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Radio Interviews - How To Get Them!
Getting on the radio can be a great tactical move as part of your overall publicity effort, but you do need to have a story idea or an angle to present on a particular topic. Selling yourself as a guest on a talk show is a great way to raise your profile and if your subject relates to a topic that is currently in the news your chances of getting on is clearly improved. The media is hungry for business stories. But sometimes it seems that the business community doesn't't blow its trumpet often enough. If you get the opportunity to talk about your business in the press or media, it's important to get it right. Getting on the radio can be a great tactical move as part of your overall publicity effort. We offer some easy steps to get you on air. Do your homework You need to know exactly which radio shows you want to target and why. Before rushing into getting an interview, answer the following questions: Which radio show will be interested in me/my product/service? Who are the audience that I want to speak to? Why will the radio show host want me as a guest? Are there any current news issues that I can align my interview with? Do I have a special offer or piece of new news that I can offer? Do I have any contacts that can assist me with gaining an interview? Which interviews have I heard that was similar to mine? Which other questions should I be asking myself here? Nothing kills your chances better that approaching a talk show with an idea that doesn't't resemble the style and content of the show. If you know what type of topics the program focuses on you can tailor your pitch, and raise the chances of an appearance. Be news worthy Getting yourself onto a radio program is like any other sales call; you don't want to ring a potential prospect at their busiest time. It's much better to find out when they normally take calls. If your subject relates to a topic that is currently in the news your chances of getting on are clearly improved ? so ride a news wave. If you can demonstrate past experience in speaking engagements, lecturing, etc., the producer is more likely to take a shot at your appearance. If there's anyone who can provide a testimonial, your credibility will be enhanced. Be prepared Prepare yourself for the conversation with the producer of the show you want to target. Try your approach on someone you know. If you can't get their interest, there is a good chance your idea will fall flat with a producer. Some experts recommend sending a pitch letter first and then following up a day or two later. This can work, but if you speak to the show's producer directly, you will be able to sell the idea at that point, as well as demonstrate your ability to engage an audience. Remember that you're selling, so the more excited you are about your project the more likely someone else will be sold on it. Follow-up Always follow up on interviews. Add a unique code or e-mail address if you are able to. This will help you in tracking the response from the specific interview. Always keep in contact with the host or organiser of the show to ensure that he/she thinks of you in the future when opportunities present itself. You may be more likely to get an interview or article publishes in the future if the first one went well or if you have build a good relationship with this person. About The Author Ben Botes is the head Coach at www.My1stBusiness.com a web portal dedicated to 1st time business leaders and entrepreneurs. Visit the site for hundreds of free Micro Modules, Teleclases, Resources and Coaching designed for you to succeed with your business. By: Ben Botes, Copyright 2003 - 2004 www.My1stBusiness.com The complete article together with preactical excersises and Coaching tips can be found at www.my1stBusiness.com You are free to reprint this article in your ezine or ebook, or on your website, as long as the contents in the article and the resource box are not changed.
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How to Write News Releases that Get Noticed What do you do with junk mail? Are you like me? I toss this stuff without opening it ? unless I see some benefit. Publication editors do the same. They toss news releases that don't demonstrate a benefit to their audience. How Managers Hurt Their PR Results Business, non-profit or association managers hurt their own public relations results when they become fascinated with PR tactics ? press releases, publications and brochures and, particularly, fun-to-manage special events ? while failing to plan for the perceptions and behaviors of the very people who probably hold their managerial success in their hands. Publicity: When Calling a Reporter, Keep it Short When you are planning to call a reporter for the first time, it can help to imagine that you are a phone solicitor (albeit one with terrific, useful ideas). Between Now and Economic Recovery There's still time to review your public relations program like Navy flight crews go over a fighter jet. Sound Like Your Situation? What a shame! Potentially productive public relations people resting on their oars in a large organization. Just kind of tinkering with tactics and leaving target audience perceptions (and behaviors) to pretty much do their own thing. The Art Of Persuasive Pitching Media placement is an art. Practicing it often requires as much attention to approach and style as it does to the focus of your story. While it's important to know how to use creative formatting techniques that can enhance editorial reception to a story (see article, "Using Publicity As A Creative Marketing Tool") publicists can benefit from mastering some useful tips prior to approaching, by e-mail, snail mail or phone, the keepers of the media gate. Some Basic Assumptions: Dont Get Eaten Alive! If you don't have a grip on public relations, how your most important outside audiences behave really CAN eat you alive. Easy to be Foolish About PR In fact, here are three really foolish goofs made by too many business, non-profit and association managers. Online Business Press Release Writing Tips And Ideas Press releases are one of the most cost-effective ways to get promotion for your online business. Many entrepreneurs ignore this type of promotion because they don't know how to write a press release. It's important to promote your online business with press releases because of the media all over the internet. The following is a list of some common press release writing tips: Television Reporters - Questions to Ask Before Agreeing to an Interview Prior to a TV interview it is guaranteed the journalist involved will spend time preparing, writing down questions or goals for the interview either quickly or more in-depth as well as conducting some background research. As the interview subject it is important to undergo a similar preparation process to make the most out of your media opportunity. By asking your own question you are able to perform at your best and be prepared for the interview. How to Get Some of Paris Hilton?s TV Time When your book is mentioned on television, sales go up. Immediately people start looking in book stores and on the internet to find out how to buy it. The more people hear about it, the more they want the book. When several shows are talking about the book, it become a best seller. Look at the success of Oprah's Book club, The Today Show's Book Clubs and all the other shows that feature a writer and their book. Sometimes the writer is interviewed but sometimes the writer doesn't even have to be on the show in order to sell books. It made Mark Victor Hansen, the Chicken Soup book author multi- millions. They have published over 85 books. Managers: Are You PR-Fit? Can you honestly say that your business, non-profit or association's key outside audiences behave in ways that help lead to your success on-the-job? Right PR Empowers a Manager Business, non-profit and association managers are in a stronger position to succeed when they use their public relations resources in a way that alters individual perception leading to changed external stakeholder behavior. Tactics Vs. Endgame - Endgame Wins It took me a while to see just HOW crucial the behaviors of an organization's key audiences really are to its success, be it big or small, non-profit, business, association or even a public sector enterprise. Publicity: Marketing-Minded Financial Planners, Never Say These Words to a Reporter Everyone has something that drives them up a wall. You may be surprised at what aggravates reporters. This is the Power of PR The power of public relations is its ability to alter individual perception, resulting in changed behaviors that lead directly to your organization's success. Seven Tips To Get Your Press Release Noticed If you're seeking to promote yourself or your new business on a limited budget, you probably cannot afford the benefit of hiring a public relations agency to work on your behalf - at least not in the beginning. PR: Whats the Point? Here's the point: people act on their own perception of the facts before them, which leads to predictable behaviors about which something can be done. When we create, change or reinforce that opinion by reaching, persuading and moving-to-desired-action the very people whose behaviors affect the organization the most, the public relations mission is accomplished. A Great Way to Do PR As a business, non-profit or association manager trying to get a bang for your PR buck, you could pretty much concentrate on simple print and broadcast mentions or, for that matter, the whole basket of tactical public relations weaponry including old favorites like high-visibility speech appearances and newsworthy special events. Publicity: Five Tips for Calling a Reporter Always ask, "Is now a good time?" ![]() |
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