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Public Relations Information |
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How to Get PR
There is a process for successfully getting publicity about your business or organization. Publicity is no great mystery, just a thorough and strategic sales job. You are selling content to a publication or website who needs it to entice their readers. No publicist can guarantee a publication will print stories about your company because the publisher or editor ultimately controls the content of a publication. However, here is the method we recommend: Process outline: 1. Know that publicity is really a sales job. Sure, there is some good strategy involved just like in sales. It's about pitching your idea to get a publication to "buy" (print) your story or interview you as an expert in your field. This works best when you establish a relationship with the editor or publisher so they can trust the information you're submitting. Relationships take time to develop. So, just like any sale, be sure to educate yourself about who your targeted publication markets are, what they want, plan your campaign and remember; "the sale is made in the follow up". 2. Determine how your publicity will support your marketing goals. Develop stories and the pitches on those subjects in a careful & strategic manner. Write compelling and educational stories that would interest the readers of the particular publication you are pitching. 3. Understand that editorial stories are NOT advertisements. Your story pitches cannot be advertisements for your companies. Advertising and editorial are two different entities in publishing. 4. Create a press kit. (see our flier on the elements needed for a press kit) 5. Make a list of all the publications you'd LIKE to be in, those you think your targeted market will read, or others who might be very interested in the content you have to offer. Include websites and other electronic media. 6. Do NOT spam one press release to all major media in your area. This is only done in extremely specific instances, otherwise it will backfire on you. Rather, select your media wisely and send your press release to those you know are interested. 7. Call the publications to ask for a media kit. Review their editorial calendar, read their publication over time to strategically find out what they are looking for. Database their contact information. 8. Identify all the columns in each targeted publication to whom your article is appropriate for submission. For example, if you are pitching a story about how business owners can best manage their IT services, pitch to the Technology editor as well as the small business editor. If you have new products unique to the marketplace pitch to the "product review" editor-note: this is unique to specific industries and not to be confused with advertising. *A 9. Write a query to the Editor(s) or Columnists/Writers. In one paragraph pitch the overview of your idea to make it compellingly interesting so they'll want to "buy" it and understand how their readers will gain value from it. *B 10. Submit queries or stories the way the publication wants to receive information-via email, fax or mail. A query is simply an inquiry to the editor asking if they would be interested in what you have to write about and asking for guidelines. Where possible, include your press kit with your actual press release or story submission. 11. Be prepared to write (or have pre-written) the story you are pitching because in the media, speed is everything. If an editor finally does call to say they'd like your submission, you should be prepared to get it to them in one day. *C 12. Create a list of 5-10 articles you could prepare quickly so if a publication calls to request an article, you can respond promptly. Be sure the topics support your marketing goals without being (subversive) advertising. 13. Follow up as appropriate. Every publication is different, so it's best to seek professional help with this so you don't harm your reputation by making common mistakes. My rule of thumb is that "In the follow up is the sale". It is hard, takes time and is necessary to develop a relationship. *D NOTE: #4 14. Track all progress on a database, to help you note action items and results. The most successful campaigns are developed over time (remember, it takes time to develop a relationship) so should be tracked to help you remember, be consistent and efficient. If you've not directed your own publicity campaign before, we recommend you get expert advise at these stages of this process; *A. review of selected targeted publications, *B. review or editing your query and pitch the first time, *C. evaluation or editing of your story-get an expert viewpoint to ensure you're on target, *D. short training session on how to conduct follow up, what to track WE CAN HELP If you do not have the time or inclination to do this work yourself, give us a call-that's what we do. We help clients create professional press kits and publicity campaigns to further their marketing goals and get the recognition they deserve. Our services include creating all elements in a press kit, strategic planning for a publicity campaigns, integrating marketing and publicity, selecting a strategic media list to target, and follow through to net the return. About The Author As a former film & television director, producer, and manager, Allison rebelled against misleading, pushy marketing by consulting with businesses on "Marketing as a Spiritual Practice". Clients include United Airlines, Apple Computers, Chevron, ABC-TV, HBO-TV, advertising agencies, and hundreds of other smaller businesses. Allison Bliss Consulting combines an expert team of seasoned professionals from the fields of advertising, promotional design & copywriting, event and television production, who offer Fortune 500 companies and entrepreneurs an integrated range of do-it-yourself marketing products & cusomized hands-on services.
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What You Dont Know About PR Can Hurt You And hurt bad if you are a business, non-profit or association manager. Especially when you rely too heavily on tactics like special events, brochures and press releases to get your money's worth. Getting to Know Your Local City Council Members The easiest way to meet city council members is to meet them at an event. Usually city council members have a phone number that is listed. Many will not ever answer the phone, but events they must be cordial and open to all. Explain who you are and your business and thank them for some endeavor they feel strongly about in the city. If they are too busy to talk with, then make friends with everyone who talks to them and make sure they get a business card too. PR? Why? Well, for starters, because good public relations can alter individual perception and lead to changed behaviors among your key outside audiences. And that can help business, non-profit and association managers like you achieve your managerial objectives. Ready For A Business Recovery? Who wants to face the challenges of a business recovery without a ton of firepower? Especially when getting your piece of the action almost certainly depends upon how well you modify the behaviors of your target audiences. How To Write A Killer Press Release One of the primary tools still used by PR professionals to garner media coverage is the press release. Now understand the purpose of a press release is to grab the attention of an editor, not to offer a word for word story to a publication. Most professionals as well as small business owners misunderstand this concept and are therefore frustrated when they can't seem to make it work for them. Why PR Packs a Punch Done right, it delivers the key, target audience behaviors you know you must have to achieve your organizational objectives. What Some Pros Know About PR They know they had better do something positive about those outside audiences that MOST affect their organizations. Especially business, non-profit or association managers, who also know they must persuade those key external "publics" to the manager's way of thinking, then move those people to actions that allow that manager's department, division or subsidiary to succeed. Publicity for Financial Planners--Eight Tips For Success Individual financial planners can outscore bigger competitors and gain market share with publicity. The key to doing it well: don't mimic the big guys and gals. Do it smartly, but on your scale. How? Here are eight rules: Rise of the Creative Class The fast changing dynamics of the world economy is forcing organizations to fundamentally rethink the manner in which they have been communicating with their constituent communities and decision-makers. It is constantly being proven that conventional communication approaches that are designed to raise public awareness may often have the opposite effects of those intended. This is because they fail to take into account the public's profound resistance to the traditional communication stimuli. Why PR Can be Effective Medicine When properly applied by business, non-profit and association managers, public relations "medicine" does something positive about the behaviors of those important external audiences of theirs that MOST affect their operations. The Press Release is Dead (Now Will Somebody Please Tell the Clients?) In competing for a piece of business not too long ago, my PR firm was asked to supply three samples each of recent clips, bylined articles we'd authored for clients, and press releases. Networking: 17 Essential Strategies In The 21st Century It is virtually impossible to succeed professionally and personally without developing a network of people. There is no career or business opportunity where you can be rewarded entirely for what you know and how well you know your work. Press Release Preparation Small Business Owners should send press releases out at least once a month to local newspapers, cable TV, local magazines and radio stations. You will be surprised how often they get published or air time. After doing this a while you can figure out what types of news get the best results. Some typical and simple press releases can be new employee hirees, new accounts with large local corporations or non-profit endeavors you are assisting with. E-Mail Media Releases E-mail is becoming the preferred way to receive media releases. Although it can sometimes be harder to get valid e-mail addresses for media contacts, e-mail releases are more likely to be read than faxes and faster than snail mail. Business Community Relations 101 - Getting the Most Out of Your Chamber of Commerce Membership Since the major part of a small business typically comes from business to business services, it is essential to maintain a positive standing with the local business community. It is of value to you to join as many business type organizations as possible in your town. You should attend meetings when possible and introduce your clients to each other. Managers Who Tap Into PRs Value Business, non-profit and association managers get a ton of satisfaction when they do something really positive about the behaviors of those outside audiences that most affect their operation. Especially when they deliver external stakeholder behavior change, the kind that leads directly to achieving their managerial objectives; and even more so when they persuade those important outside folks to their way of thinking, then move them to take actions that help their department, division or subsidiary succeed. Public Relations: The Fundamental Premise It seems difficult to believe at the dawn of the 21st Century, that there exists a major discipline with so many diverse, partial, incomplete and limited interpretations of its mission. Here, just a sampling of professional opinion on what public relations is all about: Know What Matters Most About PR? When, as a business, non-profit or association manager, you are able to persuade your key external stakeholders to your way of thinking, then move them to take actions that lead to your department, division or subsidiary's success. Do-It-Yourself Public Relations "Advertising is what you pay for. Publicity is what you pray for." Whats Your Op-Ed? Everyone has an opinion on something, and you can leverage the opinion of top executives to heighten the visibility of your organization. How? By getting them to write so-called op/ed pieces for newspapers. ![]() |
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