Think Big

Would you like to be the next Dr. Phil, Suze Orman or Guy Kawasaki?

When I ask people that question, they usually say something like, "I'd be happy to be able to reach $100,000 in revenues," or "Hey, I'd settle for being able to take a week-long vacation."

My challenge to you is to Think Big.

Because if you don't Think Big, you will always be running in place, never able to catch up.

Now, I don't mean that you have to have a huge office building, or many employees, or a number of locations. What I mean is, you need to think about the big picture.

For instance, do you want to be known as an expert in your field? Do you make the best barbecue sauce in America? Do you want to have the degree of success in your business or career that allows you to take off two months every summer?

To do any of these things, you need to Think Big. Then you need to work on making things happen.

One of the best ways to accomplish this is through a targeted publicity plan that takes you to a whole new level. Why not take a Giant Step into the realm of national media?

But why, you may ask, would I need national media if my customers/clients are from my home area? Why would a candy maker in Kansas City, or a marriage counselor in Miami, or a financial advisor in Los Angeles want national publicity? My answer is this: Because they Think Big. They want to be viewed as the trailblazers in their fields . the experts people seek out . the ones who have a national reputation.

In other words, when you're a small business or professional featured in the Wall Street Journal or on Good Morning America, you appear bigger than you are. And when you are mentioned in several publications, people think, "Wow -- this person is everywhere. He/she is obviously successful." And, as we all know, people want to do business with successful people.

So, if you want to be the next Oprah, start Thinking Big.

Copyright 2005 Margie Fisher All Rights Reserved

Margie Fisher is President of Margie Fisher Public Relations. She is also the author of the Do-It-Yourself Public Relations Kit?. To sign up for her free biweekly PRactical P.R. newsletter, and to see more free articles, visit

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