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How to Get $1000 worth of Advertising for $60
©2004 Jeffrey Dobkin Sixty dollars doesn't go a long way in buying advertising space. But if you spend it creatively, you can get over ten times that value in newspaper or magazine lineage. And it's easy if you know how. Here's how. You're familiar with press releases, right? A press release is a single page of information about your product or service that is sent to a magazine or a newspaper. If selected to be published, it's printed as a short story and appears as if the magazine or newspaper wrote it. There is no charge for having your press release published by a magazine or newspaper. So stick around - find out how you can have your press release published (and your chances are pretty good) even if you can't write worth a hockey puck. There are certain criteria for having your press release published, no matter who writes it. First, it can't sound like an ad for your product or service. Nope, no adjectives. If it sounds like an ad, it'll be tossed out. While most editors will make minor corrections so a press release will fit their editorial style, few to none will rewrite your release just to get it in. Editors get their choice of press releases every day, and the ones that catch their eye for publishing are the ones closest to their exact needs - requiring the least amount of editing and rewriting. Most editors know a good thing when they see it. Second, your press release must conform to the standard layout style of press releases. This tells the editor that you know what you're doing in media relations and shows your everyday business practices follow suit. So when your release is published, editors will be comfortable with the knowledge their readers will get good literature and - if they order - a good product. They can assume their readers will deal with a professional company on a professional level. If your press release lands on their desk with lots of typos and misspellings, it'll land in the trash next. Correct layout style means a big header stating "Press Release" at the top, followed by a contact name and phone number so editors can call for more information. Next it needs a kill date after which the press release shouldn't run. If there is no kill date, state "No kill date" so it doesn't look like you forgot it. Also, don't forget to include a 5" x 7" black-and-white photo for increased interest, better readership, and more credibility. The headline of your release is centered and in bold. Write your headline with care; it's this line that will make or break your release. If it's a great headline, people will read it - and the rest of the release. If it's a poor headline, people will read it - and the other articles in the magazine. It's your choice. My recommendation? The Jeff Dobkin 100 to 1 rule: Write 100 headlines, then go back and pick your very best one. The body of the release follows. Double space, allowing an editor to easily make corrections between the lines. Leave room around the margins, too. Make it look easy to read, even if it isn't. Use short, descriptive sentences without fluff or excess verbiage. Use a pyramid style of writing - the most important parts in the first paragraph or two - because editors know to cut from the bottom. Terse, concise writing just like a reporter from a newspaper would write works best. Holy smokes! Did I just say "just like a reporter from a newspaper would write"? What an idea! How's this: suppose you aren't a strong writer, or you're too busy with other activities to write your own release. What do you do? Call the local newspaper and ask to speak with a reporter. Now, I don't know about your area, but newspaper reporters here in Philadelphia don't usually make all the money they'd like. When you get a reporter on the phone, ask if they know of any reporters who'd like an additional easy writing assignment and would consider writing a press release - for pay. Chances are better than good that the same reporter you're speaking with will go for the chance at easy money. If not, they'll recommend an associate on staff. Go over your product information with the reporter, and add enough of a benefit summary so they can write a quality release. Ask them to recommend several different angles and what they think their very best pitch would be. Then ask what their hourly rate is (usually about $20/ hour). Your release should take about two to three hours of writing time, if that - and should cost around $60. Now for the best part. Your reporter can submit your release to the editor for you. Think about it. The paper's own reporter writes a press release - in the newspaper's exact style of writing - and then hands it to the editor with his own personal recommendation. Nice package. So without writing a stitch, you get the release written then handed over
to the editor on a silver platter by a trusted staff member. Your chances
of getting it published are? you guessed it. When it's printed, you just
received $1,000 worth of advertising for $60. As promised. Jeffrey Dobkin, www.dobkin.com author of the incredible 400-page marketing book, How To Market A Product for Under $500 ($29.95), He is also a speaker, and a direct mail copywriter. To order books or speak with Mr. Dobkin personally call 610/642-1000. Fax 610/642-6832. Satisfaction Always Guaranteed.
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Publicity for Financial Planners--Eight Tips For Success Individual financial planners can outscore bigger competitors and gain market share with publicity. The key to doing it well: don't mimic the big guys and gals. Do it smartly, but on your scale. How? Here are eight rules: What Does Your Telephone Say About You When You Are Away? Business to Business relationships come to expect a certain level of professionalism, from the first telephone call to the final delivery. Press Releases How do press releases or interest stories have an effect on meeting new potential clients? Managers Need Basic PR True, because department, division or subsidiary managers for a business, non-profit or association really DO need a dynamic yet workable blueprint for reaching those key outside groups of people who have a big say about how successful those managers are going to be. Dont Expect to Bump Oprah From A Magazine Cover "I want a pony, a tree house and the fastest bike in the world." PR: Whats the Point? Here's the point: people act on their own perception of the facts before them, which leads to predictable behaviors about which something can be done. When we create, change or reinforce that opinion by reaching, persuading and moving-to-desired-action the very people whose behaviors affect the organization the most, the public relations mission is accomplished. Are You Newsworthy? Non-news professionals often have a hard time understanding why their ENORMOUS news announcement, creates barely a ripple in the media. Detailing The Famous Kentucky Derby Train The annual detailing of the Kentucky Derby Train is an annual ritual for the beautiful long sleek historical piece of American History. It may seem easy to detail such a fine piece of machinery, but it take many man-hours and they expect it perfect. Such a job is sure to inflate the egos of the company with the contract and make some ice pictures for their portfolio. Managers: Get Real, Please! Personnel mentions in the newspaper and product plugs on radio hardly qualify as an adequate return on your public relations dollar, and you probably know it! Got Publicity? How to Become a Household Name Are you working as hard as you can in your area of expertise? Are you implementing creative ideas? Are you valuable to your clients? And now the tough question: Does the public know about you? If you're like most business people, you answered "Yes" to the first three questions, and then perhaps hesitated on the last question and may have ultimately answered "No," or sheepishly said "Well, not as much as I'd hoped." Media Relations - Ten Essential Tips to Use The Media to Market Your Business In the 'Age of Scepticism' gaining media coverage is one way of cutting through the ever increasing noise to get your message across. Mission-Critical Public Relations? As a business, non-profit or association manager, any tool that helps you reach your department, division or subsidiary objective IS mission-critical. How Public Relations Changes Minds Public relations changes minds in the process of delivering what business, non-profit and association managers need more than almost anything else ? the kind of key stakeholder behavior change that leads directly to achieving their managerial objectives. Managers, Got a Grip on Your PR? What are you trying to do with your business, non-profit or association public relations program? Get a little publicity for a service or product? Or, perhaps, you're doing what you really should do, persuade your key external stakeholders to your way of thinking, then move them to take actions that lead to the success of your department, division or subsidiary. Franchise Work Vehicles Should Have a Flag on Them If you own a franchise and have company vehicles, be sure you have a flag on it. First let's discuss the American flag. Franchising is the epitome of the free enterprise system. It's what makes America great. The entire United States government is a franchise system. The federal government grants powers to states to govern exclusive territories. They have the power to tax. They give royalties to the federal government in the form of tax revenue. Each state consists of counties. Again, counties are assigned geographical territories and have certain rights and powers. Each county has cities with charters and taxing authority (limited). Think of it this way: Franchisor = Federal Government; Master Franchisee = States; Regional Directors & Area Reps = Counties; Individual Franchisees = Cities; Customer = The People The PR And Marketing Expert Has A Smattering Of Knowledge Regarding Nearly Everything And Is Certain PR, that is public-relations, leads the way to effective advertising; opening the channel of communication and allowing the advertising to be acceptable. Public-relations is really all the different ways of communicating that enable society and individuals and groups and organizations to better function and more understandably communicate with each other. Marketing is composed of the different forms of communications, such as words and pictures on music and shapes and colors that make a person or group more willing to receive a communication that communication usually being an advertisement. In the advertisement is to induce a consumer to purchase a good or service. The more a public-relations and marketing expert knows about various goods and services, the better that person is that marketing, advertising and selling them. PR Planning: Mapping Out Your Strategies, Tactics With all due respect to all those stereotypical males out there who hate to ask for directions, the fact is that even if the territory is somewhat familiar, if you don't have a roadmap and follow its directions, you're going to get hopelessly lost. ![]() |
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