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Using Power Affirmations on ePosters
I believe that one of the best ways to stay positive is to create a multi-media "advertising" campaign to condition the thoughts and beliefs into your mind that you choose. For all of our lives, at least for most of us, we have been bombarded with mass media advertising to get us to buy all kinds of products and ideas. Some of these benefit us, some are not so good. We have become so conditioned to respond to these advertising campaigns that we often simply respond without much thought. Most of these advertisers have used a multi-media approach that has included television, radio, brochures, bill boards, websites and posters to carry a congruent message to a mass audience. What I am advocating is that you employ some of these methods to voluntarily communicate positive messages to yourself. While you can use some of the positive messages that I have included in my website and e-book, some of the most powerful messages are the ones that you come up with for yourself. Messages that are relevant to your personal goals and objectives. Relevant to the beliefs and values you choose to adopt for yourself. When I read a book, I am constantly looking for new ideas that I agree with and that I want to turn into thought habits. I then turn those into personal Power Affirmations. Then I use multiple "advertising" techniques to communicate the ideas to me until they become a habit. The primary techniques are to record the affirmations on MP3s and to create what I call ePosters (electronic posters) that I can either display on my computer when it isn't being used or print out and post at various places at home or work. What's the advantage of using ePosters? There's at least four: 1. You can focus on only that one Power Affirmation. 2. Because they are in PDF, you can easily scan the Power Affirmations in rapid succession for a quick review. 3. You can print out the Power Affirmations you want to focus on and tape it in a location where you will see it frequently. 4. It's easy to share specific Power Affirmations with your friends. If you want to download a free collection of 200 Power Affirmations in PDF format that you can either use as is or just to look at as an example, just visit the website listed in the resource section below. If you have friends you think will benefit from the e-book or the posters, make sure you send them the link as well. Using these techniques, over time you can learn to take back control of your own mind and think the thoughts you choose to think rather than those promoted by the mass media and advertisers. If you don't think for yourself, there are a lot of other people just waiting to do your thinking for you. The same with planning. If you don't have a plan for your life, others will gladly plan it for you. Take back control now! Copyright (c) 2005 Bill Marshall - All rights reserved. Feel free to republish this article provided you include the copyright information and the weblinks where possible. For practical self-improvement tips, visit http://www.poweraffirmations.com. Get my new free e-book, "Power Affirmations: Power Positive Conditioning for Your Subconscious Mind" And now my new ePosters of these Power Affirmations in PDF format. MP3 files of my Power Affirmations are also available for immediate download.
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