn varies from a tawny tan to an especially beautiful stag red. The brindle (clearly defined black stripes on a fawn background) can be sparse, in between or dense. A beauty standard for Boxer Dogs is that their white markings or "flash" should add to their look and may not cover more than one-third of the entire body. Some predominantly or all-white puppies (known as "check") may be born in a litter. In the US, however, the American Boxer Club members are pledged not to register, sell or use these "whites" for breeding so as to retain the beauty of the true fawn and brindle colors in the breed. Personality-wise, Boxer is a cool dog that will not bark without cause. Its expressive face ? the furrowed forehead and dark, soulful eyes - is a charming quality that sets the Boxer apart from other breeds. It can mimic the moods of its master and adopting one could bring you 9 to 11 years of joyful companionship. In exceptional cases the Boxer can live up to 15 years. Boxer Dogs As Pet Pet Boxer Dogs, although low-maintenance, require your consistent attention, exercise, human interaction, consistent obedience training and lots of love. You cannot leave them to their own design for too long or they get lonely, bored and into trouble. Being a big and strong dog as well as a highly intelligent one, Boxer Dogs need both physical and mental stimulations to keep them even-tempered and dignified while still keeping their impish spirit and fearless courage in tact. All the best!!! Warm regards, Dog Obedience Training Dog obedience training begins with the owner. There are several tips to keep in mind before starting any dog obedience training. First of all, understand that dogs have an attention span of no more than ten minutes. Training routines, therefore, should be limited to this time frame. Secondly, all training should be positive. Reward your dog for correct behavior and always end your obedience training sessions on a positive note. My Needs are Simple and Few! My dear owner, How To Keep Your Cat Healthy - Cat Feeding Explained Cats have a reputation for being finicky eaters, but that is usually a distortion of the truth. Cats have a very keen sense of taste and smell, and they know what they like. If you have fed your cat the same food for years, then change brands, she may boycott the new menu. If you must change her diet, do it over time, mixing just a bit of the new food with plenty of the old favorite. Slowly increase the amount of new food and decrease the old. Heartworm Treatment for Cats and Dogs The treatment for heartworms is different for cats and dogs. Do not ever give medicine intended for a cat to your dog or vice versa. Online: The Fastest, Cheapest, Easiest Way to Buy and Sell a Horse Selling a Horse A Dog Name is Something To Be Chosen Carefully How important is a dog name? Well let's think about this. How to Keep Your Cat Free from Diseases with Your Quick Guide to Cat Grooming Even a cat that compulsively cleans itself can benefit from a little grooming from her owner. Cats rarely need a bath, but frequent brushing removes a lot of loose hair which would otherwise end up either shed around your home or swallowed by the cat, creating constipating hairballs. Grooming your cat on a regular basis also helps you monitor her health and make her easier to handle. How to Choose a Dog for Children Since having a dog is such a common thing, do you really need to know anything more than how much it costs? Train Your Dog To Be Your Frisbee Playing Buddy On the surface playing Frisbee with your dog may seem like just a bit of fun, but this activity actually holds other benefits as well. Characteristics Of The Boxer Is A Boxer Right For You? ![]() |
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