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Dog Health Conditions and Terms You Should Know... Part 2
Cryptorchidism is peculiar to male dogs and a condition present at birth. The testicle/s, which developed in the abdomen, fail to descend into the scrotum. The usually underdeveloped and non-functional testicle/s should be removed, as it could turn cancerous later in life. If the condition remains after the puppy is more than 2 months old, then the chances are it will remain so permanently. Eye ulcers, if caught early, are easy to treat. Late treatment can be expensive for you as well as painful for your Boxer. Dermodicosis or non-contagious mange first appears as numerous patches anywhere on the Boxer's skin. The hair will fall off, leaving bald patches in large areas, and the bald skin starts to break down, turning into crusty sores. Atopy is itchy (pruritic) skin disease caused by allergy to something the Boxer breathes in or touch. It cannot be cured and is the number two common allergic skin condition in dogs, after flea allergy dermatitis. Having fleas would make it worse for your Boxer. A Boxer suffering from atopy would have itchiness particularly on the hands and feet. He'd be chewing his paws, scratching his ears, shaking its head, scratching the muzzle or rubbing it on the ground. These same symptoms can also be brought about by food allergy. Acne in young dogs shows as red bumps (papules) and blackheads (comedones) on the chin and lips. Shorthaired dogs like Boxers are more likely to get them. And like in human, they start getting acne around puberty, but the problem would usually go away after one year old or so. However, you may have to help with some topical gel medication similar to the one used by teenagers. Such lesions may become infected and develop pus, which becomes itchy for your Boxer and he starts rubbing his face in the carpet or against furniture. Urinary incontinence in dogs can be due to a neurological lesion - something not normal with the parts of the nervous system that deal with urine regulation. A Boxer with incontinence will dribble urine and if a neurologic lesion is the cause, then this has to be removed. There are also other reasons not related to the nervous system like congenital defect and bacterial urinary tract infection, also known as bacterial cystitis or bladder stone. If your Boxer leaves wet spots where he has slept and he has skin irritation from contact with the urine, then he may have incontinence. However, wet spots around the house alone may simply mean that he drinks a lot more and needs to relieve himself often but you are not allowing him outside frequently enough. Straining while urinating and blood in the urine are two signs of bladder stone. Deafness Boxer is among the more than 35 breeds of dogs on record to have hereditary sensorineural deafness. The condition cannot be reversed with medications, surgery or hearing aids. Dogs also could become deaf from old age, toxicosis or infection. How do you tell if your Boxer is deaf? He doesn't respond to spoken commands and only responds to you when he sees you. He keeps shaking his head and pawing his ears or turns in the wrong direction when you call him. He sleeps more than normal and would not wake up till you physically touch him. But not to worry, you can still have a wonderful companion in your deaf Boxer through sign language. Dogs have been known to learn as many as 65 command words in sign language. These include signs for, among others, "stop", "potty", "drop it", "stay", "lay down", "sit", "come" and "cookie". As extra measures, you want to keep the deaf Boxer in a safe environment as he cannot hear approaching dangers like an approaching car. So keep him on a leash and close to you when in traffic or out for walks. On his nametag, add the word "deaf" so he will not be misunderstood if he ever gets lost. Some suggest putting a bell as well so you know where to find him if he gets lost. And finally, if your Boxer tested positive for inherited deafness in one or both ears, do not breed him or her. Article url: http://www.thingsfordogs.com/dog-health2.php Part 1 is available at http://www.thingsfordogs.com/dog-health.php Daniel Lesser
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