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The Truth About Why People Search!
Why do people search on search engines? Let's confess this seems like a basic question, right? People search because they are looking for something. Complicating that question are these questions. For what are they looking? Why are they searching? What compels them to act? Plus, how does all of this relate to Internet and pay-per-click marketing? Let's reason that searches can be broken down into two classifications: factual and emotional. Factual or informational searches occur as people look for general facts and information about a particular subject matter. Findings from this type of search may or may not cause the person searching to respond or act. Here's a fact or truth for you. Human needs and feelings drive emotional searches. When a person's emotions are activated, an individual is more likely to respond to gathered information by taking action. So, where does this awareness lead us and how can we relate it to Internet and pay-per-click marketing? People search for three reasons: ? To gather facts or information, an informational search. Did you catch those three reasons? You may not realize it, but these three reasons will be the keys to effective pay-per-click ad copy and ad click-through and conversion success. Let's now review a typical search process. Suppose you're contemplating buying a personal digital assistant (PDA). First, you search the Internet for product selections. After locating suitable options, you search for product reviews to determine the most appropriate choice. After narrowing your choice to one or two PDA's, you search for product sources, prices and availability. As you continue searching, you gradually become emotionally involved as the fine points draw you further into the process. Otherwise, you wouldn't have continued searching for more details. At some point, the motive for your search changed from informational to emotional. Why did you look for a PDA to begin with? Oh, you are stressed. Your daily life is chaotic! You have a time management and organizational problem and you perceive a personal digital assistant may solve it. Emotional elements were under the surface of your search all along! Very simply, two things can happen in a search engine search. The search initiates as a fact-finding task and at some point the factual search transcends to an emotional level. Or, the search commences to fulfill an emotional desire or to solve a problem causing emotional discomfort. The more emotionally involved a person becomes, the more likely he or she is to respond or act by converting the search into the acquisition of a product or service. As a smart Internet or pay-per-click marketer, you should apply this insight to reach your target audience. Consequently, you capture your target market by satisfying emotional needs or solving emotional problems. You begin by utilizing targeted keywords and targeted ad text. Consider what the following words or word pairs denote: learn, tip, help, solution, idea, how to, how would, discover. They express an ability to identify and solve a problem. Let's now take a moment to summarize the first secret or fact of Internet and pay-per-click marketing: You must understand that people who "search and convert" are emotionally driven to satisfy a need or solve a problem and you must target your keywords and ad text with emotional content to motivate action. Let's confess this lesson may seem as basic as Marketing 101. However, many savvy business owners miss what may not be as obvious as one would think. Take a look at some ads on Overture or Google AdWords. You'll be surprised to learn how many misinformed advertisers are wasting money! About the Author Chet Childers is a successful Internet marketer utilizing the power and quick response of pay-per-click marketing to increase website visibility and profitability. Click http://www.ThePayPerClickMarketer.com and enroll in our e-course, "Discover Tips and Secrets for Pay-Per-Click Marketing Success," or visit http://www.ChetChilders.com.
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3 Tips For Adwords PPC Management Adwords PPC Management Tip No. 1 Paying for Website Visitors: The Allure of PPC for Small Biz Owners There are good reasons why many webmasters and website owners choose to pay for visitors to their website as opposed to the involved and often grueling method of search engine optimization. Improper SEO may not only waste time and resources, there is never a guarantee that what your site is optimized for will result in actual sales or conversions. Choosing Bid for Placement advertising can help ensure that you get what you pay for and pay as little as possible to do it. Finding The Cheap Clicks As anyone who uses Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising in their marketing campaign knows, getting your ad copy on the front page of a search results listing is becoming more expensive by the day. It's a new phenomenon known as 'keyword fatigue', and it's down to the overwhelming success of programs like Google's AdWords. As more and more advertisers realise the benefits of this form of traffic generation, so the number of people bidding for the same keywords increases, and the bid prices climb accordingly. Great news if you are a publisher taking a cut of the revenue, but not so welcome for those doing the bidding. Creating Revenue Without Much Effort, Set It And Forget It Online Earning more revenue from your website is the goal of most webmasters. However, this is time consuming and with so many things to do options are what you need. Googles Wonderland: Trouble In Paradise? The fairy tale existance of Google is starting to experience shockwaves. The Secret to Adwords Success It seems at the moment that everybody is telling you that the easiest and quickest way to make money online is with Google Adwords and affiliate programs. Adsense or Affiliate Programs? As my sites get more and more search engine traffic, I am faced with trying to figure out how to best monetize my traffic. I am currently using mainly Google Adsense ads, but since I have added more affiliate programs to pages that are getting traffic I am noticing a very nice increase in my monthly income. Maximise Your AdSense Earnings As a blog or site owner, you can make some cash with Google's AdSense pretty easily. To maximise your potential earnings, here are some tips that may help you: Three Google Adwords Secrets for Massive Online Profits If you know anything at all about Internet marketing, then I'm sure you're aware of how powerful a tool Google Adwords can be. At the same time, if you're like most marketers, you're still looking for a way to really cash in on this fantastic marketplace innovation. Google AdWords: Like Playing The Lottery A "dollar and a dream," is all you need said the television commercial. The lure of the Lottery is a seductive one: plunk down a dollar and you might become a millionaire for life. The promise of "pennies from heaven" makes the Lottery a daily habit for millions. People flock to convenience stores every morning to buy a newspaper, a cup of coffee, and a lottery ticket. 3 Strategies to Profit When Click Prices Increase (Part 2 of 3 Series) What are Website Conversion Strategies? Pay Per Click and Search Engine Optimization ? A Perfect Marriage Pay per click or search engine optimization, which one should you use? Many view PPC marketing as a colossal waste of money while others disdain search engine optimization. In reality, the two marketing strategies form a perfect marriage. The Future of PPC Advertising For those of you who haven't used a Pay Per Click advertising platform like Google Adwords or Yahoo! Search Marketing, take notes. Advertising Your Work From Home Internet Business With PPC Search Engines If you want to make money online with a work from home business then you are going to need lots of good targeted traffic to your web site and or affiliate links. One way to get good targeted traffic is to pay for it. I know you were hoping to do this business of yours without spending a dime right? Well if that's what you are thinking you better keep working for someone else and forget about working from home with your own internet business. How To Write Little Tiny AdWords Ads That Bring Giant-Sized Profits It seems to be a phenomenon. You try Google AdWords Select, your ad gets "disapproved" by the powers that be at Google, you count your losses and give up. It doesn't have to be that way. There are two primary factors to succeeding at Google AdWords. The first is getting the right keywords. The second is writing little tiny ads. Neither is all that easy, but they can both be done. Web Advertising: Its All About the Click Thrus! Working in research and development for a large infomercial company, I had many opportunities to do large advertising campaigns with lots of different online advertising agencies and Internet marketing companies. I would literally go online for days researching companies and the types of advertising they offered to find just the right ones to meet the needs of our company. Determining Keywords Determining keywords is a critical step in web design. If your website and meta tags do not contain related keywords, web surfers will be unable to find your website when they conduct searches. PPC Advertising Explained Advertising on the Internet has always been a bit of a minefield for people being new to online advertising. Banner advertising, text link advertising, CPM, CPA, PPC, email advertising, SPAM - finding the way through this minefield can be very confusing and expensive if the advertiser does not what he is doing. When Pay-Per-Click advertising entered the market the advertisers gained a big piece of control. Affiliate Marketing with Google AdWords One of the best kept secrets in today's affiliate marketing world is the pay per click advertising version with Google AdWords. Adwords allows advertisers to place small ads on websites or on Google.com search result pages. You probably noticed the little advertisements to the right on Google.com. Improved PPC Marketing Performance from Time-Tested 80/20 Principle As marketers and business owners, we're always looking for "the next big idea or strategy" to maximize our business performance. Yet, the application of time-tested principles consistently achieve greater results over efforts to create newer ideas and strategies. ![]() |
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