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Stop Complaining
You don't need to a piece of paper to prove that you can do something! I don't have anything against achieving or completing degrees or obtaining masters and all that ? absolutely nothing. In fact, I am a law graduate myself and will strive to provide good educational background for my kids in the future. But I am sick and tired of people complaining about how they wish they could do something and not being qualified to do it! I mean COME ON!! Get real?? I know I sound a little harsh but you wouldn't want to know the kind of trials and tribulations that I have been through and also the kind of complaints that I have had to deal with in the past. People hoping and wishing to make some money from home, wanting to be with their children, needing to be independent, desiring more freedom, etc. And yet, they sit on their laurels and continue wishing and complaining! Anyone can do anything they want to ? the only condition is this: you want it BAD ENOUGH! You want to drive a Mercedes instead of your rundown ole pickup, go get it! If you want to live in a HUGE mansion with a swimming pool, go work for it! If you want to travel the world with your family, go save up for it! And if you want to work from home and run a business of your own, for goodness' sake, start doing something about it! Let me give you a very simple illustration here, ok? I am NOT a qualified graphic designer and neither have I ever taken writing lessons or search engine optimization classes or trainings or courses and whathaveyounots. None of them, whatsoever! Today, I earn a very comfortable living right from my bedroom as a graphic designer, writer, SEO copywriter and premium items designer. Assuming that it was all a fluke and that I am some sort of a special person with unique gifts. Let's also assume that God really loves me and that He was unfair to the rest the people out there still sitting there wishing they could do something about their lives. Then how come I spent so many months money-less? How come I cried myself to sleep every single night during the first few months of being in business? How come I had to resort to begging and groveling (a little exaggeration there!) for work so that I can prove myself to the rest of the world? How come I had to fight with my family members in order to keep working from home? How come my children didn't understand me when I said I had to work? How come people look at me funny when I say I work from home? How come I feel ashamed and sometimes inferior to those people who have titles like "Chief Operating Officer" or "Head of Financial Department" or "HR Manager"?.etc? I fought really hard to get to where I am today ? I can do better but what I am trying to say is that 'STOP COMPLAINING!' Experience says a lot about you, you know. In fact, I would bet all my money on the fact that people who learn things hands-on is FAR FAR better than those who got their degrees in college. This is an experience that I would like to share with all of you. I have a client whose graphic designer went on maternity leave. So, she needed someone to do the work while she was away. I did the stuff for them, no complaints and they paid on time. However, when the graphic designer came back, she had problems with my files. At first, I thought it was my problem - that I didn't configure or save the files properly for her to continue with her work. Turns out, I had to spend a lot of time on the phone and through email teaching her how to do some basic functions using the same program that we use! The same program and yet I knew more than her? I couldn't believe it, really. She's the one with the graphic design and art degree, while I am the one with a law degree - I still have trouble understanding this. Didn't they teach those stuff to her in school or college? What in the world did she learn to do in school? And... ...thank goodness I didn't waste my time and money to get a degree! If I did, I bet you I would have regressed! My point is this: you don't need a piece of paper to prove your abilities and worth. You need only one thing, the need, the desire, the want, the passion for it! If you think you have it, I am VERY sure you can go as far or further than those who are qualified. So, don't just sit there and whine ? go do something! Copyright © Marsha Maung 2005 Feel free to reprint or publish this article on your website, ezine, magazine, newsletter?etc. Please include the bio, links and credit intact. Marsha Maung is a freelance graphic designer and copy writer who works from her home in Selangor, Malaysia. She loves nothing more than blowing bubbles in the park with her 2 kids, Joshua and Jared. She designs apparel and premium items at http://www.creativejooz.com and is the author of "Raising little magicians", and the popular "The Lance in freelancing". More information can be found at http://www.marshamaung.com Email: marshamaung@yahoo.com
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