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Irresistible Click-Me Tools for Marketing
Never mind the irritating, but effective, pop-up window. There is another type of interruption advertising that is much more subtle, much less annoying, and just as effective. It is the negative interruption. A negative interruption is when an expected pattern is removed or "restrained" from an expectation causing a noticeable non conformity. I'll give an example, and then I'll show you. (And I'll bet you a buck you'll want to use it for yourself.) Here goes: You're viewing a web page and you scroll down a bit to see more. But a small image off to the side, instead of moving "with" the page, "stays" in the same relative position. It doesn't move, while everything else moves. It doesn't conform, thereby causing a persistent interruption, forcing you to notice its quaint existence until you act on it. It's like a child that just stands there and stares at you until you respond. I am in the act of witnessing a marvelous phenomenon, as people not only just "have to have one" but I'm watching the results grow daily. Let me give you two examples, so you won't think I'm pulling your coat tails. By the way, neither of these is mine. I'm just a monkey in the middle watching this unfold like the crazy magic I told you so. In one of these you'll be able to see with your own eyes how effective it is. First is the "Instant Buzz" plug-in/ad-delivery system. It's free, and highly contagious. You'll likely get this from a small floating window that can't be ignored, though you can dismiss it with a click. It works so well, that in the last two days I've seen a mushroom of new subscribers to it. It's a truly beautiful and contagious and viral method of getting your ad to potentially thousands yourself. Take a look: http://www.SeducingTheBuyer.com/tools.htm Now, what if you could use this very viral, persistent negative interruption method with YOUR OWN message, going to your own ad? And what if you didn't have to share this technology with others? And what if you didn't have to sign-on! You can. And here's the second tool. It is a persistent child with many faces and many locations, and you can edit with any message you want. And you can include with it any picture you want. And you can include a "hide me" button, or you can make it appear only on the first page view, or every X duration of time, etc. And you can open it to a pop up or a new page, or in the same window, if you want to. In short, you control every aspect about its presentation to your prospect AND you can make it viral because its code is in the HTML of the page. Or, you can refer the code like a site-wide CSS sheet that would be off-page, if you wanted to do that instead. Its versatility is phenomenal. Here's a live example: http://www.seducingthebuyer/Persistent/example-1.htm As you can see, the sky's the limit with your imagination and creativity. But most importantly, you can have the power of the pop-up without the annoying side effects. Now, isn't that a gift worth respecting your customers with? About The Author Dorian Greer is the publisher of Top Articles on Marketing. Discover the most up to date techniques on Internet marketing from over 340 sources twice-monthly. Copyright 2004 Dorian Greer
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5 Ways To Make Your Adwords Ads Outshine Your Competitors Google Adwords is a very good place to promote your business on the Internet. It allows you to target for specific keywords, allowing you to to promote right product to the right audiences. Googles AdWords Select(tm) Groundbreaking Program One of the absolute best online marketing processes available to any business today is Google's AdWords Select advertising program. It produces immediate results within minutes after being setup, drives highly qualified traffic via selected keywords and can be monitored and modified on a 24/7 basis via Google's excellent online interface. There are no hidden fees - it costs a mere $5. USD to setup a campaign and requires a credit card submission at startup. We highly recommend this interactive marketing process to all of our clients and incorporate an AdWords Select component with all of our marketing campaigns. 3 Tips For Adwords PPC Management Adwords PPC Management Tip No. 1 Top Paying Keywords: How to Increase Your Pay Per Click Returns There is no doubting the success of Google's Adsense program. Even Yahoo! and Kanoodle have joined in on the game, offering to join publishers with advertisers. Given the right circumstances, its a win / win situation for both. Adsense, Boost Your Payout 400%, No Really How? Preliminary Survival Steps for Adwords Success What I find is a lot of marketers do have a great set of keywords, they have a great product to promote (whether it's their own or someone elses), BUT, they go and ruin it all by structuring their campaign all wrong. The New Google Ad Links You know about Google Adsense, now it's Google Ad Links for Google Adsense publishers. Two Imperative Keys For Profitable Pay Per Click Marketing Pay per click marketing is one of the simplest and fastest ways of sending targeted traffic to any website. Whether you are trying to send visitors to your own website, sell a product online, or build an opt in email list, pay per click marketing has been a guaranteed way to see instant traffic results. 5 Top Tips for Maximizing Your Adsense Profits 1: The ideal Google AdSense page should have great content about a very specific topic. Take pains to be very clear about what the topic is, and carefully choose the keyword (or key phrase) describing the topic. Users don't like vague pages that don't make it very clear what the page is all about. Pay Per Click Advertising Can Be Very Risky Business Click fraud is an unfortunate byproduct of the pay per click advertising business. Many people with an online business spend large amounts of money on pay per click advertising only to discover that many of the people clicking on their ads weren't really interested in their products or services. Make Free Money With Google Have you received your check from Google? If you own a business web-site you should be receiving a check from Google. Why not accept a check every month from Google by placing their ads on your site? PPC Advertising Explained Advertising on the Internet has always been a bit of a minefield for people being new to online advertising. Banner advertising, text link advertising, CPM, CPA, PPC, email advertising, SPAM - finding the way through this minefield can be very confusing and expensive if the advertiser does not what he is doing. When Pay-Per-Click advertising entered the market the advertisers gained a big piece of control. Is Pay Per Click your Best Marketing Bet? You may already have heard of this method to get people to your web site. From my point of view and experience it turns out to be expensive and you have to write the ads yourself, pay for them, and change and maintain them to be the correct ones to work and be the right price in competition with many others. Wheres the Best Place to Put Google Adsense Ads? Why, on your web pages of course. Ok, just kidding. The real question should be: "Is there really any truth to the rumors that where you place those Google AdSense ads can actually improve response?" According to my best information, the answer to that question is: Yes. The Future of PPC Advertising For those of you who haven't used a Pay Per Click advertising platform like Google Adwords or Yahoo! Search Marketing, take notes. How To Increase Adsense Income If you are already running Adsense on your site, you are probably thinking of ways to increase your Adsense income. Google for Resellers: Leveling the Resell Playing Field With so many people trying to make money on the web and so many products being sold with resell and master resell rights, it's a wonder anyone can make any money at all at it! The Basics Of Pay Per Click Search Engine Advertising Not long ago, Forbes magazine has reported that pay per click ad sales are expected to increase to at least $8 billion by 2008. Work Your Google AdSense to the Bone! You got your website, you got your AdSense account, you have updated and published your new pages with AdSense code all over it and you are starting to see a little bit of money trickling through - and it is not what you were expecting! Three Google Adwords Secrets for Massive Online Profits If you know anything at all about Internet marketing, then I'm sure you're aware of how powerful a tool Google Adwords can be. At the same time, if you're like most marketers, you're still looking for a way to really cash in on this fantastic marketplace innovation. ![]() |
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