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What Type of Cat Food is Really Best For Your Cat?
Which cat food should you feed your cat to be certain that he or she will have the proper nutrition? What is the best mix of food to assist your cat in living to the limit of it's life span? Let's examine the diet of a cat in it's natural environment. In the wild, a cat will eat almost entirely animal tissue. But they would generally eat the entire body of the animal, including it's stomach contents, which has a variety of nutrients which are lacking in an animals muscle tissue, such as fiber. Cat owners often wonder if fresh meat is actually the best food for cats? The answer is:not necessarily. Unfortunately, fresh meat will not provide a balanced diet for a cat, as they are very protein dense and quite low in vital nutrients like calcium. In fact, Mainstream commercial cat food might actually have more nutrients in many respects. Some cat owners have also asked if it's alright to feed their cat a completely vegetarian diet. The answer to that question is simply no. Cats just can't produce the required nutrients from a completely vegetarian food in the same way that humans can. Being a specialized hunter, a cat has largely lost that ability during the course of evolution. Skin problems are sometimes the result of a deficiency in certain essential fatty acids which can be found in animal flesh alone. Another problem is that a deficiency of the amino acid taurine, which is a vital building block for proteins in the body. This defiency may cause both blindness and heart failure! Cats are simply born carnivores and need protein-rich food. Is it o.k. to give a cat only dry cat food? According to petshub, the answer is yes, providing that you ensure that fresh water is available at all times. Dry food is generally more convenient, hygienic, and affordable than canned or fresh food. It also exercises the teeth and reduces the buildup of tartar, which can grow into a severe problem in cats that are fed a soft and mushy diet. For more detail go to For more information go to Cat Food Information Ryan Joseph is a writer and researcher of pet health. For more info. go to http://www.premium-cat-food.com/
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Dog Safety: How to Keep Your Pups Safe From Loss or Theft According to the American Humane Society, just 15% of dogs in shelters ever find their way home again. Thankfully, these loved pooches had identification, enabling shelter personnel to contact and return them to their owners. With such discouraging statistics, it becomes clear how important it is to tag or identify your new puppy. Dog Training ? Early Training Is Essential Dogs are a fantastic edition to any family but like all youngsters they need training. If you do not train your puppy now it will take a serious amount of help from a training school to get him to be obedient later on. Puppies just like babies learn mostly in their early years and unfortunately will also pick up the bad habits also. Early attention will save you heartache later on and give you more quality time. Lower Your Veterinarian Costs And Increase the Longevity of Your Pets Lives What does doing natural preventative care mean? I thought vaccinating, prevention medicines, and premium kibble was natural preventative care. Hardly. Taking Care of Your Sick Dog Just like humans, dogs are subject to diseases and illnesses. If your dog gets sick, you may have to take him to the vet for treatment or even surgery. Your dog may have to stay at the clinic for a few days. When he comes home you will have to take care of your sick dog so that he completely recovers. Your First Cichlid Aquarium So you're thinking about trying cichlids. A good choice. In this article I shall try to give a few examples of good cichlid aquariums that are suitable for beginners. I've tried to suggest set-ups that will be beautiful and easy to maintain, and species that are easily bred so that you might observe this fascinating side of cichlid behaviour. Hamsters and their quest for world domination "Hamsters?!" I hear you say. "Who cares about some fury little rodents." You ignorant little fool, you're pay the price for your stupidity when the Hamsters lead by yours truly will rise up and DESTROY YOUR LAME SPECIES! We are closer to this than you think. While you sleep, we are slowly spreading our influence. At first it was small. After been first discovered in 1930 by zoologist and Professor Aharoni at the University of Jerusalem, in the Syrian Desert, we quickly made our way to all four corners of the globe. With the exception of Hawaii, which does not allow its residents to own a hamster. A law was passed, hoping prevent escaped hamsters from reproducing and messing up the ecosystem. Huh. Dog Training Basics All positive commands should be spoken sharply and distinctly during training. Make sure you also use a positive tone. Your dog will recognize your moods and associate them to their behavior by your tone of voice. Things To Think About Before You Buy A Pet Bird While a bird is an easy pet to care for, they do require just as much commitment and preparation as any other type of pet. Whether you are buying a small parakeet or an large parrot, you should make sure that you are prepared to care for your new feathered friend properly. Natural Dog Shampoos are Good for Your Dogs Skin and Coat A Healthy Skin and Coat for Your Dog ... Take that Junk out of your Trunk Your local grocery store is chock full of food and treats that are stuffed with bad quality ingredients. It is a real shock that the shelves do not simply collapse under the weight of all that rubbish. Here are some bad protein items you will want avoid like the bubonic plague: Soybean meal, wheat or wheat middlings, corn gluten meal, corn meal, whole/crushed corn, and maize are all too often often used for their protein because they cost a heck of a lot less to include in a treat or food than their real-meat protein counterparts such as chicken. Food coloring can also be a big concern with regard to pet food and treats: it is not too unusual, for example, for biscuits to be dyed in order to make them look like fresh meat or vegetables. This would not be a huge thing if we were still the fifties, back when when food dyes were still based on plant-based compounds of one sort or another. But in order for pet food manufacturers to save money and increase longevity, they began producing food colorings largely from chemicals. All too many studies show that chemical food coloring makes hyperactive kids more so, and some dog trainers sat the same applies to hyperactive dogs as well. This artificial food coloring is still widely today despite the reality that they are entirely unnecessary and have been linked to certain medical problems. It is believed by large number in the medical field that if an ingredient is not organic to the body (such as chemical coloring), the body reacts to it and can create a lot of health issues. Pets care about taste, not color, so food dyes are more for people than for them. Chinese Shar Pei Character If you have never seen a Shar Pei before, the first impression might just as well be that of a kind, though independent, even arrogant clodhopper. Indeed, these dogs are often arrogant with strangers. And of course, this makes people think that Shar Pei is smarter than it looks. But under the mask of arrogance and indifference hides a mischievous soul of a natural-born clown. It is in domestic surroundings that these dogs reveal their true character, their numerous faces and aspects of mood. Each of them is truly individual and a great wonder to discover. This is what makes Shar Pei so capable of true and loyal friendship unlike many other pets. Dog Trick To Cure A Nuisance Barker: Training Buddy to ?Speak? on Command All breeds and sizes of dogs can be taught easily to speak, and the way to go about it is to call your dog, show him a treat and say "Speak." He will not understand what you mean and will probably at first jump for it, and then sit down and eye it attentively; finally, he will get impatient and utter a sharp bark, which is what you have been waiting for, and the instant he does so reward him with the treat. What Rabbit Noises Mean a) Growling So You Want an American Pit Bull Terrier? You've made up your mind, it's the American Pit Bull Terrier you want as your companion. Are you ready for this breed? Read this article and then decide if you want to go ahead with your decision. Proper Diet For the Discus Fish The Discus fish has its habitat in the South American waters of Brazil and Peru. Discus fish are classified as "grazers", and in the wild constantly forage for food. Discus are tall, and have a laterally compressed body. Their swim bladder is located on top of the stomach. They have small stomachs, and short digestive tracts, and with these small stomachs designed to hold small amounts of food, over feeding the Discus can be a problem. Even a minor case of constipation can cause serious problems for the Discus fish. Stop Your Dog From Pulling You Down The Street From the first day of life on a leash, most dogs learn that by pulling on it, they get to where they want faster. Its the behavior that so many dog owners struggle with. Its a simple solution - just stop walking. Although, somehow your dog doesn't learn its just that simple. Or maybe we aren't teaching it effectively enough. Or say, you have taught your dog that, except when they want to sniff the fire hydrant, or meet your neighbors dog, or chase a squirrel. First Aid for Parrots Unfortunately, accidents can - and DO happen, so it's always a good idea to be prepared! While accidents usually produce obvious injuries, illnesses are often kept well hidden by birds. In nature, if you're sick you pose a threat in making your whole flock vulnerable to predators, so parrots have become adept at masking signs of illness. This is one reason that it's vital to have a "well bird" check-up annually. Needless to day, once a bird is showing obvious signs of illness, he's often very sick and needs immediate vet attention. First Aid is intended to help you get by until you can see the vet, or in treating minor injuries. Whats the Best Diet for a Pregnant Cat? Pregnant cats have to eat for two, three, four, five, even six cats. So her regular meal is just not enough. What should you give instead? Preparing For Your New Dog - What You Need to Know Before He Comes Home Preparing yourself and your household before, during, and after your pet comes home is an essential step to successfully integrating your new puppy or dog into its new environment. Give the new puppy or dog plenty of time to adjust; most experts recommend at least ten days. And, if possible, be sure to bring the extra addition at a time when you will be home for a period of two or more days in a row. These first few days are a shock and he needs a comforter to be there. Tropical Fish Breeding for Beginners - Guppies and Swordtails Breeding tropical fish can be a lot of fun. Try your luck at breeding livebearers such as guppies or swordtails. ![]() |
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