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Fear -- Feel It and Keep Moving
Many of us allow our fear to stop us in our tracks. All it takes is a less than encouraging word, a negative facial expression, or a less than positive opinion, and we give up before we even get started. We're afraid of:
Let's look at these five catalysts to failure and how they can be overcome. Abandonment His grandparents had adopted him and now they were on their way to Michigan. Rejection His first day of school was a disaster. His stuttering made his classmates laugh at him. It was the final straw for a frightened little boy. He closed his mouth and simply quit talking? for eight years! James Earl was completely mute ? with the exception of conversations he had with himself when he was all alone. He found solace in the written word ? creating poetry to release the raging in his soul. Judgment Can't you imagine his terror when he first stood in front of his classmates? What made him do it? Was it only the teacher's insistence? No. It was a deep desire to break free from his prison and speak all the things that had sat silently in his heart during all those years. He chose to feel the fear ? and then do it anyway! Failure Responsibility Beyond the Fear People look at him today and see a confident actor with a deep, resonant voice. The next time you see him, look deeper. . . James Earl Jones' great secret to success is that he chose to push beyond his fears. He chose to change the reality of a young boy who had lived in silence for eight years. He chose to face ridicule and scorn in order to be free. I can only imagine how many years passed before he could open his mouth without being afraid of what would come out. So many of us let our fears stop us. We're afraid of how we will appear. We're afraid of what people will think. We're afraid we'll fail. And so. . . we do nothing. We exchange fear for regret. Fear will pass. Fear can be conquered. Fear will fade away in the face of determined action. Regret ? well, you'll live with that for the rest of your life. What are you afraid of? Name the fear. Choose to face it. And take action to conquer it today! You, too, can live a life of success by feeling the fear and moving beyond it. The story for this article was taken from Ginny Dye's Daily Secrets For Success. Let these daily motivational stories stir your heart, fuel your desire and propel you into action. Subscribe at http://www.DailySecretsForSuccess.com
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3 Ways to Change Roadblocks into Valuable Tools Our initial reaction when hitting a setback or a "roadblock, whether it be during an important project or even just trying to finish a task, is usually one of frustration or the thoughts of "Why does this always happen to me?" or "why doesn't anything ever work for me?". Roadblocks can be valuable though. Here's how: Positive Affirmations Never used 'em. Not likely to start now. Be Thankful for What You Have Got Did you know that the 911 equivalent in the UK (999) now has call waiting? I hope that you never find out for yourself. Challenge Your Perspectives When I was a young girl, my sister and I used to visit an aunt who had a swimming pool. It was always a treat, as all we had was a small, kiddie pool and sprinkler at home. One summer, we even got to spend a whole week at my aunt's, and we got as red as lobsters, as we were in the water every available minute. Having the Attitude I am the Greatest! While trying to ignore my teen daughters rap music a thought came to me. Whoever the rap artist was that she was listening to, is very positive about him self. He was negative about the women in his life, he made negative statements about the police but when it came to himself he was very positive. He used "I" statements, "I am going to be rich by the age of 24." He visualized all the material items he would like to manifest such as cars trimmed in gold, houses and yachts. In his music he was claiming his success. The Ultimate In Positive Thinking? I will never forget an evening in 2003, when I met an amazing gentleman. I had, for several weeks, had a problem with my foot and ankle, having great trouble walking because of the pain. It was a bit swollen, and I thought it was an injury of some sort, although I could not recall how it had happened. The Rearview Mirror and the Stuff of Life Recently, a dear friend who has been both a coach and a mentor called me asking if he and his wife could be of any help. He had learned that I was experiencing significant challenges due to my mother's three-week hospital stay because of liver failure. Additionally, husband was experiencing a serious, but not life threatening health issue. When I heard my friend's voice and his offer, it brought me close to tears. We continued talking and he shared that all of his troubles were in his rearview mirror and not on the front hood. I couldn't help, but smile. I quietly responded that eventually these troubles wold also be in my rearview mirror. The Power Of Appreciation As we enter this holiday season, and this time of giving Thanks, we are reminded of the "power of appreciation". If you truly want to bring into your life everything that you desire, then start with appreciating all that you have now. Here's how it works ? you bring into your life whatever it is that you focus your thoughts upon. So, if you focus on all the lack in your life, you get more lack. But if you focus appreciation on all that you have, you get more of what you want. Important Days Ahead Humans tend to categorize things by large or small, bright or dull, special or ordinary, and so on. We like to bring order and structure, but sometimes our efforts to place things into neat little slots can blind us to the little moments of joy we could be experiencing every day. To Compete or Co-create? - That is the Question! As a financial economist my motivation has long been to understand a simple academic koan: "why is there scarcity in an abundant world?" A koan is a question in the history and lore of Chan (Zen) Buddhism, to which the answer is inaccessible to rational understanding, yet may with great effort be obtained through accessing our higher collective mind. The motivational force driving my financial studies and research rests in the little known fact that the planet earth and this universe have such great abundance that no living being need lack anything! Heres Your Calm During The Storm Of Discouragement Have you ever known someone like this? "A person who knows how to start well, but finds it difficult to keep going"? A person whose successes are dependent on the quality of someone else's encouragement and motivation? Someone who consistently let's discouragement get the better of him? Ever found yourself like that? There's hope, read on. Internet Tip of the Week: The Power of Positive Thinking The late Norman Vincent Peale was a controversial preacher who burst into public consciousness with his best-selling book, "The Power of Positive Thinking". He believed that ordinary people could become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things, and when they believe in themselves, they have the secret of success. How to Deal With No No one likes rejection. And yet it happens. Here's how to make the most of it. Dispell Anger in 2 Simple Steps "It really works!" "Well, I'll be?!" 7 Steps To Change Your Life The quality of your life is directly related to your standards. A standard is a personal rule or expectation about the level of excellence you require in something, and when you raise your standards you change your life. My Sunshine "You Are My Sunshine My Only Sunshine You Make Me Happy When Skies Are Gray" What Should You Be Committed To? There are many dynamics that go into making a great team. Dynamics such as chemistry, talent, unity, and the list could go on and on. However, there is one dynamic that many teams, businesses, and leaders often overlook. That dynamic is commitment. Without each individual person in the organization, including yourself, being totally committed to the organization it will never reach its potential. You Must Change the 148,000 Nos In Your Subconscious to Yes What does it take to succeed? How can you move forward - no, take a quantum leap forward - in your achievements, in realizing your dreams? Prescience "The knowledge of actions or events before they occur; foresight." Notable Thoughts on Positive Living I went online -- and what do I see? A news report scrolled across my screen: "Murder by Mother's Milk," compliments of the Associated Press. I try to keep up with the news as it informs me of my environment, the world around me and society in general. But when I look at a television or monitor screen and read horrific reports such as this one, I have to wonder what this world is coming to. ![]() |
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