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How I Boosted My Monthly AdSense Profits from $673.07 to $21,398.85 in Just 6 Months
All of my keyword research/analysis and search engine optimization skills suddenly came together in October 2004. I had just written my first book, and I just wanted to get some free traffic to my website so I could start selling the it. Triple Your Income with Ad Layout Changes I had been making about $600 per month from Google AdSense for a long time. As I was researching traffic and revenue techniques, I ran across a tip on how to triple your adsense income (by tripling clickthrough rate). I implemented the change (relax, I'll put all the tips below) and it worked! I went from $20 per day to $40, $50, and $60 days, with the same amount of traffic! My click through rate actually quadrupled in 10 days. I then wrote keyword-optimized articles on 90 keyphrases I had found. This led to a 150% increase in traffic - no small feat considering that my website already had 300 articles. The following month, I averaged $98 per day from AdSense - I had some days above $100, and one day I almost broke $200. I was getting pretty excited. I felt I had broken a code, finally developed a cash system that worked. Google was my new favorite sugar daddy! Get Better Rankings and More Traffic by Targeting Only Vulnerable Keywords I got into the math of keywords- I looked at those 90 keywords and compared the ones that had ranked well against those that hadn't. I also compared those that brought in traffic as expected and those that didn't, despite ranking well. I developed a keyword evaluation equation that I believe is superior to KEI. I've written elsewhere about the weaknesses of KEI - it can tell you the value of a keyword, but not every site can compete on every keyword. Because it overvalues demand and only reflects the exact-match supply, it doesn't help new websites identify their most vulnerable targets. My equation, which calculates the "vulnerability" of a keyword. Vulnerability is expressed as a percentage- so 95% is good, 97% is pretty darned vulnerable, and 99% vulnerable is nearly a done deal. Using this equation helped me reduce inefficiency and increase my success rate with rankings, thus increasing traffic and revenue opportunities. Partner with Writers to Increase Volume of Web Pages The next major development was my response to discovering there was an immense number of vulnerable keywords to write about. I couldn't possibly write about all of them. So I found freelance writers who were willing to profit share with me. I gave them 50% of the adsense earnings on any article they submitted. But they could only write on the keywords I gave them, and they had to include the keyword in specific places. That's the other key to website ranking success- putting your keywords in the right place in your web page. I worked on this quite a bit as well. As time went on, I got more and more writers, some of whom were very prolific, writing 100 or more articles in a few months. With everything that occurred, I kept tracking statistics, rankings, success rate, etc. I fine-tuned the vulnerability equation. I discovered which topics get advertisements that no one clicks on. And I learned some things about what kind of writing leads to better click through rates. Follow Me to Huge Online Profit Boosts In just 6 months, we put up 2000 articles, boosted monthly page views more than 5 times, from 100,000 to 525,000, and boosted profits to $21,398.85. How did we do it? There are so many details that it would take a whole book to tell you everything - which is why I've been writing one on this subject - but here are some helpful tips to start with: 1. Strike Gold With More Precise Keyword Targeting: make sure the monthly demand is at least 300. I'm withholding my vulnerability equation right now for those who will purchase my ebook when it's released, but I'll tell you the essence of it: check the supply of existing pages on Google for the keyword both in quotes, and not in quotes- this takes care of exact matching and partial matching respectively, and both are essential. If one or the other is too high, chances are the keyword is too competitive. The threshholds I put in the vulnerability equation are based on my PR5 site, but for newer sites you can use only the 99%+ vulnerability keywords. 2. Boost Traffic With More Thorough Keyword Optimization: without spamming or stuffing, write the whole keyword phrase (exactly as searchers type it) at least 5 times in your article. Include it in the meta keywords, meta description, 1 or 2 image alt's, and in the <title> tag. Write a <title> tag that not only includes the keyword (just once) but will also look interesting to searchers in the search results. It's also a good idea to have your keyword in an <h1> tag and in bold somewhere. Finally, if you aim for a word count of about 566 words per page, you'll please 4 of the biggest search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN, Altavista). 3. Increase Earnings by Considering Keyword Profitability: Neither every niche, nor every keyword is equally profitable. For example, I found that sports keywords didn't lead to many clicks, presumably because when fans are looking for game scores, they probably aren't looking to buy a baseball cap. Also, famous people (perhaps with the exception of musicians) generally don't generate profitable clicks, because people usually just want free news or free pictures. The most profitable niches will be those in which the best information is not readily available, which require some specialized tools or services, etc. I found that health and electronics keywords were above average in profitability. Again, there are ways to get numbers for the monetary value of keywords- can you guess what? I'm going to explain this in more detail in a special report after the ebook is all taken care of. 4. Increase Earnings by Improving Ad Placement: Google has added a lot of new options to the layout code - I suggest you test with multiple channels to see what works best. Regardless of what I suggest next, testing is the key to all online success- whether you want rankings, traffic, or earnings. The internet affords accurate and detailed metrics- use them. The tip that initially tripled my AdSense income was: put a 250x250 ad in the horizontal center of your page, above the fold, and make sure the border is white. I've found that making the ads look like any other part of your site is important. The ads are valuable, but if they look like ads, people will tune them out. So make sure the color scheme for your ads in the same as your site's. Since you can place 3 ads on one page, I'd suggest a dead center one (as mentioned above), a left or right side skyscraper, and a wide banner one at the bottom of the page. That's plenty of meat to sink your teeth into. I've learned a lot more, but another time, another article... Good profit hunting! :-) Since 1999, Brian Carter, MS, has reached more than a million visitors with his websites. His PulseMed.org ranks in the top 1% of all major websites. His second book, The Web Site Marketing Success Manual: How One of My Web Sites Made $21,638.49 in a Month, will be available in July, 2005.
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ClickBank Affiliate Woes: When Tracking Breaks Down Hardly a day goes by without a forum posting in which ClickBank is challenged about the reliability and integrity of its affiliate referral tracking mechanism - the hoplink system. It cannot be denied that ClickBank's technical infrastructures do not always inspire the greatest level of confidence. But this article sets out to demonstrate that a range of factors play a part in the integrity of affiliate tracking and any one of these can be the cause of those much-reviled commission losses. Seven Tips To Getting The Nost From Your Google Ad Word Investment With Google Ad Words . . . Googles AdWords Select(tm) Groundbreaking Program One of the absolute best online marketing processes available to any business today is Google's AdWords Select advertising program. It produces immediate results within minutes after being setup, drives highly qualified traffic via selected keywords and can be monitored and modified on a 24/7 basis via Google's excellent online interface. There are no hidden fees - it costs a mere $5. USD to setup a campaign and requires a credit card submission at startup. We highly recommend this interactive marketing process to all of our clients and incorporate an AdWords Select component with all of our marketing campaigns. Pay Per Click Advertising Can Be Very Risky Business Click fraud is an unfortunate byproduct of the pay per click advertising business. Many people with an online business spend large amounts of money on pay per click advertising only to discover that many of the people clicking on their ads weren't really interested in their products or services. Pay Per Click Advertising and Article Marketing Compared At first glance, Pay Per Click advertising seems to be the fastest way to send targeted website traffic to your websites online. You choose some keywords and add your website's url and you are done. However, with most things online the competitive search terms are often very expensive and you spend lots of money to win the Pay Per Click wars. This article will list five reasons why article marketing may be better than Pay Per Click Advertising. Effective Keyword Bidding Strategies When doing Pay Per Click Advertising you'll often see "Bid Gaps" emerge among the cost per clicks of the keywords you're bidding on. For example, the top three positions for the keyword "Mortgage" may be listed as: The Long Term Benefits From Pay Per Click Advertising Businesses are starting to look closely at the long-term benefits from pay per click advertising. Pay per click search engines are primarily used for sales in the now time frame, but they are also being used to build a business identity that their customers will remember. This form of brand awareness can be applied to a company of any size, large or small. Team Up With Your Competitors Pay per click search engines are a great way to get targeted traffic quickly. The only problem is that as the search terms get more popular, the price of each click through rises. Advertising Your Work From Home Internet Business With PPC Search Engines If you want to make money online with a work from home business then you are going to need lots of good targeted traffic to your web site and or affiliate links. One way to get good targeted traffic is to pay for it. I know you were hoping to do this business of yours without spending a dime right? Well if that's what you are thinking you better keep working for someone else and forget about working from home with your own internet business. What The Adsense Top Earners Are Doing To Constantly Increase Their Earnings It is really frustrating, is it not, to log into your Google Adsense earnings and find that you've had yet another disappointing day. Another day of making nothing or just a fraction of a penny. Pay-Per-Click Marketing: How to Waste Your Advertising Budget A well-oiled pay-per-click search engine campaign can land hundreds of highly targeted visitors on practically any website within a matter of days. That isn't new information. Most experienced online business owners already know it. The Evolution of Google AdSense The web has evolved into a complex "organism" which, to some, appears to have a life of its own. As the Internet has evolved, so too have online marketers and publishers. The dot-com balloon is said to have burst but savvy publishers have grabbed the coat tails of the Google search monster and employ Google AdSense on content-rich websites. Google AdSense, a pioneer for providing content-sensitive advertisements, has been a boon to webmasters looking for alternatives to amortize their web trafffic. Paying for Website Visitors: The Allure of PPC for Small Biz Owners There are good reasons why many webmasters and website owners choose to pay for visitors to their website as opposed to the involved and often grueling method of search engine optimization. Improper SEO may not only waste time and resources, there is never a guarantee that what your site is optimized for will result in actual sales or conversions. Choosing Bid for Placement advertising can help ensure that you get what you pay for and pay as little as possible to do it. 10 Great Things NOT to Do with Google AdSense There is no question that you can make some good money with Google AdSense, but you're setting yourself up for disaster if you make any of these Top 10 mistakes! Successful Pay Per Click Ad Copy Writing outstanding ad copy for pay-per-click advertising campaigns is critical if a webmaster wants to be successful. Why waste money on clicks from people who aren't going to buy what a webmaster has to sell? To be as targeted as possible descriptive titles and effective ad copy are needed. Since the webmaster is paying for each click it's very important to have ad copy which conveys the right message to the right person. The challenge is the small area available from most advertising networks like Google (AdWords) or Yahoo! (Overture). AdWords: Setting Your Max Cost Per Click We've received many emails from customers over the past several years asking how high we recommend setting AdWords' max cost per click. Generally, we recommend that our customers set the price somewhere moderately high, between the "base" rate and the max rate suggested by Google. For this entry though, I've decided to discuss a few options that may help you decide where to set your max cost per click to get a maximum return. Pay Per Click 2005: Very Expensive Without Expert Help Despite being online using email since 1995, at the start of the summer of 2004 I had no idea what pay per click was. How To Write Little Tiny AdWords Ads That Bring Giant-Sized Profits It seems to be a phenomenon. You try Google AdWords Select, your ad gets "disapproved" by the powers that be at Google, you count your losses and give up. It doesn't have to be that way. There are two primary factors to succeeding at Google AdWords. The first is getting the right keywords. The second is writing little tiny ads. Neither is all that easy, but they can both be done. How to Maximize Paid Search Results Because of increasing competition that has led to higher advertising costs with pay-per-click marketing, many battle-scarred - "do-it-yourself" ? businesses have not realized their desired objectives. Although publicized as a straightforward, self-service marketing tool, pay-per-marketing involves far more knowledge than most businesses are able to invest in developing in-house. Faced with a moderately or less performing pay-per-click marketing program and the pressure to allocate resources elsewhere, many businesses choose to drop their pay-per-click marketing entirely ? leaving a vast potential of sales for their competitors to harvest. Affiliate Marketing with Google AdWords One of the best kept secrets in today's affiliate marketing world is the pay per click advertising version with Google AdWords. Adwords allows advertisers to place small ads on websites or on Google.com search result pages. You probably noticed the little advertisements to the right on Google.com. ![]() |
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