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Positive Attitude Tips & Information |
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Winners vs Whiners
It started out as a windy, rainy day. A tropical wave was moving through our area of the planet. It seemed like a planned beach barbeque was going to be washed out. By noon, it had cleared up. The barbeque went forward as planned. I am glad it did. I was introduced to a young man who inspired this article. He was the epitome of 'young and earnest'; so full of questions and so eager for knowledge. We sat on the beach and talked for a couple of hours. I was impressed by how well read and how thoughtful he was. I was even more impressed by his desire to achieve something important with his life. He had somehow decided that I could provide him with some answers. He kept at me, narrowing down his questions, forcing me to hone down my responses until he finally said, "What I want to know is... How can I create a happy, fulfilling and successful life?" "That's all?" I asked with a smile. I suppose, at 19, it doesn't occur to you that is the same question most of us have asked at some point in our lives, perhaps repeatedly. I summarize below what I told him. First of all, I said, you should know that what I have to say is only my opinion and you are going to have to decide for yourself what is true for you and discover for yourself what works for you. You can gain hints and clues, maybe even wisdom from others (maybe even from me); but ultimately, your life and its meaning, its purpose and its direction is up to you to define. I believe it all comes down to the choices we make every day in each moment. The results that show up in our lives are determined by our personal choices about how to think, feel and believe. Sure, the individual circumstances we are born into have an influence. So does the education we receive from parents, schools and our culture; but the bottom line is we control the way our lives turn out by the choices we make. Happiness is both the easiest and the most difficult thing to achieve. It is easiest because you do not actually need to have anything, do anything or become anything in order to be happy. You can simply decide to be happy no matter what is going on around you in life. It is hardest, because the world conspires to tell you that you cannot be happy unless you have certain things or do certain things or be a certain way. You have been trained to believe that your happiness is dependent upon your behavior or your attainment or your possessions. Stop buying into that crap. Simply choose to feel happy and you can be happy. Happiness, like Creator, can be found in your heart at any time you care to look. Fulfillment is achieved when you are living your life according to a self-assigned purpose. You will feel fulfilled, no matter what you have or what is going on, when you are living on purpose. You will feel unfulfilled when you either have no identifiable purpose or when you are living your life according to a purpose that is not 'your own' or you are living your life in such a way as to be at odds with your purpose. The best way to create a fulfilling life is to discover and define what the purpose of your life is (free from the dictums or memes of society) and then to live each moment of each day on purpose or 'on your own path'. Success is achieved when the results that show up in your life are in harmony with your ideals, whatever they may be. Since our choices of thought, belief, emotion and action create the results that show up, it is critically important to be able to get to a mental state where you can: first, become the observer of your thoughts, beliefs, emotions and actions rather than simply be caught up in the experience of having certain thoughts, beliefs, feelings and actions; and then, to learn to take conscious control of your thoughts, beliefs, emotions and actions. (There exists a technology of success and I have written much about it, so I will not elaborate on it here.) Finally, the attitude that each person chooses is a big part of being happy, fulfilled and successful. It really is a matter of choosing to see the glass as half-empty or half-full. Whiners see the glass as half-empty; winners see the glass as half-full. Choosing to adopt an attitude of gratitude at all times, no matter what circumstances or events occur, puts you into vibrational harmony with the ideals you desire to see manifest in your life. That vibrational harmony will attract more of what you desire into your life. So there you have it, the short-form, beach-side chat on the secrets of happiness, fulfillment and success. © Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide. Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at http://www.ProsperityParadigm.com or http://www.LeslieFieger.com Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.
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11 Great Ways to be Positive about Change Look for the positives!Seek them out - those little scary places that it's challenging to let yourself go to - the positives are genuinely scary, because they give you hope and it's hard to let go of all the fears you have right now - so hanging onto them is the easiest path!So try letting yourself go, just for the heck of it!Take that step back from being 'done to' and take the initiative. At work, at home or wherever, this can be a great time, if you let it. There are loads of ideas why. Here are eleven of my favourites... Personal Growth Change gives us great moments for self-development and personal growth. It is in times where there is a lot going on, where we have to get out of our box to think, even when change is imposed, that we move forward. Involving Others During change periods we can create relationships that are new - and we, as managers, have a great chance to bring others into our confidence and into our network. Adventure There is something about change, large or small which creates 'something different' from our routine day. This is pretty cool really. We are being provided with stimulating mental exercise to make the best of things happening differently. It might not look that way, but change brings adventure! Building it in Learning about big changes, means that we can closely observe why those changes are necessary. We have to make radical changes because we have strayed well off course. So as we learn, we can make provision to have some minor course corrections rather than completely the wrong destination. Challenge In his great book, 'The Inner Game of Work', Timothy Gallwey talks about the fine balance between security and challenge being what gets people motivated. By creating new things to learn, to do, we stretch our people - and ourselves. Opportunity Change brings new opportunity. For learning; for understanding ourselves better; for new perspectives; for different roles. These can be grasped personally or they can be dwelt on miserably. The better choice is to go for it! Team Bonding Change exercises, big and small can be great to develop a team. Where there is the opportunity to work together, manager with their closest people there are often places, moments where the team spirit; the trust and the shared commitment - the 'Dunkirk spirit' even, enables future potential of a team to be loosened. Honesty Where radical change proves necessary it enlightens those involved that where they are is not where they need to be. Carrying out a review of why serious change is necessary and seeking the real truth is very revealing. The icing on the cake for those involved in organisational change processes is to create a feedback loop that renders future major change unnecessary. Choice Change is not truly necessary. Change is about choice. You have the choice whether to accept it positively or not. It is your choice and everyone has that - believe it or not. No-one is holding you down to prevent you getting away. Take personal responsibility for the choices you make. Focus Change gives the opportunity for and usually gets really down to the gist of the issues that have precipitated the need. This is good. Your organisation is realising that things need to be different, for all sorts of reasons, but usually for the health of the organisation and that means you, usually. For some it may mean loss of role, status and even job - now what positive opportunity does that bring! Passion And finally, we have the opportunity to review our own roles, not just in the workplace, but in life too. Are you passionate about your work - or are you just muddling through? Are new opportunities presented to you personally through change - within or without the place where you work today? What is your personal passion and how do you work towards making that how you spend every day of your life? Life Is Not Always Fair I once heard the story of a grown bear that lived in a cage and traveled with a circus ever since he was a small cub. The bear spent everyday of his life pacing back and forth in his cage while countless spectators looked on. When the bear's keepers were not looking some of the spectators would poke the bear with sharp sticks or would throw pieces of food filled with broken glass into the cage. When the great bear would eat what he thought was a wonderful treat, the broken glass would cut the inside of his throat and stomach. Looking For Answers In All The Wrong Places? Looking around at our circumstances we may see only mountains of problems, debts piling up, fear, failure, and defeat at every corner. Maybe you've looked around and thought, where's the answer, I need a new life? Growing Optimistically Spring is here at last! The season brings with it an opportunity for continued personal growth, stimulated by a sense of life renewing itself around us. We see growth of every kind reflected in our environment in the spring. Tiny seeds and bulbs blossom into colorful arrays of yellow, purple, and pink flowers and plants and the grass becomes green. Suddenly one day we look at the trees and see soft green leaves. Children seem to leap ahead in growth, outgrowing clothing and changing shoe sizes. One day in the supermarket there are blueberries from central New Jersey, not flown in from California. Cleaned Up or Cleaned Out? I need your help. I did a good deed recently, but I was gripped by second thoughts. I want to know if you think I should have done this. Here is what happened: What Every Employee Should Know About Looking Beyond His Attitude Our attitude makes seems to control just about everything about us. It helps us get better grades in school, become more generous and courteous to others, and enjoy better health. Ditch Lack of Confidence and Unlock Full Potential Being the next Carmen Electra or Paris Hilton might or might not appeal to all you, but there are things that do appeal to you, and you don't do them. Combat Your Bad Days No matter how positive a person we are overall, there are times in our lives where our feelings well up and give us the sense that our situation could be better (for some it even reaches the point where they get a feeling of hopelessness). How to Build Rock Solid Self Confidence You have probably noticed those people at work, school, and in your daily life that always appear to be self confident and on top of world. It?s All About Beliefs Changing your mindset can have a significant impact on achieving your goals. Being Tender With the Ugly Parts of Yourself Does that title make you cringe? It made me cringe when it popped into my head a few days ago. Garbage Words In - Garbage Thinking Out "At birth, a baby's brain contains 100 billion neurons, roughly as many nerve cells as there are stars in the Milky Way," according to an article Time magazine. Why You Must Learn to Forgive for the Sake of Your Own Happiness Your ability to forgive those who have hurt you in the past is a crucial stepping stone to your spiritual and emotional growth. Throughout the course of our lives, we collect emotional baggage. This is unavoidable, and even though it can cause us a great deal of pain, it helps us to define who we are as people; the result is, we grow even more and learn valuable lessons along the way about ourselves and others. Self-Confidence Sliding Downward! There are times in all of our lives where our self-confidence wanes!! This past week was one of those weeks for me. I questioned the work I was doing, both on the web sites and on our crafts. I found myself wondering if all my time and effort was worthwhile. Would our newfound business provide the income we needed? Is my work good enough for others to want to buy or to read? These are only a few of the questions that ran through my mind. And, with every question, my self-confidence was sliding downward! Good News! The Pathway of Change Is Predictable Often when radical change occurs in our lives we feel confusion - not only about what's happening but also about how we'll cope with it. This is especially true of negative change such as the loss of a romantic relationship, a job or a loved one. Of course, confusion is perfectly normal and natural, but it needn't get in the way of handling situations effectively and of accommodating any kind of change. Why? Because your personal path through change is probably predictable. Envisioning Your Ideal Self In my work as a professional coach, I've had the opportunity to interact with hundreds of individuals. I've found that people who are successful and fulfilled share common characteristics. Give Your Attitude A Little Altitude Need a way to make your life a better place to live? From Stress to Adventure Ten tips to transform your move into a creative life transition. You, Your Self Estem, and Its Importance in Your Growth! Introduction Need A Miracle? Build One, Everyday! Henry Ford, after he had achieved great success, was the subject of much public criticism. Many people thought that he was very lucky, some thought he was a genius, some thought he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, some thought that powerful friends and influential people were the "secret" of his great success. Why some people even thought he was so mean, that once he found out there would not be any chocolate in heaven, he would decide not to go. Let's uncover the real story. ![]() |
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