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Business Growth for Financial Planners in Five Easy Steps
Attracting new business: sometimes it happens by luck, sometimes by referral. Trouble is, "sometimes" just isn't often enough. So, if you want to add new clients more frequently than sometimes, you'll have to try something else. And with a few common-sense, do-able, and easy steps, any financial planner can build business ? without resorting to lavish, costly marketing efforts or tasteless promotional hype. Here is a five-step process that is affordable, sensible, and do-able. Make it part of your routine over the next several months, and it will become a second-nature, autopilot system that builds business steadily. This process builds on my core practice-development premise: the professional knowledge and information you possess is also your best marketing tool. You can use it to get prospects' attention, because you're talking about something they care about ? their finances ? rather than touting yourself. 1. Build a good database of prospects and referral sources. A prospect is anyone you've met (this is key; names on a purchased list don't count) who could become a client one day. Anyone who has ever sent you a piece of business, or even just recommended you, also belongs on your list A database is a computer-stored list with all contact information for each person: mail and email addresses, phone and fax numbers. Missing any of these elements will deprive you of a valuable tool to reach your database. Computerizing is essential: it allows you to readily sort your list by categories. Software programs like ACT are best for smaller and mid-sized businesses: they offer the right mix of power, ease, and flexibility. 2. Use your database: communicate regularly with your prospects and referral sources. The key to building business is to remain constantly front-of-mind with the people most likely to hire or refer you. If you've been paying attention, those are the same exact folks who now populate your database. How to stay on their minds, without those pestering phone calls or scheduling 27 lunches a month? By sending them something useful, regularly. Monthly or bi-monthly is best. (This, I promise, it is do-able because creating the piece is going to be simple. See step 4?) And let's avoid that "What's the best way to send something?" trap that stalls many would-be marketing efforts. The truth is: some people prefer email, some snail mail, and you'll never know just who likes what. So we'll cover all bases by rotating the delivery means: an e-mail this month, an article in an envelope next time, an occasional faxed piece. 3. Make them want your messages. The way not to do this is to send them ads, promotions, or self-congratulatory pieces. Instead, send them meaningful messages with valuable information. A heads-up on a new mutual fund offering, perhaps, or a general suggestion for a new retirement planning strategy. Something based on substance, and that spotlights your expertise on the subject. Whether or not they need this particular bit of information right now is irrelevant. Your message reminds them you're out there, thinking of them, and that's all we want to accomplish. 4. Keep it simple. Your messages should be brief ? two or three paragraphs is enough. More detail than that is counterproductive ? it wastes your time, and the reader doesn't need it. If it's still a struggle to write it yourself, verbally brief a staffer, or whoever helps you with marketing, or a freelance writer, on the information. Have them create a first draft. It may not be perfect ? but you can then edit and hone it ? probably in a few minutes. Make this process uncomplicated because that is the key to getting it done. 5. Become a resource ? go to the media. With the steps above, you've become a resource to your prospects. Next, widen your scope by going to the media for free publicity. Media exposure puts your name, face, and expertise in front of new prospects, and it heightens your credibility and market value among those who already know you. Don't be discouraged that you are too small for the media to care. And don't think that you need to spend big bucks, or hire a costly firm. All you need to do is become a resource for reporters, too. Offer to explain the new tax law, or to share your year-end strategies with them. Send an email or make a call, suggesting a specific topic that you've been talking about with your clients lately. Chances are, it's a potential news story. With a little planning and luck, one that quotes you prominently. Ned Steele works with people in professional services who want to build their practice and accelerate their growth. The president of Ned Steele's MediaImpact, he is the author of 102 Publicity Tips To Grow a Business or Practice. To learn more visit http://www.MediaImpact.biz or call 212-243-8383.
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Five Publicity Buckets For Marketing-Minded Financial Planners Maybe you've seen another financial planner on TV, and thought, "Hey, I'm just as good as she. Why didn't the press pick me?" What is News? What may be the more appropriate question is: What makes a story newsworthy enough to get picked up by the media? Here are a few rules of thumb to determine if you have a news angle worthy of press coverage. The Press Release Method to Get Great Publicity If you have had any experience in public relations or marketing, you probably know how well press releases can work. There are many, many companies who have increased sales by 100%-300% in a matter of months simply through using press releases. Doubt PRs Clout? Dont! Done right, it helps modify the behaviors of your most important target audiences, and that can spell S-U-R-V-I-V-A-L. Writing a Press Release: The Medias Dirty Secret There's a dirty little secret about press releases that the media doesn't want you to know. The fact is, most of them travel directly from the sender's computer to the reporter's trash box. Or from out of the envelope into the "round file." Getting Traffic Through Publicity If your reading this, you must be online and most likely have a website. You must also be interested in making money from this website, but there is only one way you can do that- traffic and lots of it. Managers Who Tap Into PRs Value Business, non-profit and association managers get a ton of satisfaction when they do something really positive about the behaviors of those outside audiences that most affect their operation. Especially when they deliver external stakeholder behavior change, the kind that leads directly to achieving their managerial objectives; and even more so when they persuade those important outside folks to their way of thinking, then move them to take actions that help their department, division or subsidiary succeed. Custom Reasons for Custom Publishing Once considered the stepchild of the publishing industry, custom publishing now claims a legitimate slice of the B-to-B MarCom pie. Managers: Can We Agree on This? Your public relations effort really should involve more than press releases, brochures and special events if you are to get your PR money's worth. Gaining Free Publicity Through Press Releases One of the greatest ways to promote your product or service is with publicity. Many people have little, if any, understanding of how to go about securing publicity, never mind free publicity. Fact is, people will pay more attention to free publicity than they often do to paid advertising. Dont Waste Money on Public Relations Demand that it pull its own weight in your boat by working to create, change or reinforce how your organization is perceived by those vital, external audiences, those groups of people who REALLY affect your business the most. Are You a PR Chowderhead? You are if you stand by while your public relations people futz around with communications tactics instead of nailing down those outside audience behaviors that help you reach your objectives. How to Form a Relationship with a Newspaper How do you make a good relationship with a newspaper so that you can get new contacts? Building The Best Network If you want to succeed, build a great team. A great team multiplies your prospects for success; it enables you to form relationships with powerful people who can make your dreams come true. A great network supports your strengths, fills in your weaknesses and allows you to d build on your teammates' accomplishments. When you have a great team, people assume that you are great and will stand in line to get to know you, do business with you, and help you. They will also be delighted to pay your price. Marketing-Minded Financial Planners--Appearing on TV? Tell the World! It doesn't matter how cruel the reality programs get, there always seems to be an endless supply of people willing to humiliate themselves to get on television. There's just something exciting about appearing in front of millions of people. Monarch Health Sciences starts shipping long awaited Monavie and Monavie Active The Acai Berry is starting to gain world wide recognition as a "wonder of nature." On a recent Oprah Winfrey show, titled 'LOOK 10 YEARS YOUNGER IN 10 DAYS," it was named as one of the top ten superfoods in the world for combating the effects of aging. In a location piece shot for and aired on NBC's Today Show, the Acai Berry was referred to as, "the Viagra of the Amazon." Research has shown that the Acai Berry contains more potent antioxidants than any other edible fruit on the planet. It contains over 30 times more beneficial flavinoids than red wine. Creating Your Online News Room: How To Build a Site The Media Will Love From time to time, people ask me how public relations has changedduring the two decades in which I've been seeking publicity. Myanswer: technology. Twenty years ago, the fax machine was anewfangled novelty. Our primary means of communicating withjournalists was the telephone and the US Mail. The advent of e-mail and the web has made life easier in many regards and tougherin others - namely, thanks to hordes of clowns with money makingschemes and software that "blasts" press releasesindiscriminately to reporters, it's become very hard to get youre-mails through to spam-weary reporters. TV Reporter Shares the Secrets to Getting Covered on the News Do you have a great idea for a story, but no clue how to get it in the news? Are you tired of pitching press releases the news media simply ignores? Financial Planners Publicity and Marketing - Live By The Calendar The media live by the calendar. Your story pitch might miss the mark with them the first time out, solely because it's out of whack with the seasonal cycle (obvious examples: just try pitching another tax story on April 16, or offering the media your 10 tips on backyard barbecue safety the morning after Labor Day). Media Releases - Helping Grow Your Business Business people often spend time and money trying to find new ways to stand out from the crowd or craving recognition and exposure for their organisation and its achievements. ![]() |
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