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Positive Attitude Tips & Information |
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Positive Thought
The power of positive thoughts to affect one's experience of life has long been recognized. Positive thinking has been credited with the success of many business people. More recently scientists are proving how the power of this ability can have an impact on our health, well being, and motivation Unfortunately we are living in a negative world. Many, if not most people, are becoming very negative. It has become the way of the world. Most news items either on the TV or in the newspapers and magazines are negative. It's a fact that journalists will go out of there way to find the most depressing negative story they can. They will then sensationalise it and hay-presto they sell more newspapers. We complain about our politicians. We complain about all the things they do wrong. Surely even politicians must do some things right. But do we regularly talk about there good points. No, we concentrate on the negative. The age old adage of "is my cup half empty or half full" runs truer then ever in today's negative world. We will always complain about what we haven't got rather then express joy at what we have got or achieved in life. Advertising plays on the negative. Commercials will always tell you that your car, TV, computer or DVD is out of date, the toothpaste you use does not clean your teeth properly, and your washing powder does not clean your clothes. Unless of course you buy there product or brand. You see they play on the negative. If people where happy with what they had and could only see the positive in the products they used and owned the advertisers would have to find another way of selling you there products. If you look at all successful people. It could be in the field of sport, science or business. They all have one thing in common, they are positive. Success and happiness are not accidents that happen to some people and not to others. Success and happiness can be brought about by particular ways of behaving, which are in turn determined by our ways of thinking. In other word's it's not what happens to us that's important, but the way we choose to interpret it that shapes our lives. You cannot always change everything in your life immediately but you can certainly change the way that you perceive it. Negativity is dangerous. It drags us down physically, mentally and emotionally. It is the single largest destroyer of success. Negativity will destroy creativity, relationships, advancement and ultimately, happiness. Entertaining negative thoughts, without any doubt, tends to bring on the person concerned the very things they fear or dread, or on which they have focussed their attention. Negative thoughts often arise from fear, or from insecurity, or as the result of some bad experiences, they bring gloom and a loss of quality of life. The individual in this situation ceases to live; he or she becomes content with merely existing, with seeking his or her own animal comfort, which is really to wallow in self-pity. Life becomes an intolerable burden for the individual, and that person makes life intolerable for others. In severe depression even the body itself becomes unbearable. The environment seems grey and without colour and it seems to be something seen at great distance, having no contact with the individual and bringing no surge of joy at its beauty. If you think positive thoughts, positive things will happen around you. Consequently if you continuously think negative thoughts, negative things will happen around you. If you believe you will not succeed. I can guarantee you will fail. If you believe you can achieve and succeed you will. Positive thinking is infectious and leads to a 'can do' attitude within any individual that adopts this approach to life. Mark Claridge specializes in teaching motivational and self-development skills. In his new FREE e-book "Mindset and Match" he covers amongst other subjects how having the correct mindset can bring you all you want out of life and is available at http://www.inthe6th.com.
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Passion To Succeed "Spiritual Intelligence" (SI) is the ability of a person to acknowledge and observe established principles that can affect his potential to succeed. This may be simple and practical, but some have missed the point. The article below is written to illustrate how a principle affect a person's career. Short Cut to Self-Confidence: Say Yes to You! You are the only one that can give confidence to yourself. I've learned this over many years of looking for recognition in all the wrong places, from other people. Like it or not some people in our lives don't want us to succeed, and they can be the ones you closest to you. Change Your Attitude, Change Your Life If we are the products of our attitudes then it is important for us to examine our attitudes, both positive and negative, to discover the impact they are having on our lives. This is even more important if we are determined to maximize the potential that is ours, a potential which, in the vast majority of us, remains grossly underdeveloped. Changing Negatives to Positives Occasionally people will ask me how I keep a positive attitude, or remain optimistic. I used to find it funny that I would get asked such things. It was as though they assumed that somehow I'd figured a way to avoid allowing any negatives into my life at all. I can assure you I have not :-) What Every Employee Should Know About Looking Beyond His Attitude Our attitude makes seems to control just about everything about us. It helps us get better grades in school, become more generous and courteous to others, and enjoy better health. Reality Exposed Did you know that our thoughts may be influencing our reality and lives? Have you ever seen a movie called 'What the Bleep Do We Know!?'. Why Positive Thinking Doesnt Work! There was someone I used to work with who, well aware of their tendency to look at the negative side of things, used to constantly tell themselves to "think more positively". Being Tender With the Ugly Parts of Yourself Does that title make you cringe? It made me cringe when it popped into my head a few days ago. Becoming Excellent: Outsmarting Racism Thinkers know better than to be racist. It's generally understood that racists are, well, not thinkers. It's not that racists are necessarily stupid--it's that they are ignorant. A Recovering Ragers Creed A rager, or rageaholic, is a person who is addicted to the expression of anger. While many people feel better when they "let it all out" a rageaholic should totally and completely abstain from expressing their anger. Negative Thoughts to Positive Thoughts Changing Negative Thoughts into Positive Thoughts is a key lesson to becoming healthy and successful. Creating Icebergs Out Of Hostility Have you ever dreaded an upcoming presentation, meeting or function because you just knew that the group would be hostile? Maybe you had heard that these people are very critical, even aggressive. Combat Your Bad Days No matter how positive a person we are overall, there are times in our lives where our feelings well up and give us the sense that our situation could be better (for some it even reaches the point where they get a feeling of hopelessness). Positive Thinking - Anxiety & Panic If you suffer with or have in the past suffered with anxiety and panic disorder, then you certainly know what its like to be swallowed up by your negative thoughts and feelings. How Attitude is Everything "Most overnight successes are just plain lucky. Just ask any failure." New Attitudes-New Possibilities I AM SO GRATEFUL for meeting challenges head-on. We see mistakes as learning experiences in disguise, And reach turning points in times of crisis, We find serenity in the midst of turmoil-- It's not what happens to us, but what we make of it that counts. Universal Thought Systems/Forgiveness Philosophy of Forgiveness: How to Deal with Discouragement and Develop Exceptional People Skills Ever feel like giving up? Do you ever feel so discouraged that even one more day of frustration will be too much to handle? 7 Steps To Change Your Life The quality of your life is directly related to your standards. A standard is a personal rule or expectation about the level of excellence you require in something, and when you raise your standards you change your life. Garbage Words In - Garbage Thinking Out "At birth, a baby's brain contains 100 billion neurons, roughly as many nerve cells as there are stars in the Milky Way," according to an article Time magazine. ![]() |
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