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8 Ways to Use Local Publicity to Drive Your Business
While scoring a If your business draws its clientele from a specific town, city Let's look at some techniques you can use to reach potential 1) Get to Know Your Business Editor. Unless you live in a very large city, it should be fairly easy to 2) Keep the Releases Flowing. Once you've built a relationship with a business editor, keep it 3) Write a Letter to the Editor or an Op-Ed Piece. If something occurs locally (or even nationally) that relates to As a businessperson, your opinion matters when the subject Write a Regular Column. Many smaller publications (such as weekly 4) Conduct a No-Cost Seminar. Financial planners and real estate pros have known for years that * Remodeling company: "Remodeling projects that do the most to * Doctor: "The latest research on extending your life-span -- * Stockbroker: "How to retire rich" Promote your seminar by sending releases to the local media. 5) Connect with Kids. Local media outlets always enjoy stories that involve schoolkids. 6) Partner with a Politician. No matter how hungry you are for good press, I can guarantee 7) Get on the Air. Radio stations are an underappreciated avenue for publicity. 8) Make your Website a Local Resource. Chances are, you've already got a website. Why not devote part Bill Stoller, the "Publicity Insider", has spent two decades as
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Media Release Headlines - Ten Tips to Get Media Attention So you have spent hours and hours writing, shaping and crafting your media message. You've worked on setting your objectives, identifying your target audience and working out how to reach them. Your release is well structured and packaged, leaving just writing the head-line remaining. Mind Your Own Business! And the best way to mind your own business is to insure that those audiences whose behaviors have the greatest effect on your enterprise keep thinking about you in the most positive way. Reason is, bad behaviors often follow bad perceptions, so what your external audiences think about you can mean success or failure. Managers, Which PR Is Right For You? An effort built around a string of print and broadcast exposures? Or, a public relations initiative that delivers results far beyond simple publicity tactics. Namely, real behavior change among your most important outside audiences leading directly to reaching your objectives. Achieved, incidentally, by persuading key outside people with the greatest impacts on your organization to your way of thinking, then moving them to take actions that help your unit succeed. Managerial Survival Key For business, non-profit or association managers like yourself, survival pretty much depends on whether you achieve, or fail to achieve your department, division or subsidiary objectives. Writing a Press Release: The Medias Dirty Secret There's a dirty little secret about press releases that the media doesn't want you to know. The fact is, most of them travel directly from the sender's computer to the reporter's trash box. Or from out of the envelope into the "round file." Marketing-Minded Financial Planners Piggyback on Topic A to Get Free Publicity That big story the media pursue each day is what I call Topic A. And even if it doesn't seem to have anything to do with financial planning, it often lead to huge media visibility for you. Publicity: Write a Letter to the Editor for Free Publicity Ever wonder why papers devote a page or more to letters to the editor? Because subscribers love to read them! Make Sure Your Media Room Rocks If a reporter was writing a story about you and your company and she visited your website, could she find anything useful and interesting about you to use in her story? And could she find it quickly? Or would she immediately abandon your site and look for one of your competitors to write about? 7 Simple Steps To A PR Launch A PR product or service launching is a perfect way to build momentum slowly. It handles the first and most important hurdle to overcome in building a brand -- credibility. PR: Ouch! Tells the Tale Ever get the feeling that your public relations program isn't doing much about the behaviors of your important outside audiences? Those audiences whose actions have the greatest impacts on your business? A Powerful PR Strategy It really is powerful when a business, non-profit or association manager uses public relations to alter the individual perception of members of its key outside audiences, thus beginning the process of changing their behaviors. Talk Back Radio - Tips To Be A Star On-Air! Talkback radio offers a fantastic opportunity to access thousands of people instantly and relay your or your company's messages. An interview opportunity is highly sought after in today's business and to learn ways of working effectively with the media invaluable to any business. Generating Publicity: Will The Media Be Interested In My Product/Business? When it comes to launching a new business or product, some marketing consultants might say that EVERY product is appropriate for a publicity or media exposure campaign. That is true to a degree, but as a PR/publicity professional and former media person, I would qualify that statement by saying that although new products would benefit from a solid publicity campaign, not all businesses or products and their pitches will grab the attention of the media. Pot Roast and Public Relations (or, How Your Web Site Can Be Your Best P.R. Tool) Recently I had a craving for pot roast. I racked my brain to think of a restaurant that offered a great pot roast (as you can see, I'm not a whiz in the kitchen). Anyway, I did what I usually do when I need to find information ? I searched Google for "pot roast boca raton" to see what restaurants came up.Well, only one restaurant's menu that featured pot roast came up. I had never eaten there before, so I phoned them to make sure they still had pot roast on the menu (alas, they didn't).But here's the bottom line: I would have become a new customer at this restaurant -- because it offered what I wanted -- and I learned about it while searching the Web. This underscores an important point: every business needs a Web site. Very simply, you never know when potential clients will be searching on the Web for something they need ? and the name of your business or organization will come up.Here's an example. The other night, I got a phone call from a writer in California. She was doing a story on P.R. and my name came up on her Internet search. If it weren't for my Web site, she never would have found me -- and I would have missed the opportunity for publicity.Here's another example. One of my clients told me that a potential customer had decided to do business with his company because of the high quality of its Web site. If you don't think your business or organization needs a Web site, consider this: quite possibly, this very minute, somebody out there is searching the Web for something he or she needs that you can provide. Copyright 2004 Margie Fisher All rights reserved. Ready For A Business Recovery? Who wants to face the challenges of a business recovery without a ton of firepower? Especially when getting your piece of the action almost certainly depends upon how well you modify the behaviors of your target audiences. Financial Planners, Why Advertise When Free Publicity and Marketing Is Better? Commit this to memory, please: To get in the media, being good is good enough. PR: Lets Talk Fundamentals How much more fundamental can you get than this? As a business, non-profit or association manager, if you don't get your most important outside audiences on your side, you will fail. How to Tap in to the Holiday Publicity Bonanza If your product or service can be given as a gift, a publicity windfall awaits at the end of the year - but you need to start working in June. Each December, media outlets cover the newest, the hottest and the most unusual Holiday gifts. The reporters assigned to develop these pieces typically depend on two sources of information: Want to Light a Fire Under Your PR? Yes? Then do something positive about the behaviors of those important external audiences of yours that MOST affect your operation. Are You Sure You Know What Youre Doing? Because when it comes to public relations, non-believers can produce a double-bummer -- missed opportunity AND a ton of wasted money. It really is a shame because we do public relations to change the behaviors of certain groups of people important to the success of those very Doubting Thomases. ![]() |
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